料峭春风ScalersTalk第四轮朗读持续力训练Day20|料峭春风ScalersTalk第四轮朗读持续力训练Day20 20181027

练习材料 Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. 'You must give up fishing!' my friends say.' It's a waste of time.' But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!
任务配置 L0+1+2+3+4+5
知识笔记 1.音标
ɑ 嘴张大张开,成大圆嘴,舌头平放,舌尖不要抵住下齿龈,振动声带。
instead of 对比
spend … on … 花…在…上
be interested in 对…感兴趣
Instead of playing phone games,I'm willing to spend time on studying English or exercising for I'm notinterested in phone games.
练习感受 跟读几遍以后,自己再多读几遍直至流畅,接着再跟读几遍,这样会好点。

【料峭春风ScalersTalk第四轮朗读持续力训练Day20|料峭春风ScalersTalk第四轮朗读持续力训练Day20 20181027】还需要多对比录音和原声差别,多跟读多练习!
