
  • 导语
  • 设计抽象数据类型ADT

package com.zhanwj.datastructure; public interface ListInterface { /** * @return the size of the list */ public int getSize(); /** * @return * if null then return true,else return false */ public boolean isEmpty(); /** * @param mObject the object that wanted to be *confirm whether it is contained in the list * @return if the list contains the object then return true */ public boolean contains(Object mObject); /** * return the index of object in the list * @param mObject * @returnthe index */ public int indexOf(Object mObject); /** * insert element into the list * @param ithe place to insert * @param mObject the element to insert */ public void insert(int i,Object mObject) throws OutOfBoundaryException; /** * insert the element before the mObject * @param mObject * @param element */ public boolean insertBefore(Object mObject,Object element); /** * insert the element after the mObject * @param mObject * @param element */ public boolean insertAfter(Object mObject,Object element); /** * remove the element whose index is i * @param i * @return object */ public Object remove(int i) throws OutOfBoundaryException; /** * remove the object that same as mObject at the first time * @param mObject * @return */ public boolean remove(Object mObject); /** * replace the element whose index is i with mObject * @param i * @param mObject * @return */ public Object replace(int i,Object mObject) throws OutOfBoundaryException; /** * return the element whose index is i * @param i * @return */ public Object get(int i) throws OutOfBoundaryException; }


  • 设计顺序线性表类
设计好抽象数据类型接口之后,就如我们今天复习的主题,使用Array来实现线性表,则定义一个类,implements上面的接口,在类中数据域须为数组,实现接口中声明的操作方法来对数组中的数据进行操作。 顺序线性表ListArray类文件代码,如下所示:
package com.zhanwj.datastructure; /** * use array to implement the list * @author wenjerzhan * */ public class ListArray implements ListInterface { /** * the default length of the array */ private final int LENGTH = 8; /** * the size of the list */ private int size; /** * the array definition */ private Object[] elements; private CompareInterface mCompareInterface; public ListArray(CompareInterface compareInterface){ this.mCompareInterface = compareInterface; this.size = 0; this.elements = new Object[LENGTH]; } @Override public int getSize() { return size; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return size==0; } @Override public boolean contains(Object mObject) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (this.mCompareInterface.equal(mObject, (Object)elements[i])) return true; } return false; } @Override public int indexOf(Object mObject) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (this.mCompareInterface.equal(mObject, elements[i])) return i; } return -1; } @Override public void insert(int i, Object mObject) throws OutOfBoundaryException { if (i < 0||i > size ) throw new OutOfBoundaryException("error,out of the list boundary"); if (size >= elements.length) addArrayLength(); for (int j = size; j >i; j--) elements[j] = elements[j-1]; elements[i] = mObject; size++; } private void addArrayLength(){ Object[] temp = new Object[elements.length*2]; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { temp[i] = elements[i]; } elements = temp; } @Override public boolean insertBefore(Object mObject, Object element) { int index = indexOf(mObject); if (index < 0 ) return false; insert(index, element); return true; } @Override public boolean insertAfter(Object mObject, Object element) { int index = indexOf(mObject); if (index < 0) return false; insert(index+1, element); return true; } @Override public Object remove(int i) throws OutOfBoundaryException { if (i <0 ||i>= size) throw new OutOfBoundaryException("error,out of the boundary"); Object mObject = elements[i]; for (int j = i; j < size-1; j++) { elements[j] = elements[j+1]; } elements[--size] = null; return mObject; } @Override public boolean remove(Object mObject) { int index = indexOf(mObject); if (index < 0 ) return false; remove(index); return true; } @Override public Object replace(int i, Object mObject) throws OutOfBoundaryException { if (i <0 ||i>= size) throw new OutOfBoundaryException("error,out of the boundary"); Object temp = elements[i]; elements[i] = mObject; return temp; } @Override public Object get(int i) throws OutOfBoundaryException { if (i <0 ||i>= size) throw new OutOfBoundaryException("error,out of the boundary"); return elements[i]; }}

  • 类文件UML视图

  • 测试代码
package com.zhanwj.datastructure; public class ListArrayTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ CompareInterface compareInterface = new CompareInterface() {@Override public boolean equal(Object mObject1, Object mObject2) { if (mObject1.equals(mObject2)) return true; return false; }@Override public int compare(Object mObject1, Object mObject2) { return mObject1.toString().compareTo(mObject2.toString()); } }; ListArray mListArray = new ListArray(compareInterface); final int LENGTH = 8; int num = 11; /** * test the getSize() function */ System.out.println("====before insert operation,the size of the list is "+mListArray.getSize()); /** * test the isEmpty() function */ String isEmptyTest = mListArray.isEmpty()?"empty":"not empty"; System.out.println("====before insert operation ,the list is "+isEmptyTest); /** * test the insert(i,object) function */ for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) { mListArray.insert(i, ++num); System.out.println("insert into position "+(i+1)+" with value of "+num); } System.out.println("after insert operation,the size of the list is "+mListArray.getSize()); /** * test the contains(object) function */ String contains = mListArray.contains((Object)14)?"contain":"not contain"; String notContains = mListArray.contains((Object)11)?"contain":"not contain"; System.out.println("====the value 14 "+contains+" in the list"); System.out.println("the value 11 "+notContains+" in the list"); /** * test the indexOf(Object) function */ System.out.println("====the index of 13 is "+ (mListArray.indexOf((Object)13)+1)); /** * test the insertBefore(object1,object2) function */ mListArray.insertBefore(14, 44); System.out.println("====insert 44 before 14!"); System.out.print("the list is:"); for (int i = 0; i < mListArray.getSize(); i++) { System.out.print(mListArray.get(i)+"\t"); } System.out.println(); /** * test the insertAfter(object1,object2) function */ mListArray.insertAfter(14, 45); System.out.println("====insert 45 after 14!"); System.out.print("the list is:"); for (int i = 0; i < mListArray.getSize(); i++) { System.out.print(mListArray.get(i)+"\t"); } System.out.println(); /** * test the remove(i) function */ mListArray.remove(7); System.out.print("====after remove,the list is:"); for (int i = 0; i < mListArray.getSize(); i++) { System.out.print(mListArray.get(i)+"\t"); } System.out.println(); /** * test the replace(i,object) function */ mListArray.replace(7, 23); System.out.print("====after replace,the list is:"); for (int i = 0; i < mListArray.getSize(); i++) { System.out.print(mListArray.get(i)+"\t"); } } }

====before insert operation,the size of the list is 0
====before insert operation ,the list is empty
insert into position 1 with value of 12
insert into position 2 with value of 13
insert into position 3 with value of 14
insert into position 4 with value of 15
insert into position 5 with value of 16
insert into position 6 with value of 17
insert into position 7 with value of 18
insert into position 8 with value of 19
after insert operation,the size of the list is 8
====the value 14 contain in the list
the value 11 not contain in the list
====the index of 13 is 2
====insert 44 before 14!
the list is:12 1344141516171819
====insert 45 after 14!
the list is:12 134414451516171819
====after remove,the list is:121344144515161819
====after replace,the list is:121344144515162319

