
#ifndef ARRAY_H_#include #include #include #include using namespace std; template class Array{ public: Array() : capacity_(10), ptr_(new T[capacity_], [](T *p){delete[] p; }), size_(0){} Array(size_t capacity) :capacity_(capacity), ptr_(new T[capacity_], [](T *p){delete[] p; }), size_(0){} Array(const Array &other); ~Array(){} //获取数组存储元素大小 size_t &size(){ return size_; } //判断是否为空 bool empty(){ return size_ == 0; } //获取数组容器的承载能力大小 size_t &max_size(){ return capacity_; } //插入元素 void insert(const int &index, const T &value); //删除元素 T erase(const int &index); //修改指定位置元素 void replace(const int &index, const T &value); //获取元素 T get(const int &index){ return *(ptr_.get() + index); } //打印数组 void print(); public: void expend_capacity(); //动态扩容 size_t capacity_; size_t size_; shared_ptr ptr_; }; template Array::Array(const Array &other) { this->size_ = other.size_; this->capacity_ = other.capacity_; this->ptr_ = shared_ptr(new T[capacity_], [](T *p){delete[] p; }); copy(other.ptr_.get(), other.ptr_.get() + other.size_, ptr_.get()); }template void Array::expend_capacity() { shared_ptr temp(new T[capacity_]); if (size_ == 0){ return; } else{ copy(ptr_.get(), ptr_.get() + size_, temp.get()); ptr_.swap(temp); temp.reset(); return; } }template void Array::insert(const int &index, const T &value) { if (index<0){ cout << "index out of range,index < 0" << endl; exit(0); } if (size_ + 1>capacity_){ capacity_ *= 2; expend_capacity(); } if (index >= size_){ *(ptr_.get() + size_) = value; } else{ copy(ptr_.get() + index, ptr_.get() + size_, ptr_.get() + index + 1); *(ptr_.get() + index) = value; } ++size_; }template T Array::erase(const int &index) { if (index >= size_ || index < 0){ cout << "index out of range,index < 0 or index >= size" << endl; exit(0); } if (index == size_ - 1){ --size_; return *(ptr_.get() + index); } else{ T temp = *(ptr_.get() + index); copy(ptr_.get() + index + 1, ptr_.get() + size_, ptr_.get() + index); --size_; return temp; } }template void Array::replace(const int &index, const T &value) { if (index >= size_ || index < 0){ cout << "index out of range,index < 0 or index >= size" << endl; exit(0); } *(ptr_.get() + index) = value; }template void Array::print() { for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i){ cout << this->get(i) << " "; } cout << endl; }#endif // !ARRAY_H_

int main() { //数组 Array array1; cout << array1.max_size() << endl; array1.insert(0, 1); array1.insert(0, 2); array1.insert(0, 3); array1.print(); array1.erase(1); cout << array1.size() << endl; cout << array1.get(0) << endl; array1.print(); return 0; }

