
一方面,由于直接利用robot toolbox 工具箱的正逆解函数:ikine()和fkine()去做控制是在求解过程中出现红色字体的警告信息,且在使用过程中都直接调用fkine()求逆解,打开它又不太了解具体编写细节。还不如自己编写正逆运动学方程,当然这个也是直接来源于正逆运动学和参看(,机器人学导论中第三章和第四章中的内容)。

clear ; clc; L1=Link([00.40.025pi/20]); L2=Link([pi/200.5600]); L3=Link([000.035pi/20]); L4=Link([00.5150pi/20]); L5=Link([pi00pi/20]); L6=Link([00.08000]); t3r=[L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6]; bot=SerialLink(t3r,'name','Useless'); a = imaqhwinfo; %[camera_name, camera_id, format] = getCameraInfo(a); f1=figure; % set (gcf,'Position',[200,200,400,500], 'color','w'); f2=figure; % Capture the video frames using the videoinput function % You have to replace the resolution & your installed adaptor name. vid = videoinput('winvideo',1,'YUY2_640x480'); %sls=videoinput('winvideo',1) % Set the properties of the video objectset(vid,'TriggerRepeat',Inf); vid.TriggerRepeat= Inf; %持续不断获取图像 set(vid, 'ReturnedColorspace', 'rgb')%设置颜色空间为RGB vid.FrameGrabInterval = 1; %每隔5帧取一幅图像 preview(vid); %预览窗口%start(vid) %start the video aquisition heren=50; % Set a loop that stop after 100 frames of aquisition while(vid.FramesAcquired<=500)% Get the snapshot of the current frame data=; data=imresize(data,[400,500]); % Now to track red objects in real time % we have to subtract the red component % from the grayscale image to extract the red components in the image. diff_im = imsubtract(data(:,:,1), rgb2gray(data)); %Use a median filter to filter out noise diff_im = medfilt2(diff_im, [3 3]); % Convert the resulting grayscale image into a binary image. diff_im = im2bw(diff_im,0.18); % Remove all those pixels less than 300px diff_im = bwareaopen(diff_im,300); % Label all the connected components in the image. bw = bwlabel(diff_im, 8); % Here we do the image blob analysis. % We get a set of properties for each labeled region. stats = regionprops(logical(bw),'BoundingBox', 'Centroid'); figure(f1) imshow(data) for object = 1:length(stats) bb = stats(object).BoundingBox; bc = stats(object).Centroid; rectangle('Position',bb,'EdgeColor','g','LineWidth',3) a=text(bc(1)+15,bc(2), strcat('X: ', num2str(round(bc(1))), 'Y: ', num2str(round(bc(2))))); set(a, 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontSize', 14, 'Color', 'blue'); Px=bc(1); Py=bc(2); Pz=2*bc(1)+3*bc(2); a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; K = (Px^2+Py^2+Pz^2-a2^2-a3^2-d3^2-d4^2)/(2*a2); theta1 = (atan2(Py,Px)-atan2(d3,sqrt(Px^2+Py^2-d3^2))); c1 = cos(theta1); s1 = sin(theta1); theta3 = (atan2(a3,d4)-atan2(real(K),real(sqrt(a3^2+d4^2-K^2)))); c3 = cos(theta3); s3 = sin(theta3); t23 = atan2((-a3-a2*c3)*Pz-(c1*Px+s1*Py)*(d4-a2*s3),(a2*s3-d4)*Pz+(a3+a2*c3)*(c1*Px+s1*Py)); theta2 = (t23 - theta3); c2 = cos(theta2); s2 = sin(theta2); s23 = ((-a3-a2*c3)*Pz+(c1*Px+s1*Py)*(a2*s3-d4))/(Pz^2+(c1*Px+s1*Py)^2); c23 = ((a2*s3-d4)*Pz+(a3+a2*c3)*(c1*Px+s1*Py))/(Pz^2+(c1*Px+s1*Py)^2); theta4 = atan2(s1+c1,c1*c23-s1*c23 + s23); c4 = cos(theta4); s4 = sin (theta4); s5 = -((c1*c23*c4+s1*s4)+(s1*c23*c4-c1*s4)-(s23*c4)); c5 = (-c1*s23)+(-s1*s23)+(-c23); theta5 = atan2(s5,c5); s6 = (c1*c23*s4-s1*c4)-(s1*c23*s4+c1*c4)+(s23*s4); c6 = ((c1*c23*c4+s1*s4)*c5-c1*s23*s5)+((s1*c23*c4-c1*s4)*c5-s1*s23*s5)-(s23*c4*c5+c23*s5); theta6 = atan2(s6,c6); q=[theta1 theta2 theta3 theta4 theta5 theta6]; figure(f2) bot.plot(q); end end


