
1、前记:这几天同样在MATLAB官网上学习了些机器人相关的基础知识。看到官方新推出的机器人系统工具箱(Robotics System Toolbox)的功能在很多方面都强于Robotics Toolbox,而且要更好的利用其学习必须结合到ROS一起学习。之前一直犹豫是因为不熟悉ROS和Ubuntu系统,另外想装虚拟机又嫌麻烦,但从长远看十分有必要学习ROS了,想到自己基础薄弱便担心其路途遥远啊~ ~//

%% 2-D Path Tracing With Inverse Kinematics %% Introduction % This example shows how to calculate inverse kinematics for a simple 2D % manipulator using the class. % The manipulator robot is a simple 2-degree-of-freedom planar % manipulator with revolute joints which is created by assembling rigid bodies into % a object. A circular trajectory is % created in a 2-D plane and given as points to the inverse kinematics solver. The solver % calculates the required joint positions to achieve this trajectory. % Finally, the robot is animated to show the robot configurations that % achieve the circular trajectory.%本示例演示如何使用机器人来计算简单2D 机械手的逆运动学。 机械手机器人是一个简单的2自由度平面机械手, 它是通过将刚体装配成robotics.RigidBodyTree 对象。 在2维平面上创建一个圆形轨迹, 并将其作为反向运动学求解器的指向。 规划求解计算所需的关节位置以实现此轨迹。 最后, 对机器人进行了动画演示, 显示了实现圆形轨迹的机器人配置。 %%% Construct The Robot % Create a |RigidBodyTree| object and rigid bodies with their % associated joints. Specify the geometric properties of each rigid body % and add it to the robot. % Start with a blank rigid body tree model%构造机器人 创建一个RigidBodyTree对象和刚性体与他们的关联关节。指定每个刚体的几何性质并将其添加到机器人中。 从一个空白的刚体树模型开始 robot = robotics.RigidBodyTree('DataFormat','column','MaxNumBodies',3); %% % Specify arm lengths for the robot arm.//指定机械手臂的长度 L1 = 0.4; L2 = 0.3; %% % Add |'link1'| body with |'joint1'| joint.//添加'link1'身体与'joint1'关节。 body = robotics.RigidBody('link1'); joint = robotics.Joint('joint1', 'revolute'); setFixedTransform(joint,trvec2tform([0 0 0])); joint.JointAxis = [0 0 1]; body.Joint = joint; addBody(robot, body, 'base'); %% % Add |'link2'| body with |'joint2'| joint.//添加'link2'身体与'joint2'关节。 body = robotics.RigidBody('link2'); joint = robotics.Joint('joint2','revolute'); setFixedTransform(joint, trvec2tform([L1,0,0])); joint.JointAxis = [0 0 1]; body.Joint = joint; addBody(robot, body, 'link1'); %% % Add |'tool'| end effector with |'fix1'| fixed joint.//添加 " 'fix1'固定接头的'tool'端效应器。 body = robotics.RigidBody('tool'); joint = robotics.Joint('fix1','fixed'); setFixedTransform(joint, trvec2tform([L2, 0, 0])); body.Joint = joint; addBody(robot, body, 'link2'); %% % Show details of the robot to validate the input properties. The robot % should have two non-fixed joints for the rigid bodies and a fixed body % for the end-effector.%显示机器人的详细信息以验证输入属性。机器人应该有两个非固定的关节 为刚体和一个固定的机构为末端执行器。 % showdetails(robot)%% Define The Trajectory % Define a circle to be traced over the course of 10 seconds. This circle % is in the _xy_ plane with a radius of 0.15.%定义轨迹:定义一个圆, 在10秒的过程中跟踪。这个圆圈在 xy 平面上, 半径为0.15。 % t = (0:0.2:10)'; % Time count = length(t); center = [0.3 0.1 0]; radius = 0.15; theta = t*(2*pi/t(end)); points = center + radius*[cos(theta) sin(theta) zeros(size(theta))]; %% Inverse Kinematics Solution % Use an |InverseKinematics| object to find a solution of robotic % configurations that achieve the given end-effector positions along the % trajectory. %逆运动学解:使用InverseKinematics对象找到机器人配置的解决方案, 以实现沿轨迹给定的最终末端位置。%% % Pre-allocate configuration solutions as a matrix |qs|.//预分配配置解决方案作为矩阵qs. q0 = homeConfiguration(robot); ndof = length(q0); qs = zeros(count, ndof); %% % Create the inverse kinematics solver. Because the _xy_ Cartesian points are the % only important factors of the end-effector pose for this workflow, % specify a non-zero weight for the fourth and fifth elements of the % |weight| vector. All other elements are set to zero.%创建反向运动学求解器。因为 xy 笛卡尔点是此工作流的末端姿态的唯一重要因素, 所以请为weight向量的第四和第五元素指定一个非零权重。所有其他元素都设置为零。 %ik = robotics.InverseKinematics('RigidBodyTree', robot); weights = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]; endEffector = 'tool'; %% % Loop through the trajectory of points to trace the circle. Call the |ik| % object for each point to generate the joint configuration that achieves % the end-effector position. Store the configurations to use later.%通过点的轨迹循环来跟踪圆。调用每个点的ik对象以生成实现末端位置的关节配置。存储要稍后使用的配置。 %qInitial = q0; % Use home configuration as the initial guess for i = 1:count % Solve for the configuration satisfying the desired end effector % position point = points(i,:); qSol = ik(endEffector,trvec2tform(point),weights,qInitial); % Store the configuration qs(i,:) = qSol; % Start from prior solution qInitial = qSol; end%% Animate The Solution % Plot the robot for each frame of the solution using that specific robot % configuration. Also, plot the desired trajectory. %% % Show the robot in the first configuration of the trajectory. Adjust the % plot to show the 2-D plane that circle is drawn on. Plot the desired % trajectory.%对解决方案进行动画处理:使用特定的机器人配置为解决方案的每个帧绘制机器人。 同时, 绘制所需的轨迹。在轨迹的第一个配置中显示机器人。调整图形以显示2维平面, 该圆被绘制。绘制所需的轨迹。 %figure show(robot,qs(1,:)'); view(2) ax = gca; ax.Projection = 'orthographic'; hold on plot(points(:,1),points(:,2),'k') axis([-0.1 0.7 -0.3 0.5])%% % Set up a object to display the robot % trajectory at a fixed rate of 15 frames per second. Show the robot in % each configuration from the inverse kinematic solver. Watch as the arm % traces the circular trajectory shown.%建立robotics.Rate对象以每秒15帧的固定速率显示机器人轨迹。 从逆运动学求解器中显示每个配置中的机器人。观察手臂跟踪显示的圆形轨迹。 %framesPerSecond = 15; r = robotics.Rate(framesPerSecond); for i = 1:count show(robot,qs(i,:)','PreservePlot',false); drawnow waitfor(r); end



%%机器人创建 robot = robotics.RigidBodyTree('DataFormat','column','MaxNumBodies',4); L1 = 0.3; L2 = 0.3; L3=0.2; body = robotics.RigidBody('link1'); joint = robotics.Joint('joint1', 'revolute'); setFixedTransform(joint,trvec2tform([0 0 0])); joint.JointAxis = [0 0 1]; body.Joint = joint; addBody(robot, body, 'base'); body = robotics.RigidBody('link2'); joint = robotics.Joint('joint2','revolute'); setFixedTransform(joint, trvec2tform([L1,0,0])); joint.JointAxis = [0 0 1]; body.Joint = joint; addBody(robot, body, 'link1'); body = robotics.RigidBody('link3'); joint = robotics.Joint('joint3','revolute'); setFixedTransform(joint, trvec2tform([L2,0,0])); joint.JointAxis = [0 0 1]; body.Joint = joint; addBody(robot, body, 'link2'); body = robotics.RigidBody('tool'); joint = robotics.Joint('fix1','fixed'); setFixedTransform(joint, trvec2tform([L3, 0, 0])); body.Joint = joint; addBody(robot, body, 'link3'); %%定义圆的轨迹 t = (0:0.2:10)'; % Time count = length(t); center = [0.5 0.1 0]; radius = 0.2; theta = t*(2*pi/t(end)); points = center + radius*[cos(theta) sin(theta) zeros(size(theta))]; %%机器人初始配置 q0 = homeConfiguration(robot); ndof = length(q0); qs = zeros(count, ndof); %%逆运动求解 ik = robotics.InverseKinematics('RigidBodyTree', robot); weights = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]; endEffector = 'tool'; qInitial = q0; % Use home configuration as the initial guess for i = 1:count % Solve for the configuration satisfying the desired end effector % position point = points(i,:); qSol = ik(endEffector,trvec2tform(point),weights,qInitial); % Store the configuration qs(i,:) = qSol; % Start from prior solution qInitial = qSol; end %%动画显示 figure show(robot,qs(1,:)'); view(2) ax = gca; ax.Projection = 'orthographic'; hold on plot(points(:,1),points(:,2),'k') axis([-0.1 0.7 -0.3 0.5])framesPerSecond = 15; r = robotics.Rate(framesPerSecond); for i = 1:count show(robot,qs(i,:)','PreservePlot',false); drawnow waitfor(r); end


