go 入门1 —— 基础语法

【go 入门1 —— 基础语法】主要内容为,基本类型,流程控制,对象接口,方法调用,异常等方面

package mainimport ( "errors" "fmt" "runtime" "time" )const ( aaaa=1 WHITE= iota BLACK HEHE )var ( AA=1 aa=1 )type( //method func1 func(int)int testInt func(int) bool // 定义一个 DivideError 结构 DivideError struct { dividee int divider int } hehe struct { width ,height int name string } heheqq struct { hand hehe hh,ww int } ha struct { //匿名为继承 heheqq aa int } Men interface { say() } ) /**Methods Receivers Values (t T) T and *T (t *T) *T 如果是值接收者,实体类型的值和指针都可以实现对应的接口;如果是指针接收者,那么只有类型的指针能够实现对应的接口。 **/ func (hh *heheqq) say1(){ fmt.Println(111) }funcarea1(hh heheqq)int{ return hh.hh*hh.ww }func (hh *heheqq) area()int{ return hh.hh*hh.ww }//explain func main(){ fmt.Println("hello world") //baseTypeTest baseTypeTest() //if for switch gogoTest() //methodTest methodTest() //error panic recover errorTest() //object objectTest() //goroutine gogo() //channel channelTest() //select selectTest() //time out timeoutTest() } func timeoutTest(){ c := make(chan int) o := make(chan bool) go func() { for { select { case v := <- c: println(v) case <-time.After(5*time.Second): println("timeout") o <- true break //default: // fmt.Println("heheda") // } } }() <- o } func selectTest(){ c :=make(chan int) quit :=make(chan int) go func() { for i:=1; i<10 ; i++ { fmt.Println(<-c) } quit <-0 }() fibonacciSelect(c,quit) } func fibonacciSelect(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 1, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x + y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } }func channelTest(){ a := []int{7, 2, 8, -9, 4, 0} //无缓冲 channel, c := make(chan int) go sum(a[:len(a)/2],c) go sum(a[len(a)/2:],c) //receive from c x,y := <-c,<-c fmt.Println(x,y,x+y) //带缓冲 cb :=make(chan int,4) cb <- 1 cb <- 2 cb <- 1 cb <- 2 fmt.Println(<-cb,<-cb) fmt.Println(<-cb,<-cb) //for ccc :=make(chan int,10) go fibonacci(cap(ccc),ccc) for i :=rangeccc{ fmt.Println(i,"-------") } }func fibonacci(n int, c chan int) { x, y := 1, 1 for i := 0; i < n; i++ { c <- x x, y = y, x + y } close(c) } func sum(a []int,c chan int){ total :=0 for _,v :=rangea{ total +=v } //send to c c <- total } func gogo(){ fmt.Println("goroutine----------------") fmt.Println("gogogo") go saysay("hello") go saysay("he11") saysay("world") fmt.Println("hehe") }func saysay(ss string){ for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { runtime.Gosched() fmt.Println(ss) } }func baseTypeTest(){ fmt.Println("baseTypeTest-----------") println("枚举",HEHE,WHITE,BLACK) a :=1 b :="1" c :=[]int{1,2,3} ccc :=c[1:2] var cc =c[1:2] d :=make(map[string]int) e :=map[string]int{"11":2,"33":4} e["11"]=33 ep :=e app :=&a *app=11 epp :=&e //*epp["gg"]=11 fmt.Println(a,b,c,cc,ccc,d,e,ep,app) fmt.Printf("ip 变量储存的指针地址: %x\n", epp ) } func gogoTest(){ fmt.Println("process Test---------") ifa :=1 if ifa>=1 { fmt.Println("heheha") } if ifa=2; ifa>0{ fmt.Println("hehe",ifa) } for i :=1; i<10 ; i++{ fmt.Println("haha",i) } for ifa<10{ ifa+=1 fmt.Println(ifa,"heheda") funcTest(ifa) } a :=[]int{1,2,3} //traverse for index,value :=rangea{ fmt.Println(index,value,"=============") } for _,value :=rangea{ fmt.Println(value,"=============") } for value :=rangea{ fmt.Println(value,"========3333=====") } }func methodTest(){ fmt.Println("methodTest------------") fa,fb,fc :=test(1,2,3) fmt.Println(fa,fb,fc) fmt.Println(test1(11,22,33)) test2(1,2,3,4) //func method fmt.Println() fmt.Println(funcmethod(22,funcmethod0)) }func errorTest(){ fmt.Println("------error panic recover-----") testException() testCumstomException() //custom error fmt.Println("------custom-----") if result, errorMsg := Divide(100, 10); errorMsg == "" { fmt.Println("100/10 = ", result) } // 当除数为零的时候会返回错误信息 if _, errorMsg := Divide(100, 0); errorMsg != "" { fmt.Println("errorMsg is: ", errorMsg) } } func objectTest(){ fmt.Println("objtest----------") var obja hehe fmt.Println(obja) obja.name="aa" obja.width=111 obja.height=22 fmt.Println(obja) obbj :=hehe{} fmt.Println(obbj,"obbj--") objb :=hehe{1,2,"111"} fmt.Println("11",objb) //指针传递 objc :=&objb objc.height=1 fmt.Println(objc) fmt.Println(objb) //深拷贝 objd :=objb objd.width=33 fmt.Println(objd) fmt.Println(objb) obje :=hehe{width:1,height:2222} fmt.Println(obje) gggg :=heheqq{hehe{1,2,"hehe"},3,4} fmt.Println(gggg) //deep copy gg1 :=gggg gg1.hh=33 fmt.Println(gggg,gg1) gg2 :=&gggg gg2.ww=44 fmt.Println(gggg,gg2,*gg2,"pp") fmt.Println(gggg.area(),area1(gggg)) gg3 :=ha{gggg,1} fmt.Println(gg3.area()) }// 实现 `error` 接口 func (de *DivideError) Error() string { strFormat := ` Cannot proceed, the divider is zero. dividee: %d divider: 0 ` return fmt.Sprintf(strFormat, de.dividee) }// 定义 `int` 类型除法运算的函数 func Divide(varDividee int, varDivider int) (result int, errorMsg string) { if varDivider == 0 { dData := DivideError{ dividee: varDividee, divider: varDivider, } errorMsg = dData.Error() return } else { return varDividee / varDivider, "" }}func funcTest(aa int)bool{ fmt.Println("switch test-------------") a :=aa switch a { case 1: fmt.Println(11) case 2,3,4: fmt.Println(a) case 5: fmt.Println(a) fallthrough default: fmt.Println("default") } return false }func test(a int ,b int ,c int)(int ,int ,int){ return 1,2,3 } func test1(a int,b int,c int)(aa int,bb int,cc int){ aa,bb,cc =a,b,c returnaa,bb,cc } //数组遍历 func test2(a ...int){ fmt.Println("traverse----------") defer fmt.Println("close close close") defer fmt.Println("close ---- close ----- close") fmt.Println(a) for i:=0; i< len(a); i++{ fmt.Println(a[i],"----------") } for index,value :=rangea{ fmt.Println(index,value,"=============") } for _,value :=rangea{ fmt.Println(value,"=============") } for value :=rangea{ fmt.Println(value,"=============") } }func funcmethod0(a int)int{ return a }func funcmethod(a int,funct func1)bool{ return a>funct(a) } //defer panic recover // 1、Go中没有 try...catch...finally机制 //2、Go中用 defer panic recover来处理 func testException() { //func() {}() defer func() { err :=recover() if err !=nil{ fmt.Println("err=",err) fmt.Println("send") } }() num1 := 10 num2 := 0 res := num1 / num2 fmt.Println("res=",res) }//自定义异常 recover=catch func testCumstomException(){ defer func() { err :=recover() fmt.Println("catchrecover",err) }() err :=readConf("heheda") if err!=nil { fmt.Println("catch:",err) panic(err) } }func readConf(name string) error{ if name=="config.ini" { return nil } return errors.New("文件名错误-------") }
