《黑暗之魂3》1.09更新内容一览 英文原版

《黑暗之魂3》1.09更新内容一览 英文原版


《黑暗之魂3》进行了1.09版本更新,具体都有什么改动呢?下面小编带来《黑暗之魂3》1.09更新内容一览,一起来看吧 。
《黑暗之魂3》1.09更新内容一览 英文原版

Ashen Ones,
The regulation version 1.09 will be deployed on July 1st.
The update will not require any patch or maintenance.
Please find below the full list of changes included in this version:
All Dagger weapons: increased critical attack power.
Dark Sword: reduced weapon efficiency.
Anri’s Straight Sword: reduced scaling effects.
Wolnir’s Holy Sword: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
Crescent Moon Sword: added intelligence scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
Morne’s Great Hammer: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
Lothric’s Holy Sword: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
Yorshka’s Spear: increased FP damage effects.
Scholar’s Candlestick: reduced sorcery-strengthening properties
Demon’s Fist: reduced weight.
Greatsword of Judgement: increased attack power.
Heysel’s Pick: increased intelligence scaling.
All shield-piercing weapons: added shield-piercing properties to regular attacks.
All Skills that enchant a weapon with special properties: extended length of effect.
Obscuring Ring: increased distance at which ring takes effect.
Hornet Ring: adjusted efficiency.
Black Serpent: adjusted tracking.
Lightning Stake: now requires 1 attunement slot.
Magic Barrier/Great Magic Barrier: extended length of effect.
Divine Pillars of Light: increased attack power.
White Dragon Breath: reduced stamina consumption.
All Bug Pellet items: extended length of effect.
Addressed other game balance issues and fixed other flaws.
Embrace the Darkness!
所有匕首武器:增加攻击力 。
黑暗剑:降低武器效率 。
上的剑:减少结垢的影响 。
【《黑暗之魂3》1.09更新内容一览 英文原版】wolnir圣剑:增加信心的缩放和调整武器效率因此 。
新月剑:增加智力缩放和调整武器效率 。
日的大铁锤:增加信心的缩放和调整武器效率因此 。
lothric圣剑:增加信心的缩放和调整武器效率因此 。
yorshka的枪:增加FP损伤的影响 。
恶魔之拳:减肥 。
巨剑的判断:增加攻击力 。
海瑟尔的选择:增加智能缩放 。
所有盾刺武器:增加盾穿孔属性定期攻击 。
所有的技能,获得具有特殊性能的武器:影响延伸长度 。
模糊圈:增加距离,环生效 。
大黄蜂环:调整效率 。
黑蛇:调整后的跟踪 。
闪电入股:现在需要1个调音槽 。
魔法屏障/巨大魔法屏障:延长长度的效果 。
神圣的支柱:增加攻击力 。
白龙呼吸:减少体力消耗 。
所有的错误颗粒项目:延长长度的效果 。
解决其他游戏平衡问题和固定的其他缺陷 。

All Dagger weapons: increased critical attack power.
Dark Sword: reduced weapon efficiency.
Anri’s Straight Sword: reduced scaling effects.
Wolnir’s Holy Sword: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
我尼尔: 增加信仰补正,调整武器性能 。
Crescent Moon Sword: added intelligence scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
无名指那个曲剑:增加智力补正,调整武器性能 。
Morne’s Great Hammer: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
摩恩大锤:增加信仰补正,调整性能 。
Lothric’s Holy Sword: added faith scaling and adjusted weapon efficiency accordingly.
小王子剑:增加信仰补正,调整性能 。
Yorshka’s Spear: increased FP damage effects.
Scholar’s Candlestick: reduced sorcery-strengthening properties
Demon’s Fist: reduced weight.
Greatsword of Judgement: increased attack power.
Heysel’s Pick: increased intelligence scaling.
All shield-piercing weapons: added shield-piercing properties to regular attacks.
