Walking Stairs Will Keep You in Shape走楼梯会让你保持健康Fangce lives in a very tall building.
方策住在一栋很高的大楼里 。
【关于健康的英语作文 以健康为主题的作文题目】There are thirty floors.
有三十层楼 。
He lives on the nineteenth floor.
他住在十九楼 。
He takes the elevator to go up and down.
他乘电梯上下楼 。
Xiaoyu lives in the same building, too.
小玉也住在同一栋楼里 。
She lives on the eleventh floor.
她住在十一楼 。
She usually goes up and down on foot.
她通常步行上下楼 。
She likes walking, she always says: “Walking stairs will keep me in shape.”
她喜欢步行 。她总是说:“走楼梯会让我保持健康 。”
小学英语双语作文写作练习、双语阅读系列 。适合家长辅导孩子 。以提升孩子英语写作水平 。每日新鲜出炉 。绝无重复 。多为随笔 。雅俗共赏 。中英分离 。方便编辑 。拿来可用 。宝爸宝妈们 。为了孩子 。努力吧 。
Walking Stairs Will Keep You in Shape
Fangce lives in a very tall building. There are thirty floors. He lives on the nineteenth floor. He takes the elevator to go up and down.
Xiaoyu lives in the same building, too. She lives on the eleventh floor. She usually goes up and down on foot. She likes walking, she always says: “Walking stairs will keep me in shape.”
方策住在一栋很高的大楼里 。有三十层楼 。他住在十九楼 。他乘电梯上下楼 。
小玉也住在同一栋楼里 。她住在十一楼 。她通常步行上下楼 。她喜欢步行 。她总是说:“走楼梯会让我保持健康 。”
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