难以接受的近义词 接受的近义词有哪些( 三 )

always [???lwe?z]ad.总是;一直;永远
America [??mer?k?]n.美国;美洲
American [??mer?k?n]a.n.美国人;美国人的;美国人
among [??m??]prep.在……中间;在(三个以上)之间
这两个词都含有“在……中间”的意思 。
among 用于“三者或三者以上之间”
He built a house among the forest. 他在树林中盖了一间房 。
between 则用于“两者之间”
What is the difference between the two words?
ancient [?e?n??nt]a.古代的;古老的
and [?nd, ?nd]conj.和;又;而
and so on 等等
This book tells about food, fruits, dishes and so on.
这本书讲了有关食物、水果、菜肴等等有关的东西 。
angry [??nɡr?]a.生气的,愤怒的
be angry with/at/about
another [??n?e?(r)]a.pron.再一;另一;别的;不同的;另一个
answer [?ɑ?ns?(r); (US) ??ns?r]n.&v.回答;解决方案;反应
I couldn’t answer all the exam questions.
我没能作答全部的试卷问题 。
the answer to sth. ......的答案/解决方案
ant [?nt]n.蚂蚁
There are some ants in the tree. 树里有一些蚂蚁 。
any [?en? we?]pron. 任何一个人/物adj.每一的;任何一个的
anybody[?en?b?d?] pron.任何人,无论谁
anyone [?en?w?n]pron.任何人,无论谁
anything [?en?θ??]pron.什么事(物);任何事(物)
anywhere [?eniwe?(r)]ad.任何地方
appear[??p??(r)] vi.出现
It appears that he's lost interest in singing.(看来他对唱歌失去兴趣了 。)
apple [??p(?)l]n. 苹果
April [?e?pr(?)l]n.四月
area [?e?r??]n.面积;地域;区域;范围;领域
arm [ɑ?m]n.臂,支架
army [?ɑ?m?]n.军队
around [??ra?nd]prep.围绕;环绕;在...…四周
arrive [??ra?v] vi.到达;达到
arrive at/in
They arrived in Hangzhou on time.(他们按时到达杭州 。)
art [ɑ?t]n.艺术,美术;技艺
article [?ɑ?t?k(?)l]n.文章;东西;冠词
artist [?ɑ?t?st]
as[?z, ?z]adv./conj./prep 同样地;与……一样;作为
Tom is as tall as his brother. 汤姆和他弟弟一样高 。
as a result 结果
He works hard all day, as a result, he got a good mark in his English exam. 他整日努力学习,因此在英语考试中取得了优异的成绩 。
as if 仿佛,好像
He talks as if he knew about it. 他说起来好像知道这件事似的 。
as long as 只要,和……一样长:
You will do well in your English study as/so long as you keep on.只要坚持下去,你一定能学好英语。
as well 也
My class went to the cinema and I went there as well. 我们班去电影院了,我也去了那里 。
Asia [?e???]n.亚洲
Asian [?e??(?)n, ?e??(?)n] n./a. 亚洲人;亚洲(人)的
ask***to do sth.
ask for 请求,寻求
He asked a policeman for help when was in trouble yesterday. 昨天他有困难时向警察求助 。
fall asleep 入睡
Though it is 12 in the night. I still find it hard to fall asleep.尽管已经是夜里12点钟了,我发现还是很难入 睡 。
at [?t]prep.在(几点钟);在(某处)
Atlantic Ocean n.大西洋
pay attention to 关注/注意......
August [???ɡ?st]n.八月
aunt [ɑ?nt; (US) ?nt]n.伯母;舅母;审;姑;姨
Australia [??stre?lj?]n.澳洲;澳大利亚
Australian [??stre?l??n]a.n.澳洲的;澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人
