难以接受的近义词 接受的近义词有哪些

接受的近义词包括:批准、认可、同意、赞同、认可、容忍、接纳、采纳、赞成、认同等 。这些词语都意味着某人或某组织把某种看法、观念、建议、提议或行为视为正确或可行,并表示支持和赞同 。接受的近义词在不同情境和语境中有所差异,需要根据具体的语言表达场合和意图来选择合适的词语 。
生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物 。
I received his invitation but I didn’t accept it.(我收到他的邀请,但我没接受 。)
accident [??ks?d?nt]n. 事故;偶然
by accident意外地,偶然地
a traffic accident 交通事故
according to prep. 根据…;依照
according to根据,按照
He hopes to achieve all the aims soon .
(他希望很快达成所有目标 。)
across [??kr?s]prep横过;穿过
across prep.在…...对面,横穿
近义词辨析:across 和through
across表示“横过,穿过”,着重指从路线或物体表面的一边到另一边(表面) 。
across the street 横过马路
through “穿过,从……中间通过”,着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头(内部) 。
through the forest 穿过森林
act [?kt]n. v.法令;条例表演,扮演(角色);演出,行动
act as担任(起...作用)
词性转换:actor/actress n.男演员/女演员
action [??k?(?)n]n.行动
We must take action right now, otherwise we'll be late.
我们现在就得采取行动了,否则就迟到了 。
take an active part in 积极参加......
I don’t think everyone should take an active part in the social activities.
我认为并不是所有的人都应该积极参与到社会活动中去 。
add to 增加,增添
add up 合计
add up to 合计达
add…to… 把......添加到......
advantage [?d?vɑ?nt?d?]n.优点;好处
advertisement [?d?v?:t? *** ?nt](ad)n.公告;启事;广告
Have you read the want ad in the newspaper?你看过报纸上的招聘广告吗?
Put an advertisement in the newspaper
advice [?d?va?s]n.忠告;劝告;建议
a piece of advice一条建议
ask for advice寻求建议
give advice提建议
take/follow one's advice接受/采纳某人的建议
advise*** . to do sth. 建议某人做某事
My teacher advised me to do more reading. (我的老师建议我多读 。)
afford [??f??d]vt.负担的起(……的费用);抽的出(时间);提供
Mary was not able to afford a new car.(玛丽买不起新车 。)
be afraid of 害怕......
Don't be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向别人求助 。
be afraid for 担心......
I'm afraid for my sister. 我担心我的妹妹 。
I'm afraid so./I'm afraid not. /I'm afraid that….
Africa n.非洲
African a.非洲的,非洲人的
after [?ɑ?ft?(r)]adv./prep/conj. 在...…之后;晚于
after all 终究,毕竟
It has turned out to be a nice day after all.
天气终于转晴了 。
afternoon [ɑ?ft??nu?n]n.下午,午后
in the afternoon
on Monday afternoon
on the afternoon of…
again and again 一次又一次地,反复地,再三地
I called him again and again, but he didn’t answer the telephone.
我一次又一次地给他打 ***,可是他就是不接 。
now and again 有时
He came to see me now and again.
