"Winning More Brilliantly" means achieving greater success with greater brilliance. It requires taking calculated risks, being innovative, and persevering in the face of challenges. Winning brilliantly also means staying humble and always striving for improvement, while using your successes to inspire and uplift others. It's not just about achieving personal victory, but about making a positive impact on those around you. In short, winning more brilliantly means pushing yourself beyond your limits to achieve greatness, while also contributing to the greater good.

1. refine [r??fa?n]
to make something pure or improve something, especially by removing unwanted material
1. We shall have to refine on our methods of advertising. 我们得进一步改进做广告的 ***。
2. Reading good books helps to refine one's speech. 阅读好的书籍有助于一个人的言谈文雅 。
2. lane [le?n]
a narrow road in the countryside or in a town
1. There is a shop at the end of this lane. 这条胡同的顶头有一家商店 。
2. The champion is running in lane five. 冠军跑在第五跑道上 。
3. temptation [temp?te??n]
the wish to do or have something which you know you should not do or have
1. I should congratulate you that you resisted the temptation. 我应向你祝贺,你抗住了这种引诱 。
2. Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy? 他们能忍住诱惑不买吗?
4. preferable [?prefr?bl]
better or more suitable
1. Health without riches is preferable to riches without health. 有健康而无财富比有财富而无健康更好 。
2. Which cities are preferable for tourists to visit on their first trip to China? 第一次到中国旅游,应当先去哪些地方?
5. exclusively [?k'sklu:s?vl?]
1. The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her. 这位明星有一个专门留给她的滑雪场地 。
2. The modern cult of beauty is not exclusively a function of wealth. 现代对美貌的狂热崇拜并不只是财富的作用 。
6. rake [re?k]
a garden tool with a long handle and long pointed metal parts sticking out in a row at the bottom , used for making the earth level or for collecting leaves , etc .
1. In the autumn I rake up the dead leaves. 秋天我把落叶耙拢 。
2. Rake up the trash on the ground. 把地上的废料耙在一起 。
7. surrender [s??rend?(r)]
to stop fighting and admit defeat
1. He preferred to die rather than surrender to the enemy. 他宁死也不愿向敌人投降 。
2. Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender before the enemy. 刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈 。
8. beggar [?beg?(r)]
a poor person who lives by asking others for money or food
1. The beggar begged from the rich but they refused. 那个乞丐向富人们乞讨,但遭到了拒绝 。
2. He is so rich but lives like a beggar. 他非常有钱可是生活得象个乞丐 。
9. journal [?d??:nl]
a serious magazine or newspaper which is published regularly , usually about a specialist subject
1. He kept a journal during his visit to Japan. 他在访问日本期间坚持记日记 。
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