包罗万象造句一年级 包罗万象造句子( 二 )

Are you a cave man who has been brainwashed by the Western media every day and can't surf the Internet and think for yourself? Please open your eyes to the world and stop being blinded by western media. Your ideas are absolutely ridiculous! When it comes to China-related issues, some countries with ulterior motives have created too many lies. Facts have proved time and again that many people are just actors being used by others.As modern people living in the information age, we should have the ability and attitude to think independently and distinguish truth from falsehood.
你是天天被西方媒体洗脑、不会上网、不会独立思考的山顶洞人吗?请向世界睁开你们的眼睛 , 不要再被西方媒体蒙蔽了双眼 。你的想法太荒谬了!在涉华问题上 , 一些别有用心的国家制造了太多谎言 。事实一再证明 , 许多人只是被别人利用的演员 。作为生活在信息时代的现代人 , 我们应该有独立思考、明辨是非的能力和态度 。
Javier García is a senior journalist. He has worked for EFE, the most influential news agency in the Spanish-speaking world, for more than 20 years, and has been stationed in Palestine, Venezuela, Germany and other places. Garcia was sent to China in 2018, which gave him the opportunity to observe China closely. “After arriving in China, I tried to put aside all prejudices, keep a clear and open mind and observe China objectively,” he said. “I was pleasantly surprised to find that China is not the China portrayed in the Western media. It is very diverse and fascinating.” Garcia was deeply touched by the happiness on the faces of ordinary Chinese people.
哈维尔加西亚 , 资深采访人员 。他在西班牙语世界最具影响力的新闻机构EFE工作了20多年 , 曾派驻巴勒斯坦、委内瑞拉、德国等地 。加西亚于2018年被派往中国 , 这让他有机会近距离观察中国 。加西亚于2018年被派往中国 , 这让他有机会近距离观察中国 。他说:“来到中国后 , 我努力抛开一切偏见 , 保持清醒和开放的心态 , 客观地观察中国 。”“我惊喜地发现 , 中国并不是西方媒体所描绘的中国 。它非常多样化 , 令人着迷 。”加西亚被普通中国人民脸上的幸福深深感动 。
The fact that some Western media deliberately*** ear China in disregard of facts annoys him.In his view, the so-called "China threat theory" is nothing but a "trick" by the US government to try to contain China's peaceful rise.In September 2021, he announced in a series of 14 tweets that he would give up his journali ***career after more than 30 years because “the tiresome anti-China 'information war' has almost consumed my journalistic ideals”.
一些西方媒体不顾事实 , 故意抹黑中国 , 这让他很恼火 。在他看来 , 所谓“中国 *** ”不过是美国政府企图遏制中国和平崛起的“把戏” 。2021年9月 , 他连发14条推特 , 宣布放弃从事了30多年的新闻事业 , 因为“令人厌倦的繁华‘信息战’几乎吞噬了我的新闻理想” 。
The US refuses to accept that its days as a global hegemon are numbered. As a result, the US is extending its tentacles like an octopus, attacking China in economy, trade, technology, politics, health, media, intelligence and many other fields.
美国拒绝承认自己作为全球霸主的日子屈指可数 。因此 , 美国像章鱼一样伸出触角 , 在经贸、科技、政治、卫生、媒体、情报等多个领域攻击中国 。
The US government and media use its strong agenda-setting and leading ability to guide other Western media to launch a "public opinion war" against China on a global scale.The western media always preach the so-called "freedom of the press", but when it comes to reporting on China, it becomes a "always retaliate against China" routine. They will only say the same thing and never deviate from the set script.
