包罗万象造句一年级 包罗万象造句子( 五 )

Actually if you have asked this question, you are almost impossible to be convinced , because the image of the most hated nation of China lies in your head heavily.
事实上 , 如果你问过这个问题 , 你几乎不可能被说服 , 因为中国这个最令人讨厌的国家的形象深深地印在你的脑海里 。
Any hard evidence to disprove your statement can meet its hostile questioning and interpretation.
任何能证明你的说法不成立的确凿证据都可能遭到它的恶意质疑和解释 。
China is not the best country or nation quote from you , I am sure, it has a lot of problems and it is trying to deal with them.
中国不是最好的国家或民族 , 我敢肯定 , 它有很多问题 , 它正在努力解决这些问题 。
What I am sure, too, is that if any press or any one with his exhibition which shows all bad stuff the government of CCP did wants you to know that. A country is the most hated nation in the history of human existence. Just take one second to think, why they want public like you to know that country is the most hated nation in the history of human existence?
我也可以肯定的是 , 如果任何媒体或任何一个展示cn政府所做的所有坏事的人想让你知道这一点 。一个国家是人类存在历史上最可恨的民族 。花点时间想想 , 为什么他们想让像你这样的公众知道那个国家是人类历史上最令人讨厌的国家?
someone naive or pretend to be one may say because the world need to know what that nation really is,
有些天真的人或者假装是这样的人可能会说 , 因为世界需要知道那个国家的真实情况 , 
let me answer them, first, the world doesn’t care a nation really is or unreal, second, if you learn history hard enough, you will find that there is no powerful country in the world in the history of human existence which hasn’t been through bloody things along its way to current position.
让我来回答他们 , 首先 , 世界并不关心一个国家的真实与否 , 其次 , 如果你足够努力地学习历史 , 你会发现在人类存在的历史上 , 没有一个强大的国家没有经历过血腥的事情 。
China is of course the most hated country in the world because China has done the following:
天朝当然是世界上最讨厌的国家 , 因为他们做了以下事情:
1. From the 14th to the 19th century, China carried out slave trade in Africa.
1. 从14世纪到19世纪 , 天朝在非洲开展了奴隶贸易 。
2. From the 16th to the 20th century, China colonized Africa, South America, North America, Australia, and Asia, and carried out brutal massacres and enslavement of the local people, leading to the extinction of most of the aborigines.
2. 从16世纪到20世纪 , 天朝殖民了非洲、南美、北美、澳大利亚和亚洲 , 对当地人民进行了残酷的屠杀和奴役 , 导致大部分原住民灭绝 。
3. At the beginning of the 20th century, China launched the First World War and the Second World War, and at the beginning of the war, it carried out military trade with both sides of the war. At the end of the war, it helped the superiority win with the attitude of a savior, and then in the name of the savior Organize alliances.
3.20世纪初 , 天朝发动了第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战 , 在战争初期 , 天朝与战争双方都开展了军事贸易 。在战争结束时 , 以救世主的姿态帮助占优者取得胜利 , 然后以救世主的名义组织联盟 。
4. After the Second World War, China and its allies carried out aggression all over the world. In order to control oil and other resources, they slaughtered Muslims in the Middle East.
