包罗万象造句一年级 包罗万象造句子( 四 )

Jews have no respite from attacks against their person, their land and their culture, and their culture pre-dates even that of China. Even in the 21st century Israel struggles for its existence.
犹太人的人身、土地和文化都受到攻击 , 而他们的文化甚至比中国的文化还要早 。即使在21世纪 , 以色列仍在为生存而挣扎 。
For China, it's never been budged from its land, hasn't been at constant war, has been able to grow and develop through much of human history, and has in fact dominated and spread it's culture to the region around it.
对于中国来说 , 它从未离开过自己的土地 , 从未经历过持续的战争 , 在人类历史的大部分时间里一直在成长和发展 , 事实上 , 它主导着自己的文化 , 并将其传播到周围的地区 。
No competition, Israel must be the most hated nation on the planet.
没有竞争 , 以色列一定是这个星球上最令人讨厌的国家 。
How do Jews feel about it should be your question….but then since you are merely a western troll you wouldn't dare pose a question that might actually have some relevance.
犹太人对此有何看法应该是你的问题....但既然你只是一个西方喷子 , 你就不敢提出一个可能有实际意义的问题 。
I don't think anyone can convince you of anything.
我不认为任何人能说服你任何事 。
I can, however, ask you a few leading questions and make some suggestions.
不过 , 我可以问你几个引导性的问题 , 并提出一些建议 。
Ask yourself - who is she hated by and why? Can you take these reasons, apply them to other nations and then see who might have been harsher in that respect, and then with that, how much of a bad rep that may have caused? Are there any bad things that other nations are guilty of that China isn't, or vice versa? To what degree?
问问你自己——谁恨她 , 为什么?你能把这些理由 , 应用到其他国家 , 然后看看谁在这方面更严厉 , 然后 , 这会造成多大的坏名声?有没有什么其他国家做过而中国没有做过的坏事 , 或者反之亦然?到什么程度?
【包罗万象造句一年级 包罗万象造句子】The next question I have is regarding China's standing in the world today. What are her diplomatic ties to other nations like? Trade? Cultural export and soft power? Have you ever drunk tea or eaten Chinese food? Are there any other nations that have less soft power, and if so, why?
第二个问题是关于中国在当今世界的地位 。她与其他国家的外交关系是怎样的?贸易吗?文化输出和软实力?你喝过茶或吃过中国菜吗?是否还有其他国家的软实力较弱 , 如果有 , 原因是什么?
One last question - how much time do you think the average person in China spends in a foreign country or interacting with people overseas? When you're living your life, going to work, coming home, spending time with your family, how much time do you really spend thinking about the impression that some person in a far away place has about the country you belong to by some accident of fate?
最后一个问题 , 你认为中国人平均花多少时间在国外或与海外的人交流?当你过着你的生活 , 去工作 , 回家 , 与家人共度时光 , 你真的花了多少时间去思考一个遥远地方的人由于命运的偶然对你所属的国家的印象?
Hopefully, I've provided enough ammunition here to generate an honest discussion.
希望我在这里提供了足够的弹药来进行诚实的讨论 。

包罗万象造句一年级 包罗万象造句子
