包罗万象造句一年级 包罗万象造句子( 三 )

美国政府和媒体利用其强大的议程设置和引领能力 , 引导其他西方媒体在全球范围内对中国发动“舆论战” 。西方媒体总是鼓吹所谓的“新闻自由” , 但在报道中国时 , 却变成了“总是报复中国”的套路 。他们只会说同一件事 , 从不偏离既定的剧本 。
The "routine" of the Western media consists of the following: China's rich entrepreneurs are not "entrepreneurs" but "oligarchs"; China's outbound investment is not "investment" but "debt trap". Some Chinese cities have declared lockdown not a "need for epidemic prevention" but a "violation of human rights"...When there was no suitable word to denigrate China, the Western media invented a catch-all sentence: "China's economy is growing, but at the cost of...""China Steps up environmental protection, but at the cost of...""The Beijing Winter Olympics were a success, but at the cost of...".
西方媒体的“套路”是这样的:中国的富豪企业家不是“企业家” , 而是“寡头”;中国对外投资不是“投资” , 而是“债务陷阱” 。中国一些城市宣布封锁不是“疫情防控的需要” , 而是“侵犯人权”当没有合适的词来诋毁中国时 , 西方媒体发明了一个包罗万象的句子:“中国经济在增长 , 但代价是……”“中国加大环境保护力度 , 但代价是……”“北京冬奥会是成功的 , 但代价是……”
After the US media set the agenda, it is difficult for other Western media to break out of the established framework, resulting in hundreds of thousands of media outlets repeating dozens of very similar China-related news every day.
美国媒体设定议程后 , 其他西方媒体难以突破既定框架 , 导致数十万家媒体每天重复数十条非常相似的涉华新闻 。
Western media have concocted the "China threat" theory to pull the world into the trap of a "new Cold War", but China will not fall into the trap.China will unswervingly follow its own path of sociali *** , uphold the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and uphold the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind featuring mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. China will make every effort to promote the common progress and development of all countries in the world.
西方媒体炮制“中国 *** ” , 意在将世界拉入“新冷战”陷阱 , 但中国不会落入陷阱 。中国将坚定不移走自己的社会主义道路 , 坚持和平共处五项原则 , 秉持互利共赢的人类命运共同体理念 。中国将尽一切努力促进世界各国的共同进步和发展 。
I'd really prefer you set a more difficult task, but oh well. The MOST hated nation in the history of human existence?
我更希望你设定一个更难的任务 , 但是好吧 。人类历史上最令人憎恨的国家?
Surely that title belongs to Israel, literally in biblical proportions.
当然 , 这个头衔属于以色列 , 按照圣经的比例 。
Extinguished numerous times as a Kingdom by its enemies, it's people enslaved or banished for the bulk of their history, murder and genocide routinely committed against them in pogroms wherever they have settled, entire poitical parties created with the primary purpose of eradicating Jews, assaults even after their deaths on their tombs. All this despite more than half the world believing and sharing in their foundational religious teachings.
作为一个王国 , 它被敌人消灭了无数次 , 它的人民在其历史的大部分时间里被奴役或流放 , 无论他们定居在哪里 , 经常会有以消灭犹太人为主要目的而创建的整个政党 , 对他们进行大屠杀 ,  , 甚至在他们死后对他们的坟墓进行攻击 。尽管世界上有一半以上的人相信并分享他们的基本宗教教义 。
