金无足赤人无完人英语翻译_人无完人 英语

"Gold is not always pure and flawless, and no person is perfect." This proverb reminds us that nothing and no one is without flaws. Even the most valuable and prized possessions can have imperfections, and every individual has their own strengths and weaknesses. Rather than striving for perfection, it is important to recognize and embrace our flaws and imperfections as part of what makes us human. Embracing our imperfections can help us grow and learn, and ultimately lead to greater self-acceptance and happiness.
一、金无足赤,人无完人什么意思?[ 拼音 ]:jīn wú zú chì
[ 同义词 ]:人无完人、白壁微瑕
[ 反义词 ]:完美无缺、十全十美
[ 解释 ]:足赤:成色十足的金子 。比喻人也不能十全十美 。
[ 出自 ]:宋·戴复古《寄兴》:“黄金无足色,白璧有微瑕 。求人不求备,妾愿老君家 。”
[ 例句 ]:~,人无完人 。
[ 语法 ]:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
二、金无足赤人无完人是什么语?谚语,格言,歇后语 。那个?优质答案1:
不是谚语,而是八字成语 。金无足赤,人无完人【释义】足赤:纯色,赤为七色之首,常代指颜色 。没有纯而又纯的金子 。比喻没有十全十美的事物 。也比喻不能要求一个人没有一点缺点错误 。【出处】宋·戴复古《寄兴》:“黄金无足色,白璧有微瑕 。求人不求备,妾愿老君家 。”【用法】作宾语、定语、分句,含褒义;用于劝诫人 。【近义词】白璧微瑕
【金无足赤人无完人英语翻译_人无完人 英语】谢谢邀请 。八字成语,没有十全十美的事物 。也比喻不能要求一个人没有一点缺点错误
