感受到它在里面跳动和变化 感受到它在里面动了吗英语( 二 )

I’m for doing nothing till the police arrive./I’m against doing anythingtill the police arrive.

我赞成在警察来到以前不采取行动 。/我反对在警察到来以前采取任何行动 。

be away(intr)(至少有一个晚上)不在家,不在某地

be back(intr)在长期或短暂地离开之后回到原地:

—I want to see Mrs Pitt.Is she in?

—No,I’m afraid she’s out at the moment./No,I’m afraid she’s awayfor the weekend.

—When will she be back?

—She’ll be back in half an hour/next week.

—我想见皮特夫人 。她在吗?

—不,恐怕她现在不在 。/不,我想她外出度周末了 。


—她半小时后/下周回来 。

be for(tr)赞成(常带动名词)

be in(intr)在家或在某个建筑物内

be in for(tr)将要遇上(常跟某种令人不愉快的事):

Did you listen to the weather forecast? I’m afraid we’re in for a bumpyflight.

你听气象预报没有?恐怕我们这次航班要很颠簸 。

If you think that the work is going to be easy you’re in for a shock.

如果你以为这工作将容易,那么你可要大吃一惊了 。

be out(intr)短时间不在家/不在某个建筑物里,但并不在外过夜

be over(intr)结束:

The storm is over now;we can go on.

暴风雨过去了;我们可以继续走了 。

be up(intr)起床了:

Don’t expect her to answer the doorbell at eight o’clock on Sundaymorning.She won’t be up.

星期日早上8点钟时,别指望她听见门铃响会来开门 。她那时还没有起床呢 。

be up to(tr)体力或智力足以……(宾语常用it,但也可用动名词):

After his illness the Minister continued in office though he was no longerup to the work/up to doing the work.

部长生病后继续任职,但他已力不胜任了 。

be up to something/some mischief/some trick/no good从事或忙于某种调皮的、不正道的或有害的事/捣鬼:

Don’t trust him;he is up to something/some trick.

别信他;他在搞鬼/在耍诡计 。

The boys are very quiet.I wonder what they are up to.

男孩子们无声无息了 。我不知他们在捣什么鬼 。

注意:这里up to的宾语常是某一很不确定的词语,如上面例句所示 。这个习语从来不与某一具体明确的事连用 。

it is up to someone(常带动词不定式)此事是某人的职责:

It is up to the government to take action on violence.

采取行动对付暴力行为,是政府职责所在 。

I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you.

我已尽我所能地帮助你了 。现在该看你自己了 。(你得靠自己的努力干下去 。)


bear out(tr)证实,提供证明:

This report bears out my theory.(bears my theory out/bears it out)

这报告证实了我的理论 。

bear up(intr)听到坏消息仍能勇敢支撑,掩饰感情或忧伤:

The news of her death was a great shock to him but he bore up bravely and none of us realized how much he felt it.

她故去的消息对他来讲是个打击,但他勇敢地支撑着,我们谁也没意识到他的感受该有多么强烈 。


blow out(tr)吹熄:

The wind blew out the candle.(blew the candle out/blew it out)

风吹灭了蜡烛 。

blow up(tr/intr)

(a)用爆炸的 *** 毁灭,爆炸,被毁:

They blew up the bridges so that the enemy couldn’t follow them.(blew the bridges up/blew them up)

他们炸毁了桥,好让敌人不能追上他们 。

Just as we got to the bridge it blew up.

我们刚到桥头,桥就炸掉了 。
