感受到它在里面跳动和变化 感受到它在里面动了吗英语

Did you feel it moving inside?

感受到它在里面跳动和变化 感受到它在里面动了吗英语


初中的 动词+介词/副词 :


account for


A treasurer must account for the money he spends.

财务负责人必须对他支付的款项做出交代 。

He has behavd in the most extraordinary way;I can’t account for hisactions at all/I can’t account for his behaving like that.

他的行为极为奇怪,我完全无法解释他的行动/我无法为他那样的举动做出解释 。


allow for(tr)预先为某事留有余地,考虑到(常指某种额外的需要、支出、耽搁等):

—It is 800 kilometres and I drive at 100 k.p.h.,so I’ll be there in eighthours.

—But you’ll have to allow for delays going through towns and for stopsfor refuelling.

—距离是800公里,而我的车速是每小时100公里,因此我八小时后可以到那里 。

—可是你得把通过市镇和停车加油所耽搁的时间考虑进去 。

Allowing for depreciation your car should be worth£2,000 this timenext year.

如果考虑到折旧,你的车明年此时应当值2,000英镑 。


answer back(intr),answer somebody back反驳别人的责难,回嘴顶撞:

Father:Why were you so late last night? You weren’t in till2 a.m.

父亲:你昨晚回家为什么这么晚?你直到凌晨两点钟才回来 。

Son:You should have been asleep.

儿子:那时候你本该睡着了 。

Father:Don’t answer me back.Answer my question.

父亲:别跟我顶嘴 。回答我的问题 。


ask after/for somebody 探询有关……的信息,(向第三者)问某人健康如何:

I met Tom at the party;he asked after you.

我在聚会上遇见了汤姆;他问你好 。(问你健康如何/问你过得怎么样)

ask for


Go to the office and ask for my secretary.

到办公室去,找我的秘书 。


The men asked for more pay and shorter hours.

工人们要求增加工资,减少工时 。

ask someone in(宾语在in之前)请某人进来:

He didn’t ask me in;he kept me standing at the door while he read the message.

他没有让我进去;他径自看那张条子,让我站在门口等着 。

ask someone out(宾语在out之前)请某人出去参加娱乐活动或吃饭(特别是在公众地方吃饭):

She had a lot of friends and was usually asked out in the evenings,so she seldom spent an evening at home.

她有很多朋友,晚上常被邀请外出,因此她晚上很少在家里呆着 。


back away(intr)慢慢地退回去(因为遇到某种危险或不愉快的事):

When he took a gun out everyone backd away nervously.

他拿出枪来时,大家都紧张地向后退去 。

back out(intr)退出(某事先已同意的联合行动),停止或拒绝给予所允诺的帮助或支持:

He agreed to help but backed out when he found how difficult it was.

他本来同意给予帮助的,但在发现事情有多么困难之后就打退堂鼓了 。

back somebody up从道义上或行动上支持:

The headmaster never backed up his staff.(backed them up)If a parentcomplained about a teacher he assumed that the teacher was in thewrong.

校长从来不给教员们撑腰 。凡是有家长给老师提意见时,他总是认为一定是老师不对 。


be against(tr)反对(常带动名词):
