感受到它在里面跳动和变化 感受到它在里面动了吗英语( 三 )


The children blew up their balloons and threw them into the air.( blew the balloons up/blew them up)

孩子们把气球吹鼓了,扔向空中 。


boil away(intr)(液体)因沸腾而挥发完,熬干:

I put the kettle on the gas ring and then went away and forgot about it.

When I returned,the water had all boiled away and the flame had burnta hole in the kettle.

我把壶放在煤气灶上,然后就走开把这事忘掉了 。我回来时,水都烧干了,火把壶底烧出了一个窟窿 。

boil over(intr)(液体因沸腾而)溢到容器外面:

The milk boiled over and there was a horrible*** ell of burning.

牛奶潽了,烧糊的味道极为难闻 。


break down a door etc.用强力敲破或撞破:

The firemen had to break down the door to get into the burning house.

(break the door down/break it down)

消防员不得不破门而入以便到着火的房子里边去 。

break down figures将一数目分别列在不同项目下以作进一步说明:

You say that 10,000 people use this library.Could you break that downinto age-groups?

你说有10,000人使用这所图书馆 。你能否按年龄组将数字分解一下?(即说出有多少人是25岁以下的,有多少人是50岁以上的等等)

break down(intr)由于有缺陷或强度不够而坏掉或不再正常运作:


He broke down when telling me about his son’s tragic death.

他向我谈到他儿子惨死的事时,不能自已了 。(他失声痛哭了 。)


At first he refused to admit his guilt but when he was shown the evidencehe broke down and confessed.

起初他否认有罪,但给他看证据时,他招架不住而供认了 。


After years of overwork his health broke down and he had to retire.

在多年劳累之后,他的身体垮了,只好退休 。


The car broke down when we were driving through the desert and it tookus two days to repair it.

我们驾车横越沙漠时,汽车坏了,花了两天才修好 。


The negotiations broke down because neither side would compromise.

因为双方都不肯妥协,谈判破裂了 。

break in(intr),break into(tr)


Thieves broke in and stole the silver.

窃贼破门而入,偷走了银器 。

The house was broken into when the owner was on holiday.

屋主外出度假时,有贼破门而入 。


I was telling them about my travels when he broke in with a story of hisown.

我正在告诉他们我旅途中的事,他忽然插嘴讲起他自己的故事来 。

break ina young horse/pony etc.(tr)训练(马等)以供驾驭使用:

You cannot ride or drive a horse safely before he has been broken in.

在没有把马训练好以前,不管骑它还是用它驾车都是不安全的 。

break off(tr/intr)解开,破开,使分裂开或自己破裂开:

He took a bar of chocolate and broke off a bit.(broke a bit off/broke itoff)

他拿出一板巧克力,掰下了一小块 。

A piece of rock broke off and fell into the pool at the foot of the cliff.

一块岩石断裂开,掉到悬崖脚下的池塘里 。

break off(tr)终止,停止,取消(常跟协议、协商或谈判等):

Ann has broken off her engagement to Tom.(broken her engagement off/broken it off)

安已经取消了同汤姆的婚约 。

break off(intr)突然停止说话,突然住口:

They were in the middle of an argument but broke off when someonecame into the room.
