感受到它在里面跳动和变化 感受到它在里面动了吗英语( 四 )

他们正争吵不休,但有人进屋时他们突然住口了 。

break out(intr)


War broke out on 4 Angust.

战争于8月4日爆发 。

(b)用暴力 *** 从监狱等地逃出:

They locked him up in a room but he broke out.

他们把他锁在一间屋里,可是他强行逃出了 。(砸开门跑掉了)

The police are looking for two men who broke out of prison last night.

警方正在搜捕昨天晚上越狱逃跑的两名男子 。

break up(tr/intr)(使)瓦解,(使)解体:

If that ship stays there she will break up/she will be broken up by thewaves.

那艘船如果停泊在那里,就会破的/会被浪头打散的 。

The old ship was towed away to be broken up and sold as scrap.

那艘旧船被拖走以便拆散当废铁卖了 。

Divorce breaks up a lot of families.(breaks families up/breaks them up)

离婚拆散了许多家庭 。

break up(intr)(用于学校的学期、会议、聚会等)散会,放假:

The school broke up on 30 July and all the boys went home for the holi- days.

学校在7月30日放假了,男孩子们都回家度假去了 。

The meeting broke up in confusion.

会议在一片混乱中散了 。


bring someone round(tr;宾语常位于round之前)


After a lot of argument I brought him round to my point of view.

在争辩了很久之后,我说服他转念同意了我的看法 。


She fainted with the pain but a little brandy soon brought her round.

她痛得昏厥了,但是一小点白兰地很快使她恢复了知觉 。

bring a person or thing round(tr;宾语常位于 round之前)把人或物带到某人的住所去:

I have finished that book that you lent me; I’ll bring it round(to your house)tonight.

你借给我的书我已经看完了;我今晚上把它带(到你家里)来 。

bring up(tr)


She brought up her children to be truthful.(brought her children up/brought them up)

她教导她的孩子们要真诚无欺 。


At the last committee meeting,the treasurer brought up the question of raising the annual subscription.(brought the question up/brought it up)

委员会上一次开会时,财务主管提出了提高会员年费的问题 。


burn down(tr/intr)(完全)焚毁(指建筑物):

The mob burnt down the embassy.(burnt the embassy down/burnt it down)

乱民把大使馆焚毁了 。

The hotel burnt down before help came.

旅馆在援助到来以前就烧毁了 。


1 call走访,拜访

call at 。走访一个地方:

I called at the bank and arranged to transfer some money.

我到银行去了一下,安排了款项过户的事宜 。

call for到一个地方去取物或接人:

I am going to a pop concert with Tom.He is calling for me at eightso I must be ready then.

我要和汤姆去听流行歌曲音乐会 。他8点钟来接我,因此我必须届时准备好 。

Let’s leave our suitcases in the left luggage office and call for themlater on when we have the car.

咱们可以把行李存放在行李暂存处,等以后有车用时再来取 。

call in(intr)同 look in和口语化的 drop in意思一样,是来访,来坐坐的意思:

Call in/Look in on your way home and tell me how the interviewwent.

你回家的路上来看我一下,告诉我面谈进行得如何 。

call on拜访某人:

He called on all the housewives in the area and asked them to sign thepetition.
