
"Everyone has wishes and dreams, big or*** all. These desires fuel our inner drive, motivate us to pursue our goals, and give us hope for the future. But how do we express our wishes in English? In this article, we will explore the different ways of saying "愿望" and how to use them in various situations. Whether you want to make a wish on a shooting star, share your aspirations with a friend, or write down your goals for the year, it's important to know the right vocabulary and expressions to use. So, let's begin and learn how to express our wishes like a native English speaker!"
一:愿望英文怎么说愿望的英文是wish 。
英 [w??]美 [w??]
v. 希望;想要
n. 愿望;命令;渴望;祝颂(表达这个意思时,常用复数)
例句:His wish to be an actor has come true.
翻译:他想当演员的愿望实现了 。

n. (名词)
wish用作名词时,意思是“渴望,希望,盼望,愿望”,指在心中形成对某物的追求,也可指“希望的事,想要的东西” 。wish还可指为了达到某一目的而进行的“许愿,祈祷,祈求” 。
【愿望英文怎么说?我的愿望英文】英 [h??p]美 [ho?p]
v. 希望;期望;盼望
n. 希望
例句:I hope to announce the winner shortly.
翻译:我希望马上宣布胜利者的名字 。

v. (动词)
hope用作动词的基本意思是“希望”“期望”,指热切、专心致志地对未来的、积极的、崇高的、一些好的或有利的结果的盼望,含有一定的主观性,相信其可能实现 。
读音:英 [h??p] 美 [ho?p]
v. 希望;期望;盼望
n. 希望
I called in the hope of finding her at home.
我希望她能在家才给她打的 ***。
All my hopes have come true.
我所有的希望都已成为现实 。
读音:英 ['pr?spekt] 美 ['prɑ?spekt]
n. 希望;前景;景色
v. 勘探;寻找
John is in high spirits at the prospect.
约翰对前景充满希望 。
读音:英 ['h??p??] 美 ['h??p??]
n. 希望
And I write, hoping to exorcise some frustration.
我只有写点东西,希望可以帮助驱散心中的烦闷 。
读音: ['pr?m?s] 美 ['prɑ?m?s]
n. 诺言;预示;约定;(有)希望
v. 允诺;发誓;答应;有希望
My son is showing great promise as a cricketer.
我的儿子有成为一名板球手的希望 。
wish 读音:英 [w??] 美 [w??]
v. 希望;想要
n. 愿望;命令;渴望;祝颂(表达这个意思时,常用复数)
With all her heart, she wished him away, but he refused to go.
她一心一意地希望他离开,可是他就是不走 。
1、wish***good luck 祝某人好运
2、wish ardently 热切希望
3、wish heartily 衷心祝愿
4、wish really 真心希望
三:生日愿望英文What is a New Year`s resolution
To that question you may be asking us, What is a New Year`s resolution?
Well, basically, a New Year’s resolution is a firm decision made on New Year’s Eve (31st December) or New Year’s Day (1st January) to do something (or to stop doing something) over the course of the coming year. For example: “He’s determined to keep his New Year’s resolution to get fit / One of her New Year’s resolutions is to save 10% of her salary every month.”
Look at this list of New Year’s resolutions (promises you make to yourself to lead a better life). Which ones have you ever tried to make? How did it go? Which ones would you like to make this year? Why?
