

Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match, because it involves so many students to take part in, showing the unity of a team. Last year, our class won the second place. We lagged behind the champion just a little distance, so we hoped to defeated them this time and won the first prize. We have practised very hard, and every student in the team wanted to make the breakthrough. When the match finally began, we ran very fast and kept our space. Even though other team tried to disturbed us, we focused our attention. The moment when our team first crossed the line, we cheer and cried. We made it.
Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me so many beautiful memories.
I’m neither interested in sports nor good at it. But except swimming. I can swim since I was a baby. My mother tells me that she let me swim in the water with a life-buoy when I was 20 days old. And then I can swim gradually. When I grow up, I like swimming very much. I swim all the year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable to lower my temperature. While winter swimming makes me feel excited and achievability. In general, swimming keeps me fit in both physical and mental. Whenever I feel upset, I would go swimming and then I would be full of energy and feel relax. Besides I believe it is due to swimming that I’m so thin. Who wants to lose weight, join me. We can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I couldn’t wait to swim now. But it is ten o’clock in the evening. I have to go to sleep. Good night everyone.
【高一英语关于运动的作文】除了游泳之外,我对体育既不感兴趣也不擅长 。在我还是个婴儿的时候,我就会游泳了 。我妈妈告诉我,在我出生20天的时候她就让我拿着个救生圈在水里游了 。之后慢慢的我就会游泳了 。我长大后非常喜欢游泳 。我一年四季都游泳 。在夏天游泳,把我的体温降低了可以让我感到很舒服 。在冬天游泳让我我感到很兴奋也很有成就感 。总的来说 , 游泳可以使我保持身心健康 。每当我感到难过时,我就会去游泳,然后我就会充满能量而且得到放松 。我相信我很瘦得归功于游泳 。谁想减肥,加入我吧 。我们可以在游泳中交到很多朋友 。噢,我等不及要游泳了 。可是现在是晚上十点 。我要去睡觉了 。大家晚安 。
