vb.net的英文论文 vbnet mybase( 六 )

Basic is actually an abbreviation of the phrase, this phrase is Beginners all_purpose symbolic instruction code, the Chinese meaning "to the initial directive GM symbol code language."
Visual Basic learning, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition versions to meet the different needs of the development. Study and apply to the ordinary version of the majority of learners and the use of Visual Basic development of the general staff of Windows applications, but; professional version for computer professional development of staff, including the study of functional version of the full content control and Internet development tools such as advanced features ; Enterprise contain not only all the professional version of the content, there are automated tools such as Component Manager, professional programmers to make the development of a powerful group essence of distributed applications.
VB is a visual, object-oriented event-driven approach and the use of the structure of high-level programming language, can be used for the development of the Windows environment of various applications. It easy to learn, efficient and powerful with Windowsr professional development tools comparable to SDK. In Visual Basic environment, the use of event-driven programming mechanism, the new easy-to-use visual design tools, within the wider use Windows application program interface (API) function, to use dynamic link library (DLL), the object Links embedded with the World at (OLE), open-end data connectivity (ODBC), and other technology, can be highly efficient and rapid development of the Windows environment powerful, rich graphical interface application software system. With the improved version, Visual Basic functions also growing. After version 5.0, Visual Basic launched a Chinese version, compared with the previous version, its functions have been greatly improve.
However, more powerful functions, Visual Basic still has one drawback: in the absence of MSVBVM **. DLL must be installed on the computer the required DLL file. It can be designed with the operating system, but more difficult.
In the early 21st century, microsoft has introduced Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Basic among the significant changes, Visual Studio for a variety of programming tools to a platform, Visual Basic.NET can run on this platform. Compared with traditional VB, are quite different. VB.Net, used for the first time. Net framework for visual programming, and can a good framework compatible with COM. 2005 Visual Studio 2005则use of the NET 2.0 technology, more convenience to the programmer's work. But the new procedures on the system configuration requirements are also higher, the need for Microsoft. Net Framework 2.0 above. Net framework support.
December 2007, Microsoft (Microsoft) launched the Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 has undergone major changes (see attached map) enter in the code when the VB2005 can be much faster than in non-exceptional circumstances, VB2008 will automatically open automatically Keyword completion of this order and begun to support the latest. NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2
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