
本文概述给定一个n * m尺寸的金矿。该矿场中的每个字段都包含一个正整数, 该整数是黄金的吨数。最初, 矿工位于第一列, 但可以位于任何行。他只能从给定单元移动(右-> , 右向上/, 右向下\), 矿工可以向右或向右对角向上或向右对角向下向该单元移动。找出他可以收集的最大数量的黄金。

Input : mat[][] = {{1, 3, 3}, {2, 1, 4}, {0, 6, 4}}; Output : 12 {(1, 0)-> (2, 1)-> (2, 2)}Input: mat[][] = { {1, 3, 1, 5}, {2, 2, 4, 1}, {5, 0, 2, 3}, {0, 6, 1, 2}}; Output : 16 (2, 0) -> (1, 1) -> (1, 2) -> (0, 3) OR (2, 0) -> (3, 1) -> (2, 2) -> (2, 3)Input : mat[][] = {{10, 33, 13, 15}, {22, 21, 04, 1}, {5, 0, 2, 3}, {0, 6, 14, 2}}; Output : 83

推荐:请在"实践首先, 在继续解决方案之前。创建与给定矩阵mat [] []相同的二维矩阵goldTable [] [])。如果我们仔细观察这个问题, 我们会注意到以下情况。
  1. 黄金数量为正, 因此我们希望在给定约束下覆盖最大值的最大像元。
  2. 在每一步中, 我们都向右侧移动了一步。因此, 我们总是最后一列。如果我们在最后一列, 那么我们将无法向右移动
如果我们在第一行或最后一列, 那么我们将无法向右上移, 因此只需分配0即可, 否则将goldTable [row-1] [col + 1]的值分配给right_up。如果我们在最后一行或最后一列, 那么我们将无法向下移动, 因此只分配0即可, 否则将goldTable [row + 1] [col + 1]的值分配给右侧。
现在找到right, right_up和right_down的最大值, 然后将其与该mat [row] [col]相加。最后, 找到所有行和第一列的最大值并返回它。
C ++
// C++ program to solve Gold Mine problem #include< bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAX = 100; // Returns maximum amount of gold that can be collected // when journey started from first column and moves // allowed are right, right-up and right-down int getMaxGold( int gold[][MAX], int m, int n) { // Create a table for storing intermediate results // and initialize all cells to 0. The first row of // goldMineTable gives the maximum gold that the miner // can collect when starts that row int goldTable[m][n]; memset (goldTable, 0, sizeof (goldTable)); for ( int col=n-1; col> =0; col--) { for ( int row=0; row< m; row++) { // Gold collected on going to the cell on the right(-> ) int right = (col==n-1)? 0: goldTable[row][col+1]; // Gold collected on going to the cell to right up (/) int right_up = (row==0 || col==n-1)? 0: goldTable[row-1][col+1]; // Gold collected on going to the cell to right down (\) int right_down = (row==m-1 || col==n-1)? 0: goldTable[row+1][col+1]; // Max gold collected from taking either of the // above 3 paths goldTable[row][col] = gold[row][col] + max(right, max(right_up, right_down)); } }// The max amount of gold collected will be the max // value in first column of all rows int res = goldTable[0][0]; for ( int i=1; i< m; i++) res = max(res, goldTable[i][0]); return res; }// Driver Code int main() { int gold[MAX][MAX]= { {1, 3, 1, 5}, {2, 2, 4, 1}, {5, 0, 2, 3}, {0, 6, 1, 2} }; int m = 4, n = 4; cout < < getMaxGold(gold, m, n); return 0; }

// Java program to solve Gold Mine problem import java.util.Arrays; class GFG {static final int MAX = 100 ; // Returns maximum amount of gold that // can be collected when journey started // from first column and moves allowed // are right, right-up and right-down static int getMaxGold( int gold[][], int m, int n) {// Create a table for storing // intermediate results and initialize // all cells to 0. The first row of // goldMineTable gives the maximum // gold that the miner can collect // when starts that row int goldTable[][] = new int [m][n]; for ( int [] rows:goldTable) Arrays.fill(rows, 0 ); for ( int col = n- 1 ; col > = 0 ; col--) { for ( int row = 0 ; row < m; row++) {// Gold collected on going to // the cell on the right(-> ) int right = (col == n- 1 ) ? 0 : goldTable[row][col+ 1 ]; // Gold collected on going to // the cell to right up (/) int right_up = (row == 0 || col == n- 1 ) ? 0 : goldTable[row- 1 ][col+ 1 ]; // Gold collected on going to // the cell to right down (\) int right_down = (row == m- 1 || col == n- 1 ) ? 0 : goldTable[row+ 1 ][col+ 1 ]; // Max gold collected from taking // either of the above 3 paths goldTable[row][col] = gold[row][col] + Math.max(right, Math.max(right_up, right_down)); ; } }// The max amount of gold collected will be // the max value in first column of all rows int res = goldTable[ 0 ][ 0 ]; for ( int i = 1 ; i < m; i++) res = Math.max(res, goldTable[i][ 0 ]); return res; }//driver code public static void main(String arg[]) { int gold[][]= { { 1 , 3 , 1 , 5 }, { 2 , 2 , 4 , 1 }, { 5 , 0 , 2 , 3 }, { 0 , 6 , 1 , 2 } }; int m = 4 , n = 4 ; System.out.print(getMaxGold(gold, m, n)); } }// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.

# Python program to solve # Gold Mine problemMAX = 100# Returns maximum amount of # gold that can be collected # when journey started from # first column and moves # allowed are right, right-up # and right-down def getMaxGold(gold, m, n):# Create a table for storing # intermediate results # and initialize all cells to 0. # The first row of # goldMineTable gives the # maximum gold that the miner # can collect when starts that row goldTable = [[ 0 for i in range (n)] for j in range (m)]for col in range (n - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ): for row in range (m):# Gold collected on going to # the cell on the rigth(-> ) if (col = = n - 1 ): right = 0 else : right = goldTable[row][col + 1 ]# Gold collected on going to # the cell to right up (/) if (row = = 0 or col = = n - 1 ): right_up = 0 else : right_up = goldTable[row - 1 ][col + 1 ]# Gold collected on going to # the cell to right down (\) if (row = = m - 1 or col = = n - 1 ): right_down = 0 else : right_down = goldTable[row + 1 ][col + 1 ]# Max gold collected from taking # either of the above 3 paths goldTable[row][col] = gold[row][col] + max (right, right_up, right_down)# The max amount of gold # collected will be the max # value in first column of all rows res = goldTable[ 0 ][ 0 ] for i in range ( 1 , m): res = max (res, goldTable[i][ 0 ])return res# Driver code gold = [[ 1 , 3 , 1 , 5 ], [ 2 , 2 , 4 , 1 ], [ 5 , 0 , 2 , 3 ], [ 0 , 6 , 1 , 2 ]]m = 4 n = 4print (getMaxGold(gold, m, n))# This code is contributed # by Soumen Ghosh.

// C# program to solve Gold Mine problem using System; class GFG { static int MAX = 100; // Returns maximum amount of gold that // can be collected when journey started // from first column and moves allowed are // right, right-up and right-down static int getMaxGold( int [, ] gold, int m, int n) { // Create a table for storing intermediate // results and initialize all cells to 0. // The first row of goldMineTable gives // the maximum gold that the miner // can collect when starts that row int [, ] goldTable = new int [m, n]; for ( int i = 0; i < m; i++) for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++) goldTable[i, j] = 0; for ( int col = n - 1; col > = 0; col--) { for ( int row = 0; row < m; row++) { // Gold collected on going to // the cell on the right(-> ) int right = (col == n - 1) ? 0 : goldTable[row, col + 1]; // Gold collected on going to // the cell to right up (/) int right_up = (row == 0 || col == n - 1) ? 0 : goldTable[row-1, col+1]; // Gold collected on going // to the cell to right down (\) int right_down = (row == m - 1 || col == n - 1) ? 0 : goldTable[row + 1, col + 1]; // Max gold collected from taking // either of the above 3 paths goldTable[row, col] = gold[row, col] + Math.Max(right, Math.Max(right_up, right_down)); } } // The max amount of gold collected will be the max // value in first column of all rows int res = goldTable[0, 0]; for ( int i = 1; i < m; i++) res = Math.Max(res, goldTable[i, 0]); return res; } // Driver Code static void Main() { int [, ] gold = new int [, ]{{1, 3, 1, 5}, {2, 2, 4, 1}, {5, 0, 2, 3}, {0, 6, 1, 2} }; int m = 4, n = 4; Console.Write(getMaxGold(gold, m, n)); } }// This code is contributed by DrRoot_

< ?php // Php program to solve Gold Mine problem // Returns maximum amount of gold that // can be collected when journey started // from first column and moves allowed are // right, right-up and right-down function getMaxGold( $gold , $m , $n ) { $MAX = 100 ; // Create a table for storing intermediate // results and initialize all cells to 0. // The first row of goldMineTable gives the // maximum gold that the miner can collect // when starts that row $goldTable = array ( array ()); for ( $i = 0; $i < $m ; $i ++) for ( $j = 0; $j < $n ; $j ++) $goldTable [ $i ][ $j ] = 0 ; for ( $col = $n - 1; $col > = 0 ; $col --) { for ( $row = 0 ; $row < $m ; $row ++) {// Gold collected on going to // the cell on the rigth(-> ) if ( $col == $n - 1) $right = 0 ; else $right = $goldTable [ $row ][ $col + 1]; // Gold collected on going to // the cell to right up (/) if ( $row == 0 or $col == $n - 1) $right_up = 0 ; else $right_up = $goldTable [ $row - 1][ $col + 1]; // Gold collected on going to // the cell to right down (\) if ( $row == $m - 1 or $col == $n - 1) $right_down = 0 ; else $right_down = $goldTable [ $row + 1][ $col + 1]; // Max gold collected from taking // either of the above 3 paths $goldTable [ $row ][ $col ] = $gold [ $row ][ $col ] + max( $right , $right_up , $right_down ); } }// The max amount of gold collected will be the // max value in first column of all rows $res = $goldTable [0][0] ; for ( $i = 0; $i < $m ; $i ++) $res = max( $res , $goldTable [ $i ][0]); return $res ; }// Driver code $gold = array ( array (1, 3, 1, 5), array (2, 2, 4, 1), array (5, 0, 2, 3), array (0, 6, 1, 2)); $m = 4 ; $n = 4 ; echo getMaxGold( $gold , $m , $n ) ; // This code is contributed by Ryuga ?>


O(m * n)
O(m * n)
【算法设计(金矿问题解析和代码实现)】如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请写评论。
