教你使用MySQL|教你使用MySQL Shell连接数据库的方法


  • 一、下载MySQL Shell
  • 二、配置运行环境
  • 三、连接MySQL数据库
在有些情况下我们需要使用命令行方式连接MySQL数据库,这时可以使用MySQL官方提供的命令行工具MySQL Shell。

一、下载MySQL Shell 下载地址:https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/shell/
教你使用MySQL|教你使用MySQL Shell连接数据库的方法

注意下载地址为下面的Other Downloads,上面的Recommended Download是MySQL数据库的下载地址。

二、配置运行环境 下载后得到一个名为mysql-shell-8.0.19-windows-x86-64bit.zip的压缩包,将该压缩包解压后执行其bin目录下的mysqlsh.exe程序即可,为了方便也可以直接将程序路径添加到环境变量Path中,如下图所示。
教你使用MySQL|教你使用MySQL Shell连接数据库的方法

打开Windows PowerShell或CMD窗口,输入mysqlsh --version,如果出现版本提示则表明环境变量配置成功。
PS C:Userszhbao> mysqlsh --versionD:Program FilesMySQLmysql-shell-8.0.19-windows-x86-64bitinmysqlsh.exeVer 8.0.19 for Win64 on x86_64 - for MySQL 8.0.19 (MySQL Community Server (GPL))

三、连接MySQL数据库 连接数据库的方法有两种,第一种是直接在命令行中输入mysqlsh命令和数据库地址等信息,然后根据提示输入密码即可。
PS C:Userszhbao> mysqlsh admin48@ provide the password for 'admin48@': ******Save password for 'admin48@'? [Y]es/[N]o/Ne[v]er (default No): nMySQL Shell 8.0.19Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Type 'help' or '?' for help; 'quit' to exit.Creating a session to 'admin48@'Fetching schema names for autocompletion... Press ^C to stop.Your MySQL connection id is 958Server version: 5.7.20 MySQL Community Server (GPL)No default schema selected; type useto set one. MySQL10.53.122.98:3360JS >

PS C:Userszhbao> mysqlshMySQL Shell 8.0.19Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Type 'help' or '?' for help; 'quit' to exit. MySQLJS > connect admin48@ a session to 'admin48@'Please provide the password for 'admin48@': ******Save password for 'admin48@'? [Y]es/[N]o/Ne[v]er (default No): nFetching schema names for autocompletion... Press ^C to stop.Your MySQL connection id is 960Server version: 5.7.20 MySQL Community Server (GPL)No default schema selected; type useto set one. MySQL10.53.122.98:3360JS >

MySQL Shell默认是JS语言交互模式,可以通过sql命令切换到SQL语言交互模式。
MySQL10.53.122.98:3360JS > sqlSwitching to SQL mode... Commands end with ; MySQL10.53.122.98:3360SQL >

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