
给定十进制数字, 将其转换为二进制, 八进制和十六进制数字。这是将十进制转换为二进制, 十进制转换为八进制以及十进制转换为十六进制的函数。

Input : 55 Output : 55in Binary :0b110111 55 in Octal :0o67 55in Hexadecimal :0x37Input : 282 Output : 282in Binary :0b100011010 282 in Octal :0o432 282in Hexadecimal :0x11a

从任何基数转换为十进制, 反之亦然
Python为标准基础转换(例如bin(), hex()和oct())提供直接函数
# Python program to convert decimal to binary, # octal and hexadecimal# Function to convert decimal to binary def decimal_to_binary(dec): decimal = int (dec)# Prints equivalent decimal print (decimal, " in Binary : " , bin (decimal))# Function to convert decimal to octal def decimal_to_octal(dec): decimal = int (dec)# Prints equivalent decimal print (decimal, "in Octal : " , oct (decimal))# Function to convert decimal to hexadecimal def decimal_to_hexadecimal(dec): decimal = int (dec)# Prints equivalent decimal print (decimal, " in Hexadecimal : " , hex (decimal))# Driver program dec = 32 decimal_to_binary(dec) decimal_to_octal(dec) decimal_to_hexadecimal(dec)

32in Binary :0b100000 32 in Octal :0o40 32in Hexadecimal :0x20

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【在Python中如何快速将Decimal转换为其他基数()】首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。
