

  • C ++
  • Python3
跳转指针算法是一种针对并行算法的设计技术, 该算法对指针结构(例如数组或链表)进行操作。此算法通常用于确定有根树的森林的根。
在跳转指针算法中, 我们对一棵树进行预处理, 以便人们可以回答查询以找到树中任何节点的任何父节点, 时间复杂度为O(log n).
跳转指针算法将最多log2n个指针关联到树的每个顶点。这些指针被称为跳转指针,因为它们向上跳转到树的根节点。对于处理树的任意节点,算法存储一个长度为l的跳数数组,其中l = log2(depth(v))。这个数组的第i个元素指向节点v的第2个父节点。这个数据结构帮助我们从任何给定的节点跳到树的一半。当要求算法处理查找树中任何节点的父节点的查询时,我们使用这些指针重复地向上跳转树。跳转的次数最多为log n,因此任何查找树中任何节点的父节点的问题都可以在O(log n)时间复杂度内得到回答。
在跳转指针中, 有一个从节点N到N的第j个父节点的指针,
j = 1, 2, 4, 8, …, 依此类推。所以我们存储每个节点的第2^(ith)个父节点。
跳转指针算法基本上适用于以下方法动态编程, 我们使用预先计算的结果来查找下一个结果。通过执行一些简单的计算, 我们可以计算出任何节点的数学公式k, 2?k的父级等于21一2的父母1一k的父级.
该算法最常见的用途是解决需要查找O(log n)时间复杂度的任何节点的祖先的查询。


Input: 0th parent of node 2 Output: 0th parent of node 2 is = 2Input: 2th parent of node 4 Output: 2th parent of node 4 is = 2Input: 3rd parent of node 8 Output: 3rd parent of node 8 is = 1

下面是实现跳转指针算法的算法,以查找图中任何节点的任何父节点。我们用动态规划的方法确定了跳跃矩阵。这里,我们表示根节点为R,并首先假设根节点的父节点为0,这意味着这个节点没有父节点。现在看看图和上面图中显示的数组,我们可以很容易地理解上面的公式来确定每个节点的第2个父节点。如果我们看看8节点值我们可以看到2^0父节点是10,现在找到2^1父节点我们看到2^1父2^0父节点的值是10和2^0的父节点10是8这意味着2^1的父节点2^0 2^0父节点的父节点8 8。同样,我们也可以看到节点8的第22个父节点是5,这是节点8的第2^1个父节点的第21个父节点,即节点的第2^1个父节点,值为9。
下面是伪代码, 用于计算存储2的跳转指针矩阵一世树中所有节点的父级。
jump[k][j] =it points 2^jth parent of k =2^j-1th parent of (2^j-1th parent of k) =jump[jump[i][j-1][j-1]

实现:以下是实现上述算法的代码, 以查找O(logn)时间复杂度的任何节点的任何父节点。
C ++
//C++ program to implement Jump pointer algorithm #include < bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int R = 0; //n -> it represent total number of nodes //len -> it is the maximum length of array //to hold parent of each node. //In worst case, the highest value of //parent a node can have is n-1. //2 ^ len < = n-1 //len = O(log2n) int getLen( int n) { int len = ( int )( log (n) /log (2)) + 1; return len; } //jump represent 2D matrix to hold parent of node in jump matrix //here we pass reference of 2D matrix so that the change made //occur directly to the original matrix //len is same as defined above //n is total nodes in graph void set_jump_pointer(vector< vector< int> > & jump, int * node, int len, int n) { for ( int j = 1; j < = len; j++) for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) jump[node[i]][j] = jump[jump[node[i]][j - 1]][j - 1]; } //c -> it represent child //p -> it represent parent //i -> it represent node number //p=0 means the node is root node //here also we pass reference of 2D matrix //and depth vector so that the change made //occur directly to the original matrix and original vector void constructGraph(vector< vector< int> > & jump, int * node, int * isNode, int c, int p, int i) { //enter the node in node array //it stores all the nodes in the graph node[i] = c; //to confirm that no child node have 2 parents if (isNode == 0) { isNode = 1; //make parent of x as y jump[0] = p; } return ; } //function to jump to Lth parent of any node void jumpPointer(vector< vector< int> > & jump, int * isNode, int x, int L) { int j = 0, n = x, k = L; //to check if node is present in graph or not if (isNode[x] == 0) { cout < < "Node is not present in graph " < < endl; return ; } //in this loop we decrease the value of L by L/2 and //increment j by 1 after each iteration, and check for set bit //if we get set bit then we update x with jth parent of x //as L becomes less than or equal to zero means //we have jumped to Lth parent of node x while (L> 0) { //to check if last bit is 1 or not if (L & 1) x = jump[x][j]; //use of shift operator to make //L = L/2 after every iteration L = L> > 1; j++; } cout < < k < < "th parent of node " < < n < < " is = " < < x < < endl; return ; } //Driver code int main() { //n represent number of nodes int n = 11; //initialization of parent matrix //suppose max range of a node is up to 1000 //if there are 1000 nodes than also //length of jump matrix will not exceed 10 vector< vector< int> > jump(1000, vector< int> (10)); //node array is used to store all nodes int * node = new int [1000]; //isNode is an array to check whether //a node is present in graph or not int * isNode = new int [1000]; //memset function to initialize isNode array with 0 memset (isNode, 0, 1000 * sizeof ( int )); //function to calculate len //len -> it is the maximum length of //array to hold parent of each node. int len = getLen(n); //R stores root node R = 2; //construction of graph //here 0 represent that the node is root node constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 2, 0, 0); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 5, 2, 1); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 3, 5, 2); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 4, 5, 3); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 1, 5, 4); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 7, 1, 5); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 9, 1, 6); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 10, 9, 7); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 11, 10, 8); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 6, 10, 9); constructGraph(jump, node, isNode, 8, 10, 10); //function to pre compute jump matrix set_jump_pointer(jump, node, len, n); //query to jump to parent using jump pointers //query to jump to 1st parent of node 2 jumpPointer(jump, isNode, 2, 0); //query to jump to 2nd parent of node 4 jumpPointer(jump, isNode, 4, 2); //query to jump to 3rd parent of node 8 jumpPointer(jump, isNode, 8, 3); //query to jump to 5th parent of node 20 jumpPointer(jump, isNode, 20, 5); return 0; }

# Python3 program to implement # Jump pointer algorithm import math # Initialization of parent matrix # suppose max range of a node is # up to 1000 if there are 1000 nodes #than also length of jump matrix # will not exceed 10 jump = [[ 0 for j in range ( 10 )] for i in range ( 1000 )]# Node array is used to store all nodes node = [ 0 for i in range ( 1000 )]# isNode is an array to check whether # a node is present in graph or not isNode = [ 0 for i in range ( 1000 )] # n -> it represent total number of nodes # len -> it is the maximum length of array # to hold parent of each node. # In worst case, the highest value of # parent a node can have is n-1. # 2 ^ len < = n-1 # len = O(log2n) def getLen(n): len = int ((math.log(n)) // (math.log( 2 ))) + 1 return len # jump represent 2D matrix to hold parent # of node in jump matrix here we pass # reference of 2D matrix so that the # change made occur directly to the # original matrix len is same as # defined above n is total nodes # in graph def set_jump_pointer( len , n):global jump, node for j in range ( 1 , len + 1 ): for i in range ( 0 , n): jump[node[i]][j] = jump[jump[node[i]][j - 1 ]][j - 1 ] # c -> it represent child # p -> it represent parent # i -> it represent node number # p=0 means the node is root node # here also we pass reference of # 2D matrix and depth vector so # that the change made occur # directly to the original matrix # and original vector def constructGraph(c, p, i):global jump, node, isNode# Enter the node in node array # it stores all the nodes in the graph node[i] = c# To confirm that no child node # have 2 parents if (isNode = = 0 ): isNode = 1# Make parent of x as y jump[ 0 ] = preturn # function to jump to Lth parent # of any node def jumpPointer(x, L):j = 0 n = x k = Lglobal jump, isNode# To check if node is present in # graph or not if (isNode[x] = = 0 ): print ( "Node is not present in graph " ) return# In this loop we decrease the value # of L by L/2 and increment j by 1 # after each iteration, and check # for set bit if we get set bit # then we update x with jth parent # of x as L becomes less than or # equal to zero means we have # jumped to Lth parent of node x while (L> 0 ):# To check if last bit is 1 or not if ((L & 1 )! = 0 ): x = jump[x][j]# Use of shift operator to make # L = L/2 after every iteration L = L> > 1 j + = 1print ( str (k) + "th parent of node " + str (n) + " is = " + str (x))return # Driver code if __name__ = = "__main__" :# n represent number of nodes n = 11# Function to calculate len # len -> it is the maximum length of # array to hold parent of each node. len = getLen(n)# R stores root node R = 2# Construction of graph # here 0 represent that # the node is root node constructGraph( 2 , 0 , 0 ) constructGraph( 5 , 2 , 1 ) constructGraph( 3 , 5 , 2 ) constructGraph( 4 , 5 , 3 ) constructGraph( 1 , 5 , 4 ) constructGraph( 7 , 1 , 5 ) constructGraph( 9 , 1 , 6 ) constructGraph( 10 , 9 , 7 ) constructGraph( 11 , 10 , 8 ) constructGraph( 6 , 10 , 9 ) constructGraph( 8 , 10 , 10 )# Function to pre compute jump matrix set_jump_pointer( len , n)# Query to jump to parent using jump pointers # query to jump to 1st parent of node 2 jumpPointer( 2 , 0 )# Query to jump to 2nd parent of node 4 jumpPointer( 4 , 2 )# Query to jump to 3rd parent of node 8 jumpPointer( 8 , 3 )# Query to jump to 5th parent of node 20 jumpPointer( 20 , 5 ) # This code is contributed by rutvik_56

0th parent of node 2 is = 2 2th parent of node 4 is = 2 3th parent of node 8 is = 1 Node is not present in graph
