app hybrid

【app hybrid】归志宁无五亩园,读书本意在元元。这篇文章主要讲述app hybrid相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

package com.note.testcases; /** * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Alejandro Gómez Morón * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.javascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.Platform; import org.openqa.selenium.ScreenOrientation; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.html5.Location; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.ExecuteMethod; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import; import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver; import io.appium.java_client.MobileElement; import io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction; import io.appium.java_client.TouchAction; import; import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver; import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType; /** * Appium handler driver to work with any appium implementation iOS/Android and working with * the app independent of the app (native or hybrid). * * @author Alejandro Gomez < [email  protected]> * @author Ivan Gomez de Leon < [email  protected]> * */ public class DevTest {/** * Log instance. */ private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DevTest.class); /** * Key to be used in the {@link DesiredCapabilities} checking. */ private static String PLATFORM_TYPE_KEY = "platformName"; /** * Key to be used in the {@link DesiredCapabilities} checking. */ private static String APP_KEY = "app"; /** * Key to be used in the {@link DesiredCapabilities} checking. */ private static String APP_HYBRID = "appHybrid"; /** * Parameter to have always the main window. */ private String mainWindow; /** * Involved instance (decorator pattern). */ private AppiumDriver< MobileElement> driver; /** * Flag to know if we‘re testing an hybrid app. */ private boolean isAnHybridApp; /** * Builder method to create {@link DevTest} instances. * @param remoteAddress to be used. * @param desiredCapabilities to be used. * @return an {@link DevTest} instance with the custom implementation. */ public static DevTest buildInstance(URL remoteAddress, DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities) { DevTest instance = null; // getting app path (if it‘s exists) Object appCapability = desiredCapabilities.getCapability(APP_KEY); if (appCapability != null & & appCapability instanceof String) { String appPath = (String) appCapability; File file = new File(appPath); if (file.exists()) { desiredCapabilities.setCapability(APP_KEY, file.getAbsolutePath()); } else { LOGGER.error("The app was defined but it cannot be found in " + appPath); } }AppiumDriver< MobileElement> driver = null; // building the instance if (isIOS(desiredCapabilities)) { driver = new IOSDriver< MobileElement> (remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities); } else if (isAndroid(desiredCapabilities)) { driver = new AndroidDriver< MobileElement> (remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities); } else { // TODO: work on it. Nowadays just iOS and android are supported by this handler. driver = new AndroidDriver< MobileElement> (remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities); }// implicit wait for slow devices driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(35, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Boolean isHybrid = false; Object appHybrid = desiredCapabilities.getCapability(APP_HYBRID); desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.TAKES_SCREENSHOT, "true"); if (appHybrid != null & & appHybrid instanceof Boolean) { isHybrid = (Boolean) appHybrid; if (isHybrid) { // if the app is hybrid, we have to wait until the WEBVIEW context handler exists driver = switchToWebViewContext(driver); } } // now the driver is configured, we create the wrapper instance = new DevTest(driver, isHybrid); return instance; }/** * This method switches to webview context (for hybrid apps). * @param driver to be switched to. * @param * @return modified driver instance. */ private static AppiumDriver< MobileElement> switchToWebViewContext(AppiumDriver< MobileElement> driver) { long start = new Date().getTime(); long end = new Date().getTime(); long limit = 15; // waiting no more than 15 seconds to switch to a WEBVIEW context boolean switched = false; int maxRetries = 5; // for HYBRID APPS, switching the context do { sleepFor(1); Set< String> contextHandles = driver.getContextHandles(); for (String context : contextHandles) { if (context.contains("WEBVIEW")) { // the context change needs some extra time int retries = 0; do { sleepFor(5); try { driver.context(context); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.warn("An error occurred switching the context. Trying again..."); } retries++; } while (!driver.getContext().contains("WEBVIEW") & & retries < maxRetries); switched = true; } } end = new Date().getTime(); } while (!switched & & (start + (limit * 1000)) > end); if (!switched) { LOGGER.error("After waiting for " + limit + " seconds, the driver couldn‘t switched to the WEBVIEW context, so the test of the hybrid application will failed!"); } return driver; }/** * Method to know if the driver is ready to test hybrid / native apps. * @return true if the driver is well configured or false otherwise. */ public boolean isDriverReadyToTest() { boolean ready = false; if (this.driver != null) { if (this.isAnHybridApp) { if (this.getContext().contains("WEBVIEW")) { ready = true; } } else { if (!this.getContext().contains("WEBVIEW")) { ready = true; } } } return ready; }/** * Private constructor to avoid instances creation without using the buildInstance method. * @param driver an {@link AppiumDriver} instance. * @param isHybrid flag to know if it‘s an hybrid app. */ private DevTest(AppiumDriver< MobileElement> driver, Boolean isHybridApp) { this.driver = driver; this.isAnHybridApp = isHybridApp; this.mainWindow = this.driver.getWindowHandle(); }/** * It switches to the main window if it‘s an hybrid app. */ public void switchToMainWindow() { if (this.isAnHybridApp & & StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.mainWindow) & & !this.driver.getWindowHandle().equals(this.mainWindow)) { this.driver.switchTo().window(this.mainWindow); } }/** * It checks if it‘s an iOS platform. * @param desiredCapabilities to check if the SO is iOS. * @return true if it‘s an iOS testing. */ private static boolean isIOS(Capabilities desiredCapabilities) { return is(desiredCapabilities, "ios"); }/** * It checks if it‘s an Android platform. * @param desiredCapabilities to check if the SO is iOS. * @return true if it‘s an iOS testing. */ private static boolean isAndroid(Capabilities desiredCapabilities) { return is(desiredCapabilities,; }/** * It checks if it‘s an iOS platform. * @param desiredCapabilities to check if the SO is iOS. * @param type to check. * @return true if it‘s an iOS testing. */ private static boolean is(Capabilities desiredCapabilities, String type) { boolean is = false; if (desiredCapabilities != null) { Object capability = desiredCapabilities.getCapability(PLATFORM_TYPE_KEY); if (capability != null & & capability instanceof String) { if (type != null & & type.equalsIgnoreCase(((String) capability))) { is = true; } } } return is; }/** * This method waits for the {@link MobileElement} described by the {@By} selector with a timeout of seconds. * @param selector to get the element. * @param seconds to wait for (timeout). * @param message to send to the log if something happens. */ public void waitFor(By selector, long seconds, String message) {"Waiting for " + selector.toString()); long start = new Date().getTime(); long end = start + (seconds * 1000); long now = new Date().getTime(); MobileElement element = null; do { element = this.findElement(selector); now = new Date().getTime(); } while (element == null & & now < = end); if (element == null) { if (message != null & & "".equals(message.trim())) { LOGGER.error("After waiting " + seconds + " seconds for the element " + selector.toString() + ", the element is missing!. Custom message: " + message); } else { LOGGER.error("After waiting " + seconds + " seconds for the element " + selector.toString() + ", the element is missing!"); } } }/** * This method waits for the {@link MobileElement} described by the {@By} selector with a timeout of seconds. * @param selector to get the element. * @param seconds to wait for (timeout). */ public void waitFor(By selector, long seconds) { this.waitFor(selector, seconds, null); }/** * This method waits for the {@link MobileElement} until it‘s visible described by the {@By} selector with a timeout of seconds. * @param selector to get the element. * @param seconds to wait for (timeout). * @param message to send to the log if something happens. */ public void waitUntilVisible(By selector, long seconds, String message) {"Waiting for " + selector.toString()); this.waitFor(selector, seconds, message); MobileElement element = this.findElement(selector); if (element != null & & !element.isDisplayed()) { LOGGER.error("After waiting " + seconds + " seconds for the element " + selector.toString() + " exists in the DOM but is not displayed."); } }/** * It sleeps the driver for n seconds. * @param seconds to be slept. */ public void wait(int seconds) { long start = new Date().getTime(); try { driver.wait(seconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { long end = new Date().getTime(); do { end = new Date().getTime(); } while ((start + (seconds * 1000)) > end); } }/** * It sleeps the process for n seconds. * @param seconds to be slept. */ public void sleep(long seconds) { sleepFor(seconds); }/** * It sleeps the process for n seconds. * @param seconds to be slept. */ public static void sleepFor(long seconds) { long start = new Date().getTime(); try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { long end = new Date().getTime(); do { end = new Date().getTime(); } while ((start + (seconds * 1000)) > end); } }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElements(By)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElements(By by) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElements(by); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsById(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsById(String id) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsById(id); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByLinkText(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByLinkText(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByLinkText(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByPartialLinkText(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByPartialLinkText(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByPartialLinkText(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByTagName(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByTagName(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByTagName(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByName(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByName(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByName(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByClassName(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByClassName(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByClassName(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByCssSelector(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByCssSelector(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByCssSelector(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByXPath(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByXPath(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByXPath(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#findElementsByAccessibilityId(String)}. */ public List< MobileElement> findElementsByAccessibilityId(String using) { List< MobileElement> elements = null; try { elements = driver.findElementsByAccessibilityId(using); } catch (Exception ex) { elements = new ArrayList< MobileElement> (); } return elements; }/** * @see {@link DefaultGenericMobileDriver#findElement(By)}. */ public MobileElement findElement(By by) { MobileElement element; try { element = driver.findElement(by); } catch (Exception ex) { element = null; } return element; }/** * @see {@link DefaultGenericMobileDriver#findElementById(String)}. */ public MobileElement findElementById(String id) { MobileElement element; try { element = driver.findElementById(id); } catch (Exception ex) { element = null; } return element; }/** * @see {@link DefaultGenericMobileDriver#findElementByLinkText(String)}. */ public MobileElement findElementByLinkText(String using) { MobileElement element; try { element = driver.findElementByLinkText(using); } catch (Exception ex) { element = null; } return element; }/** * @see {@link DefaultGenericMobileDriver#findElementByPartialLinkText(String)}. */ public MobileElement findElementByPartialLinkText(String using) { MobileElement element; try { element = driver.findElementByPartialLinkText(using); } catch (Exception ex) { element = null; } return element; }/** * @see {@link DefaultGenericMobileDriver#findElementByTagName(String)}. */ public MobileElement findElementByTagName(String using) { MobileElement element; try { element = driver.findElementByTagName(using); } catch (Exception ex) { element = null; } return element; }/** * @see {@link DefaultGenericMobileDriver#findElementByName(String)}. */ public MobileElement findElementByName(String using) { MobileElement element; try { element = driver.findElementByName(using); } catch (Exception ex) { element = null; } return element; }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getExecuteMethod()}. */ public ExecuteMethod getExecuteMethod() { return driver.getExecuteMethod(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#resetApp()}. */ public void resetApp() { driver.resetApp(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#isAppInstalled(String)}. */ public boolean isAppInstalled(String bundleId) { return driver.isAppInstalled(bundleId); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#installApp(String)}. */ public void installApp(String appPath) { driver.installApp(appPath); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#removeApp(String)}. */ public void removeApp(String bundleId) { driver.removeApp(bundleId); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#launchApp()}. */ public void launchApp() { driver.launchApp(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#closeApp()}. */ public void closeApp() { driver.closeApp(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#runAppInBackground(int)}. */ public void runAppInBackground(int seconds) { driver.runAppInBackground(seconds); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#hideKeyboard()}. */ public void hideKeyboard() { driver.hideKeyboard(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#pullFile(String)}. */ public byte[] pullFile(String remotePath) { return driver.pullFile(remotePath); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#pullFolder(String)}. */ public byte[] pullFolder(String remotePath) { return driver.pullFolder(remotePath); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#performTouchAction(TouchAction)}. */ public TouchAction performTouchAction(TouchAction touchAction) { return driver.performTouchAction(touchAction); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#performMultiTouchAction(MultiTouchAction)}. */ public void performMultiTouchAction(MultiTouchAction multiAction) { driver.performMultiTouchAction(multiAction); }/** * This method is the same than {@link DevTest#tap(int, WebElement, int)} but using a {@link MobileElement} object. */ public void tap(int fingers, MobileElement element, int duration) { int xPosition = element.getLocation().getX() + element.getSize().getWidth() / 2; int yPosition = element.getLocation().getY() + element.getSize().getHeight() / 2; this.tap(fingers, xPosition, yPosition, duration); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#tap(int, WebElement, int)}. */ public void tap(int fingers, WebElement element, int duration) { driver.tap(fingers, element, duration); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#tap(int, int, int, int)}. */ public void tap(int fingers, int x, int y, int duration) { driver.tap(fingers, x, y, duration); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#swipe(int, int, int, int, int)}. */ public void swipe(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, int duration) { driver.swipe(startx, starty, endx, endy, duration); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#pinch(WebElement)}. */ public void pinch(WebElement el) { driver.pinch(el); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#pinch(int, int)}. */ public void pinch(int x, int y) { driver.pinch(x, y); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#zoom(WebElement)}. */ public void zoom(WebElement el) { driver.zoom(el); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#zoom(int, int)}. */ public void zoom(int x, int y) { driver.zoom(x, y); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getSettings()}. */ public JsonObject getSettings() { return driver.getSettings(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#context(String)}. */ public WebDriver context(String name) { return driver.context(name); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getContextHandles()}. */ public Set< String> getContextHandles() { return driver.getContextHandles(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getContext()}. */ public String getContext() { return driver.getContext(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#rotate(ScreenOrientation)}. */ public void rotate(ScreenOrientation orientation) { driver.rotate(orientation); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getOrientation()}. */ public ScreenOrientation getOrientation() { return driver.getOrientation(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#location()}. */ public Location location() { return driver.location(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#setLocation(Location)}. */ public void setLocation(Location location) { driver.setLocation(location); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getAppStrings()}. */ public Map< String, String> getAppStrings() { return driver.getAppStringMap(); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getAppStrings(String)}. */ public Map< String, String> getAppStringMap(String language) { return driver.getAppStringMap(language); }/** * @see {@link AppiumDriver#getRemoteAddress()}. */ public URL getRemoteAddress() { return driver.getRemoteAddress(); }/** * @see {@link RemoteWebDriver#quit()}. */ public void quit() { driver.quit(); }/** * @see {@link RemoteWebDriver#getWindowHandles()} */ public Set< String> getWindowHandles() { return driver.getWindowHandles(); }/** * @see {@link RemoteWebDriver#switchTo()} */ public TargetLocator switchTo() { return driver.switchTo(); }/** * @see {@link RemoteWebDriver#getWindowHandle()} */ public String getWindowHandle() { return driver.getWindowHandle(); }/** * Adding support to execute JavaScript codes. * @param script to be executed. * @return the result of the execution. */ public Object executeJavaScript(String script) { JavascriptExecutor jsExecutor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; Object output = jsExecutor.executeScript(script); return output; }/** * Providing a way to get the native driver. * @return the native {@link AppiumDriver} instance. */ public AppiumDriver< MobileElement> getDriver() { return driver; }}

