python|python PyGame五子棋小游戏


  • 前言
  • 五子棋小游戏
    • 1、简介
    • 2、环境准备
    • 3、初始化环境
    • 4、棋盘
    • 5、黑白棋子
    • 6、对局信息
    • 7、AI
    • 8、完善
  • 总结

    前言 PyGame 是一个专门设计来进行游戏开发设计的 Python 模块,允许实时电子游戏研发而无需被低级语言(如机器语言和汇编语言)束缚,使用起来非常的简单,非常适合新手拿来玩耍,本教程源码均基于 Python 3.x 版本。

    【python|python PyGame五子棋小游戏】
    本次教程需要提前安装好 Python 3.x 环境以及 PyGame 模块,Python 环境建议安装 Anaconda 以及 Jupyter,对于新手比较友好!
    pip install jupyterpip install pygame

    安装好 PyGame 模块之后,咱们就可以正式开写了!

    import sysimport randomimport pygamefrom pygame.locals import *import pygame.gfxdrawfrom collections import namedtuple

    Chessman = namedtuple('Chessman', 'Name Value Color')Point = namedtuple('Point', 'X Y')BLACK_CHESSMAN = Chessman('黑子', 1, (45, 45, 45))WHITE_CHESSMAN = Chessman('白子', 2, (219, 219, 219))offset = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)]SIZE = 30# 棋盘每个点时间的间隔Line_Points = 19# 棋盘每行/每列点数Outer_Width = 20# 棋盘外宽度Border_Width = 4# 边框宽度Inside_Width = 4# 边框跟实际的棋盘之间的间隔Border_Length = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Inside_Width * 2 + Border_Width# 边框线的长度Start_X = Start_Y = Outer_Width + int(Border_Width / 2) + Inside_Width# 网格线起点(左上角)坐标SCREEN_HEIGHT = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Outer_Width * 2 + Border_Width + Inside_Width * 2# 游戏屏幕的高SCREEN_WIDTH = SCREEN_HEIGHT + 200# 游戏屏幕的宽Stone_Radius = SIZE // 2 - 3# 棋子半径Stone_Radius2 = SIZE // 2 + 3Checkerboard_Color = (0xE3, 0x92, 0x65)# 棋盘颜色BLACK_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)WHITE_COLOR = (255, 255, 255)RED_COLOR = (200, 30, 30)BLUE_COLOR = (30, 30, 200)RIGHT_INFO_POS_X = SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2 * 2 + 10

    # 画棋盘def _draw_checkerboard(screen):# 填充棋盘背景色screen.fill(Checkerboard_Color)# 画棋盘网格线外的边框pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK_COLOR, (Outer_Width, Outer_Width, Border_Length, Border_Length), Border_Width)# 画网格线for i in range(Line_Points):pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,(Start_Y, Start_Y + SIZE * i),(Start_Y + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1), Start_Y + SIZE * i),1)for j in range(Line_Points):pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,(Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X),(Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1)),1)# 画星位和天元for i in (3, 9, 15):for j in (3, 9, 15):if i == j == 9:radius = 5else:radius = 3#, BLACK, (Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j), radius)pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)

    # 画棋子def _draw_chessman(screen, point, stone_color):#, stone_color, (Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y), Stone_Radius)pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)

    # 画左侧信息显示def _draw_left_info(screen, font, cur_runner, black_win_count, white_win_count):_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 4), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + 3, '玩家', BLUE_COLOR)print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, '电脑', BLUE_COLOR)print_text(screen, font, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 8, '战况:', BLUE_COLOR)_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 4.5)), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 2), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 5.5) + 3, f'{black_win_count} 胜', BLUE_COLOR)print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, f'{white_win_count} 胜', BLUE_COLOR)def _draw_chessman_pos(screen, pos, stone_color):pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)

    python|python PyGame五子棋小游戏


    由于咱们的小游戏不可以联机,因此大部分时间应该都是人机对下,这样就需要引入 AI 人机,让电脑作为对手陪我们下棋,主要源码如下:
    class AI:def __init__(self, line_points, chessman):self._line_points = line_pointsself._my = chessmanself._opponent = BLACK_CHESSMAN if chessman == WHITE_CHESSMAN else WHITE_CHESSMANself._checkerboard = [[0] * line_points for _ in range(line_points)]def get_opponent_drop(self, point):self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._opponent.Valuedef AI_drop(self):point = Nonescore = 0for i in range(self._line_points):for j in range(self._line_points):if self._checkerboard[j][i] == 0:_score = self._get_point_score(Point(i, j))if _score > score:score = _scorepoint = Point(i, j)elif _score == score and _score > 0:r = random.randint(0, 100)if r % 2 == 0:point = Point(i, j)self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._my.Valuereturn pointdef _get_point_score(self, point):score = 0for os in offset:score += self._get_direction_score(point, os[0], os[1])return scoredef _get_direction_score(self, point, x_offset, y_offset):count = 0# 落子处我方连续子数_count = 0# 落子处对方连续子数space = None# 我方连续子中有无空格_space = None# 对方连续子中有无空格both = 0# 我方连续子两端有无阻挡_both = 0# 对方连续子两端有无阻挡# 如果是 1 表示是边上是我方子,2 表示敌方子flag = self._get_stone_color(point, x_offset, y_offset, True)if flag != 0:for step in range(1, 6):x = point.X + step * x_offsety = point.Y + step * y_offsetif 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:if flag == 1:if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:count += 1if space is False:space = Trueelif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:_both += 1breakelse:if space is None:space = Falseelse:break# 遇到第二个空格退出elif flag == 2:if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:_both += 1breakelif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:_count += 1if _space is False:_space = Trueelse:if _space is None:_space = Falseelse:breakelse:# 遇到边也就是阻挡if flag == 1:both += 1elif flag == 2:_both += 1if space is False:space = Noneif _space is False:_space = None_flag = self._get_stone_color(point, -x_offset, -y_offset, True)if _flag != 0:for step in range(1, 6):x = point.X - step * x_offsety = point.Y - step * y_offsetif 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:if _flag == 1:if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:count += 1if space is False:space = Trueelif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:_both += 1breakelse:if space is None:space = Falseelse:break# 遇到第二个空格退出elif _flag == 2:if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:_both += 1breakelif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:_count += 1if _space is False:_space = Trueelse:if _space is None:_space = Falseelse:breakelse:# 遇到边也就是阻挡if _flag == 1:both += 1elif _flag == 2:_both += 1score = 0if count == 4:score = 10000elif _count == 4:score = 9000elif count == 3:if both == 0:score = 1000elif both == 1:score = 100else:score = 0elif _count == 3:if _both == 0:score = 900elif _both == 1:score = 90else:score = 0elif count == 2:if both == 0:score = 100elif both == 1:score = 10else:score = 0elif _count == 2:if _both == 0:score = 90elif _both == 1:score = 9else:score = 0elif count == 1:score = 10elif _count == 1:score = 9else:score = 0if space or _space:score /= 2return score# 判断指定位置处在指定方向上是我方子、对方子、空def _get_stone_color(self, point, x_offset, y_offset, next):x = point.X + x_offsety = point.Y + y_offsetif 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:return 1elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:return 2else:if next:return self._get_stone_color(Point(x, y), x_offset, y_offset, False)else:return 0else:return 0

    class Checkerboard:def __init__(self, line_points):self._line_points = line_pointsself._checkerboard = [[0] * line_points for _ in range(line_points)]def _get_checkerboard(self):return self._checkerboardcheckerboard = property(_get_checkerboard)# 判断是否可落子def can_drop(self, point):return self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] == 0def drop(self, chessman, point):"""落子:param chessman::param point:落子位置:return:若该子落下之后即可获胜,则返回获胜方,否则返回 None"""print(f'{chessman.Name} ({point.X}, {point.Y})')self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = chessman.Valueif self._win(point):print(f'{chessman.Name}获胜')return chessman# 判断是否赢了def _win(self, point):cur_value =[point.Y][point.X]for os in offset:if self._get_count_on_direction(point, cur_value, os[0], os[1]):return Truedef _get_count_on_direction(self, point, value, x_offset, y_offset):count = 1for step in range(1, 5):x = point.X + step * x_offsety = point.Y + step * y_offsetif 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points and self._checkerboard[y][x] == value:count += 1else:breakfor step in range(1, 5):x = point.X - step * x_offsety = point.Y - step * y_offsetif 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points and self._checkerboard[y][x] == value:count += 1else:breakreturn count>= 5


    python|python PyGame五子棋小游戏

    总结 到此这篇关于python PyGame五子棋小游戏的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关python PyGame五子棋内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!
