[Debug] Use Remote Sources to Debug a Web App on an Emulator, Simulator, or Physical Device

识字粗堪供赋役,不须辛苦慕公卿。这篇文章主要讲述[Debug] Use Remote Sources to Debug a Web App on an Emulator, Simulator, or Physical Device相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
We can emulate different operating systems, browsers, and devices within a desktop operating system. We’ re going to discuss ios and android options we have available to us, and how to debug on those devices.
More than often we want to test what we have seen is what user see our app. To do that we need to use device to test our web application.
To enable device testing, the easiest to do it:

npm install ngrok -D

Suppose our application is running on localhost:8000, then we can run the command:
ngrok http 8000

【[Debug] Use Remote Sources to Debug a Web App on an Emulator, Simulator, or Physical Device】 
Of course this is only one way to test web application on mobile device.
You can also use Remote debuging with Chrome: 

To test on difference brwoswers, we can also use  BrowserStack.
