Power Apps visual for Power BI

欠伸展肢体,吟咏心自愉。这篇文章主要讲述Power Apps visual for Power BI相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
Using the Power Apps visualLet‘s look at the steps required to use the Power Apps visual in your Power BI report.

  1. Power Apps visual is available by default in the Power BI service. If you‘re using Power BI Desktop and don‘t see it, you must upgrade to the latest version of Power BI Desktop.
  2. Add the Power Apps visual to your report, and set the data fields associated with it.
    Power Apps visual for Power BI


    You can choose an existing app or create one, but the report must be published to the Power BI service and opened in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
  3. If you choose to create an app, you can choose in which environment to create it.
    Power Apps visual for Power BI


    If you choose to use an existing app, the visual prompts you to open the app in Power Apps. The visual then sets up the required components in your app so that Power BI can send data to Power Apps.
    If you create a new app, Power Apps creates a simple app with the required components already set up.
    【Power Apps visual for Power BI】You must create a new app from Power Apps visual in Power BI report for the  PowerBIIntegration.Refresh()  function to be available in the app.
    Power Apps visual for Power BI


  4. Now in Power Apps Studio, you can use the data fields you set in step 2. The  PowerBIIntegration  object acts like any other Power Apps read-only data source or collection. You can use the object to populate any control, or join and filter with other data sources.
    Power Apps visual for Power BI


    This formula joins Power BI data with the Customer data source:  LookUp(Customer,Customer_x0020_Name=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).Customer_Name)
    The Power BI report and the instance of Power Apps Studio that was launched share a live data connection. While they‘re both open, you can filter or change the data in your report to see the updated data reflect immediately in your app in Power Apps Studio.
  5. After you have completed building or making changes to your app, save and publish the app in Power Apps to see your app in the Power BI report.
  6. Once you‘re satisfied with your changes, make sure to share the Power Apps app with users of your report and then save your report.
  7. You‘ve created a report in which your users can take actions as they gain insights from your data.
    Power Apps visual for Power BI


    If you need to make changes to an app, open the report in edit mode, select  More options  (. . .) on the Power Apps visual and select  Edit.
    Power Apps visual for Power BI


Limitations of the Power Apps visualThe following limitations apply to the Power Apps visual:
  • Power Apps visual isn‘t supported for  guest users.
  • Power Apps visual isn‘t supported in sovereign clouds.
  • If you change the data fields associated with the visual, you must edit the app from within the Power BI service by selecting the ellipsis (...) and then selecting  Edit. Otherwise, the changes won‘t be propagated to Power Apps, and the app will behave in unexpected ways.
  • The Power Apps visual can‘t trigger a refresh of Power BI reports and Power BI data sources from within Power BI Desktop. If you write back data from the app to the same data source as the report, your changes won‘t be reflected immediately in Power BI Desktop. Changes are reflected on the next scheduled refresh.
  • The Power Apps visual can‘t filter the data or send any data back to the report.
  • You‘ll need to share the Power Apps app separately from your report. Learn about  sharing apps in Power Apps.
  • Power BI Report Server doesn‘t support the Power Apps visual.
  • Following limitations apply when using the  PowerBIIntegration.Refresh()  function:
    • You must create a new app from Power Apps visual in Power BI report for this function to be available in the app.
    • You must use a source that supports  DirectQuery  and the data connection must be created using DirectQuery method.
  • Power Apps in Power BI Desktop provides data to Power Apps Studio when creating apps but not while editing. Use Power BI Web to preview the data while editing apps.
  • The Power BI mobile app doesn‘t support microphone control in Power Apps visuals.
