leetcode407 Trapping rain water II

君不见长松卧壑困风霜,时来屹立扶明堂。这篇文章主要讲述leetcode407 Trapping rain water II相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
use 3D version to calculate how much water the model can contain
this problem need use dfs,from the edge part which mustn‘t be answer,for the edge cannot contain water,so push these edge part into queue first.because we need dfs blocks from the lower part to the higher,so need special priority_queue greater type,we can grep block from lower to higher.
the main thought is sea level,use an increasing value represent sea level,
a queue store the block been visited
priority_queue< pair< int,int> ,greater>
vector< vector< bool> > visited 
sea [record now sea level height]
res [record total answer] 
initialize vector use = or directly follow {} also can be.
priority_queue need use push,if push type pair< int,int> need use {} wrap two value
【leetcode407 Trapping rain water II】 
