

      • 1. GraphSAGE基本介绍
      • 2. 代码解析
        • 2.1 加载数据
        • 2.2 Unsupervised Loss
        • 2.3 Models
        • 2.4 评估与模型使用
        • 2.5 Main
      • 参考资料

  • github: https://github.com/OuYangg/GNNs
1. GraphSAGE基本介绍
  • 论文标题:Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs
  • 作者:William L. Hamilton, Rex Ying and Jure Leskovec
  • GraphSAGE的基本流程见下图:

    1)首先通过随机游走获得固定大小的邻域网络 2)然后通过aggregator把有限阶邻居节点的特征聚合给目标节点,伪代码如下

    由上面的伪代码可见,GraphSAGE的输入为:目标网络 G G G、节点的特征向量 x v x_v xv?、权重矩阵 W k W^k Wk、非线性激活函数 σ \sigma σ、aggregator函数以及邻居函数 N N N. 1)首先 h 0 h_0 h0?为节点的特征向量,循环 K K K步 2)遍历每个节点,对于每个节点首先聚合邻居节点 k ? 1 k-1 k?1时刻的特征,然后将聚合的结果与当前节点 k ? 1 k-1 k?1时刻的特征进行concat并经过一个激活函数 3)当循环完K步之后进行一个令 h k h_k hk?除以 ∣ ∣ h k ∣ ∣ 2 ||h_k||_2 ∣∣hk?∣∣2?得到节点的低维表示。
  • Aggregators: 从上面的流程图和伪代码可见,GraphSAGE需要用到aggregators,那这个aggregator是什么呢?起到什么作用呢?其实aggregator的作用就是将目标节点的邻居信息进行一个聚合,作者在文中给出了3种不同的aggregators分别是:
    1)Mean aggregator: 该策略是将邻居节点与目标节点特征向量的值取平均

    2)LSTM aggregator: 利用LSTM来聚合邻居节点的信息。
    3)Pooling aggregator: 在使用pooling聚合器的时候,每个邻居节点的特征逐一的经过一个全连接层,从而进行池化操作

2. 代码解析
  • 代码参考地址:graphSAGE-pytorch
  • 导入所需的库
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os,sys import argparse import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim import random import math from sklearn.utils import shuffle from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from collections import defaultdict

2.1 加载数据
  • 本代码使用的数据cora共包含两个文件,分别是cora_content和cora_cite. 数据详细描述可参考链接:Cora数据集描述
class DataCenter(object): """加载数据集 Parameter: file_paths:{数据文件存放地址1,数据文件存放地址2} """ def __init__(self,file_paths): """file_paths:{name:root,...,}""" super(DataCenter,self).__init__() self.file_paths = file_pathsdef load_Dataset(self,dataset='cora'): """读取存放在指定路径的数据集""" feat_list = [] # 用于存放每个节点特征向量的列表 label_list = [] # 用于存放每个节点对应类别的列表 node_map = {} # 将节点进行重新编码 label_map = {} # 将label映射为数字if dataset == 'cora': content = self.file_paths['cora_content'] # 获取cora_content的地址 cite = self.file_paths['cora_cite'] # 获取cora_cite的地址 with open(content) as f1: for i,each_sample in enumerate(f1.readlines()): # 遍历每个样本的特征 sample_clean = each_sample.strip().split() # 提取每个样本的特征,其中第一个元素和最后一个元素是样本名称和对应的标签 feat_list.append(sample_clean[1:-1]) # 把节点名称映射为节点编号 node_map[sample_clean[0]]=i label = sample_clean[-1] if label not in label_map.keys(): # 把label转化为数字 label_map[label] = len(label_map) label_list.append(label_map[label]) feat_list = np.asarray(feat_list,dtype=np.float64) label_list = np.asarray(label_list,dtype=np.int64)# 获得每个节点的邻居{v0:[v0的邻居集合],v1:[v1的邻居集合]} adj_lists = defaultdict(set) with open(cite) as f2: for j,each_pair in enumerate(f2.readlines()): pair = each_pair.strip().split() assert len(pair) == 2 adj_lists[node_map[pair[0]]].add(node_map[pair[1]]) adj_lists[node_map[pair[1]]].add(node_map[pair[0]])assert len(feat_list) == len(label_list) == len(adj_lists) train_index,test_index,val_index = self._split_data(feat_list.shape[0]) # 使用getattr()可以获得数据 setattr(self,dataset+'_test',test_index) setattr(self,dataset+'_val',val_index) setattr(self,dataset+'_train',train_index) setattr(self,dataset+'_feats',feat_list) setattr(self,dataset+'_labels',label_list) setattr(self,dataset+'_adj_lists',adj_lists)def _split_data(self,number_of_nodes,test_split=3,val_split=6): """获得训练集、验证集和测试集""" # 打乱顺序 rand_indices = np.random.permutation(number_of_nodes) test_size = number_of_nodes // test_split val_size = number_of_nodes // val_split test_index = rand_indices[:test_size] val_index = rand_indices[test_size:test_size+val_size] train_index = rand_indices[test_size+val_size:] return train_index,test_index,val_index

2.2 Unsupervised Loss GraphSAGE定义的Loss函数如下所示, J G ( z u ) = ? l o g ( σ ( z u T z v ) ) ? Q E v nP n ( v ) l o g ( σ ( ? z u T z v n ) ) J_G(z_u)=-log(\sigma(z_u^Tz_v))-QE_{v_n ~ P_n(v)}log(\sigma(-z_u^Tz_{v_n})) JG?(zu?)=?log(σ(zuT?zv?))?QEvn? Pn?(v)?log(σ(?zuT?zvn??))
其中, Q Q Q为负样本数量,前一项是根据正样本计算的Loss,后一项是根据负样本计算的Loss.
class UnsupervisedLoss(object): """docstring for UnsupervisedLoss""" def __init__(self, adj_lists, train_nodes, device): """初始化参数""" super(UnsupervisedLoss, self).__init__() self.Q = 10 # 负样本的数量 self.N_WALKS = 6 # 每个节点随机游走的次数 self.WALK_LEN = 1 # 每次随机游走的步长 self.N_WALK_LEN = 5 # 每次负样本随机游走几个节点 self.MARGIN = 3 self.adj_lists = adj_lists #{v0:[v0的邻居集合],v1:[v1的邻居集合],...,vn:[vn的邻居集合]} self.train_nodes = train_nodes # 训练节点 self.device = device # cpu or gpuself.target_nodes = None self.positive_pairs = [] # 存放正例样本 [(v0,v0邻居中采样到的正例节点),....,] self.negtive_pairs = [] # 存放负例样本 [(v0,v0邻居中采样到的负例节点),....,] self.node_positive_pairs = {} # {v0:[(v0,从v0开始随机游走采样到的正例节点),(v0,从v0开始随机游走采样到的正例节点)],...,vn:[(vn,从vn开始随机游走采样到的正例节点)]} self.node_negtive_pairs = {} # {v0:[(v0,从v0开始随机游走采样到的负例节点),(v0,从v0开始随机游走采样到的负例节点)],...,vn:[(vn,从vn开始随机游走采样到的负例节点)]} self.unique_nodes_batch = [] # 一个batch所有会用到的节点及其邻居节点 def get_loss_sage(self, embeddings, nodes): """根据论文里的公式计算损失函数""" assert len(embeddings) == len(self.unique_nodes_batch) #判断是不是每个节点都有了embeddings assert False not in [nodes[i]==self.unique_nodes_batch[i] for i in range(len(nodes))] # 判断目标节点集和unique集里的节点是否1一一对应 node2index = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(self.unique_nodes_batch)} # 把节点重新编码nodes_score = [] assert len(self.node_positive_pairs) == len(self.node_negtive_pairs) # 确定正例节点对和负例节点对的数量是否相同 for node in self.node_positive_pairs: # 遍历所有节点 pps = self.node_positive_pairs[node] # 获得对应的正例 [(v0,v0正例样本1),(v0,v0正例样本2),...,(v0,v0正例样本n)] nps = self.node_negtive_pairs[node] # 获得每个节点对应的负例 [(v0,v0负例样本1),(v0,v0负例样本2),...,(v0,v0负例样本n)] if len(pps) == 0 or len(nps) == 0: # 判断是否都有正例和负例 continue# Q * Exception(negative score)计算负例样本的Loss,即Loss函数的后一项 indexs = [list(x) for x in zip(*nps)] # [[源节点,...,源节点],[采样得到的负节点1,...,采样得到的负节点n]] node_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[0]] # 获得源节点的编号 neighb_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[1]] # 负样本节点的编号 neg_score = F.cosine_similarity(embeddings[node_indexs], embeddings[neighb_indexs]) # 计算余弦相似性 neg_score = self.Q*torch.mean(torch.log(torch.sigmoid(-neg_score)), 0) # 计算损失的后一项 #print(neg_score)# multiple positive score 计算正列样本的Loss,即Loss函数的前一项 indexs = [list(x) for x in zip(*pps)] node_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[0]] neighb_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[1]] pos_score = F.cosine_similarity(embeddings[node_indexs], embeddings[neighb_indexs]) pos_score = torch.log(torch.sigmoid(pos_score)) # 计算损失的前一项 #print(pos_score)nodes_score.append(torch.mean(- pos_score - neg_score).view(1,-1)) # 把每个节点的损失加入到列表中loss = torch.mean(torch.cat(nodes_score, 0)) # 求平均return loss def get_loss_margin(self, embeddings, nodes): assert len(embeddings) == len(self.unique_nodes_batch) assert False not in [nodes[i]==self.unique_nodes_batch[i] for i in range(len(nodes))] node2index = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(self.unique_nodes_batch)}nodes_score = [] assert len(self.node_positive_pairs) == len(self.node_negtive_pairs) for node in self.node_positive_pairs: pps = self.node_positive_pairs[node] nps = self.node_negtive_pairs[node] if len(pps) == 0 or len(nps) == 0: continueindexs = [list(x) for x in zip(*pps)] node_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[0]] neighb_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[1]] pos_score = F.cosine_similarity(embeddings[node_indexs], embeddings[neighb_indexs]) pos_score, _ = torch.min(torch.log(torch.sigmoid(pos_score)), 0)indexs = [list(x) for x in zip(*nps)] node_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[0]] neighb_indexs = [node2index[x] for x in indexs[1]] neg_score = F.cosine_similarity(embeddings[node_indexs], embeddings[neighb_indexs]) neg_score, _ = torch.max(torch.log(torch.sigmoid(neg_score)), 0)nodes_score.append(torch.max(torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device), neg_score-pos_score+self.MARGIN).view(1,-1)) # nodes_score.append((-pos_score - neg_score).view(1,-1))loss = torch.mean(torch.cat(nodes_score, 0),0)# loss = -torch.log(torch.sigmoid(pos_score))-4*torch.log(torch.sigmoid(-neg_score))return loss def extend_nodes(self, nodes, num_neg=6): """获得目标节点集的正样本和负样本,输出这些节点的集合""" self.positive_pairs = [] self.node_positive_pairs = {} self.negtive_pairs = [] self.node_negtive_pairs = {}self.target_nodes = nodes self.get_positive_nodes(nodes) # print(self.positive_pairs) self.get_negtive_nodes(nodes, num_neg) # print(self.negtive_pairs) self.unique_nodes_batch = list(set([i for x in self.positive_pairs for i in x]) | set([i for x in self.negtive_pairs for i in x])) assert set(self.target_nodes) < set(self.unique_nodes_batch) return self.unique_nodes_batch def get_positive_nodes(self, nodes): return self._run_random_walks(nodes) # 通过随机游走获得正列样本 def get_negtive_nodes(self, nodes, num_neg): """ 生成负样本,也就是让目标节点与目标节点相隔很远的节点组成一个负例 """ for node in nodes: # 遍历每个节点 neighbors = set([node]) frontier = set([node]) for i in range(self.N_WALK_LEN): current = set() for outer in frontier: current |= self.adj_lists[int(outer)] #获取frontier中所有的邻居节点 frontier = current - neighbors #去除源节点 neighbors |= current # 源节点+邻居节点 far_nodes = set(self.train_nodes) - neighbors # 减去train_nodes里源节点及其一阶邻居 neg_samples = random.sample(far_nodes, num_neg) if num_neg < len(far_nodes) else far_nodes # 从二阶邻居开始采样 self.negtive_pairs.extend([(node, neg_node) for neg_node in neg_samples]) self.node_negtive_pairs[node] = [(node, neg_node) for neg_node in neg_samples] return self.negtive_pairs def _run_random_walks(self, nodes): for node in nodes: # 遍历每个节点 if len(self.adj_lists[int(node)]) == 0: # 若该节点没有邻居节点则跳过 continue cur_pairs = [] # 创建一个 for i in range(self.N_WALKS): # 每个节点会有N_WALKS次的随机游走 curr_node = node # for j in range(self.WALK_LEN): # 每次随机游走走WALK_LEN的长度 neighs = self.adj_lists[int(curr_node)] next_node = random.choice(list(neighs)) # self co-occurrences are useless if next_node != node and next_node in self.train_nodes: self.positive_pairs.append((node,next_node)) cur_pairs.append((node,next_node)) curr_node = next_nodeself.node_positive_pairs[node] = cur_pairs return self.positive_pairs

2.3 Models
  • Classification model
class Classification(nn.Module): """一个最简单的一层分类模型 Parameters: input_size:输入维度 num_classes:类别数量 return: logists:最大概率对应的标签 """ def __init__(self,input_size,num_classes): super(Classification,self).__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_size,num_classes) # 定义一个input_size*num_classes的线性层 self.init_params() # 初始化权重参数def init_params(self): for param in self.parameters(): if len(param.size()) == 2: # 如果参数是矩阵的话就重新初始化 nn.init.xavier_uniform_(param) def forward(self,x): logists = torch.log_softmax(self.fc1(x),1) # 利用log_softmax来获得最终输出的类别 return logists

  • GraphSAGE
class SageLayer(nn.Module): """ 一层SageLayer """ def __init__(self, input_size, out_size, gcn=False): super(SageLayer, self).__init__() self.input_size = input_size self.out_size = out_size self.gcn = gcn self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_size, self.input_size if self.gcn else 2 * self.input_size)) #初始化权重参数w*input.T self.init_params() # 调整权重参数分布 def init_params(self): for param in self.parameters(): nn.init.xavier_uniform_(param) def forward(self, self_feats, aggregate_feats, neighs=None): """ Parameters: self_feats:源节点的特征向量 aggregate_feats:聚合后的邻居节点特征 """ if not self.gcn: # 如果不是gcn的话就要进行concatenate combined = torch.cat([self_feats, aggregate_feats], dim=1) else: combined = aggregate_feats combined = F.relu(self.weight.mm(combined.t())).t() return combinedclass GraphSage(nn.Module): """定义一个GraphSage模型""" def __init__(self, num_layers, input_size, out_size, raw_features, adj_lists, device, gcn=False, agg_func='MEAN'): super(GraphSage, self).__init__() self.input_size = input_size self.out_size = out_size self.num_layers = num_layers # Graphsage的层数 self.gcn = gcn self.device = device self.agg_func = agg_func self.raw_features = raw_features self.adj_lists = adj_lists # 定义每一层的输入和输出 for index in range(1, num_layers+1): layer_size = out_size if index != 1 else input_size setattr(self, 'sage_layer'+str(index), SageLayer(layer_size, out_size, gcn=self.gcn))#除了第1层的输入为input_size,其余层的输入和输出均为outsize def forward(self, nodes_batch): """ 为一批节点生成嵌入表示 Parameters: nodes_batch:目标批次的节点 """ lower_layer_nodes = list(nodes_batch) # 初始化第一层节点 nodes_batch_layers = [(lower_layer_nodes,)] # 存放每一层的节点信息 for i in range(self.num_layers): lower_samp_neighs, lower_layer_nodes_dict, lower_layer_nodes= self._get_unique_neighs_list(lower_layer_nodes) # 根据当前层节点获得下一层节点 nodes_batch_layers.insert(0, (lower_layer_nodes, lower_samp_neighs, lower_layer_nodes_dict))assert len(nodes_batch_layers) == self.num_layers + 1pre_hidden_embs = self.raw_features # 初始化h0 for index in range(1, self.num_layers+1): nb = nodes_batch_layers[index][0]#所有邻居节点 pre_neighs = nodes_batch_layers[index-1] # 上一层的邻居节点 aggregate_feats = self.aggregate(nb, pre_hidden_embs, pre_neighs) sage_layer = getattr(self, 'sage_layer'+str(index)) if index > 1: nb = self._nodes_map(nb, pre_hidden_embs, pre_neighs) # self.dc.logger.info('sage_layer.') cur_hidden_embs = sage_layer(self_feats=pre_hidden_embs[nb], aggregate_feats=aggregate_feats) pre_hidden_embs = cur_hidden_embsreturn pre_hidden_embs def _nodes_map(self, nodes, hidden_embs, neighs): layer_nodes, samp_neighs, layer_nodes_dict = neighs assert len(samp_neighs) == len(nodes) index = [layer_nodes_dict[x] for x in nodes] return index def _get_unique_neighs_list(self, nodes, num_sample=10): _set = set to_neighs = [self.adj_lists[int(node)] for node in nodes] # 获取目标节点集的所有邻居节点[[v0的邻居],[v1的邻居],[v2的邻居]] if not num_sample is None: # 如果num_sample为实数的话 _sample = random.sample samp_neighs = [_set(_sample(to_neigh, num_sample)) if len(to_neigh) >= num_sample else to_neigh for to_neigh in to_neighs] # [set(随机采样的邻居集合),set(),set()] # 遍历所有邻居集合如果邻居节点数>=num_sample,就从邻居节点集中随机采样num_sample个邻居节点,否则直接把邻居节点集放进去 else: samp_neighs = to_neighs samp_neighs = [samp_neigh | set([nodes[i]]) for i, samp_neigh in enumerate(samp_neighs)] # 把源节点也放进去 _unique_nodes_list = list(set.union(*samp_neighs)) #展平 i = list(range(len(_unique_nodes_list))) # 重新编号 unique_nodes = dict(list(zip(_unique_nodes_list, i))) return samp_neighs, unique_nodes, _unique_nodes_list def aggregate(self, nodes, pre_hidden_embs, pre_neighs, num_sample=10): """聚合邻居节点信息 Parameters: nodes:从最外层开始的节点集合 pre_hidden_embs:上一层的节点嵌入 pre_neighs:上一层的节点 """ unique_nodes_list, samp_neighs, unique_nodes = pre_neighs # 上一层的源节点,...,...., assert len(nodes) == len(samp_neighs) indicator = [(nodes[i] in samp_neighs[i]) for i in range(len(samp_neighs))] # 判断每个节点是否出现在邻居节点中 assert (False not in indicator) if not self.gcn: # 如果不适用gcn就要把源节点去除 samp_neighs = [(samp_neighs[i]-set([nodes[i]])) for i in range(len(samp_neighs))] if len(pre_hidden_embs) == len(unique_nodes): embed_matrix = pre_hidden_embs else: embed_matrix = pre_hidden_embs[torch.LongTensor(unique_nodes_list)] # self.dc.logger.info('3') mask = torch.zeros(len(samp_neighs), len(unique_nodes)) column_indices = [unique_nodes[n] for samp_neigh in samp_neighs for n in samp_neigh] row_indices = [i for i in range(len(samp_neighs)) for j in range(len(samp_neighs[i]))] mask[row_indices, column_indices] = 1 # 每个源节点为一行,一行元素中1对应的就是邻居节点的位置if self.agg_func == 'MEAN': num_neigh = mask.sum(1, keepdim=True) # 计算每个源节点有多少个邻居节点 mask = mask.div(num_neigh).to(embed_matrix.device) # aggregate_feats = mask.mm(embed_matrix)elif self.agg_func == 'MAX': # print(mask) indexs = [x.nonzero() for x in mask==1] aggregate_feats = [] for feat in [embed_matrix[x.squeeze()] for x in indexs]: if len(feat.size()) == 1: aggregate_feats.append(feat.view(1, -1)) else: aggregate_feats.append(torch.max(feat,0)[0].view(1, -1)) aggregate_feats = torch.cat(aggregate_feats, 0) return aggregate_feats

2.4 评估与模型使用
def evaluate(dataCenter, ds, graphSage, classification, device, max_vali_f1, name, cur_epoch): """ 测试模型的性能 Parameters: datacenter:创建好的datacenter对像 ds:数据集的名称 graphSage:训练好的graphSage对像 classification:训练好的classificator""" test_nodes = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_test') # 获得测试集 val_nodes = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_val') # 获得验证集 labels = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_labels') # 获得标签 models = [graphSage, classification] params = [] # 将两个模型的参数存入一个列表中 for model in models: for param in model.parameters(): if param.requires_grad: param.requires_grad = False params.append(param) embs = graphSage(val_nodes) logists = classification(embs) _, predicts = torch.max(logists, 1) labels_val = labels[val_nodes] assert len(labels_val) == len(predicts) comps = zip(labels_val, predicts.data) vali_f1 = f1_score(labels_val, predicts.cpu().data, average="micro") print("Validation F1:", vali_f1) if vali_f1 > max_vali_f1: max_vali_f1 = vali_f1 embs = graphSage(test_nodes) logists = classification(embs) _, predicts = torch.max(logists, 1) labels_test = labels[test_nodes] assert len(labels_test) == len(predicts) comps = zip(labels_test, predicts.data)test_f1 = f1_score(labels_test, predicts.cpu().data, average="micro") print("Test F1:", test_f1)for param in params: param.requires_grad = Truetorch.save(models, './model_best_{}_ep{}_{:.4f}.torch'.format(name, cur_epoch, test_f1)) for param in params: param.requires_grad = True return max_vali_f1def get_gnn_embeddings(gnn_model, dataCenter, ds): """使用GraphSage获得节点的嵌入表示""" print('Loading embeddings from trained GraphSAGE model.') features = np.zeros((len(getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_labels')), gnn_model.out_size)) nodes = np.arange(len(getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_labels'))).tolist() b_sz = 500 batches = math.ceil(len(nodes) / b_sz) embs = [] for index in range(batches): nodes_batch = nodes[index*b_sz:(index+1)*b_sz] embs_batch = gnn_model(nodes_batch) assert len(embs_batch) == len(nodes_batch) embs.append(embs_batch) # if ((index+1)*b_sz) % 10000 == 0: #print(f'Dealed Nodes [{(index+1)*b_sz}/{len(nodes)}]')assert len(embs) == batches embs = torch.cat(embs, 0) assert len(embs) == len(nodes) print('Embeddings loaded.') return embs.detach()def train_classification(dataCenter, graphSage, classification, ds, device, max_vali_f1, name, epochs=800): """训练分类器""" print('Training Classification ...') c_optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(classification.parameters(), lr=0.5) # train classification, detached from the current graph #classification.init_params() b_sz = 50 train_nodes = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_train') labels = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_labels') features = get_gnn_embeddings(graphSage, dataCenter, ds) for epoch in range(epochs): train_nodes = shuffle(train_nodes) batches = math.ceil(len(train_nodes) / b_sz) visited_nodes = set() for index in range(batches): nodes_batch = train_nodes[index*b_sz:(index+1)*b_sz] visited_nodes |= set(nodes_batch) labels_batch = labels[nodes_batch] embs_batch = features[nodes_batch]logists = classification(embs_batch) loss = -torch.sum(logists[range(logists.size(0)), labels_batch], 0) loss /= len(nodes_batch) # print('Epoch [{}/{}], Step [{}/{}], Loss: {:.4f}, Dealed Nodes [{}/{}] '.format(epoch+1, epochs, index, batches, loss.item(), len(visited_nodes), len(train_nodes)))loss.backward()nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(classification.parameters(), 5) c_optimizer.step() c_optimizer.zero_grad()max_vali_f1 = evaluate(dataCenter, ds, graphSage, classification, device, max_vali_f1, name, epoch) return classification, max_vali_f1def apply_model(dataCenter, ds, graphSage, classification, unsupervised_loss, b_sz, unsup_loss, device, learn_method): test_nodes = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_test') val_nodes = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_val') train_nodes = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_train') labels = getattr(dataCenter, ds+'_labels') if unsup_loss == 'margin': num_neg = 6 elif unsup_loss == 'normal': num_neg = 100 else: print("unsup_loss can be only 'margin' or 'normal'.") sys.exit(1) train_nodes = shuffle(train_nodes) models = [graphSage, classification] params = [] for model in models: for param in model.parameters(): if param.requires_grad: params.append(param) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=0.7) optimizer.zero_grad() for model in models: model.zero_grad() batches = math.ceil(len(train_nodes) / b_sz) visited_nodes = set() for index in range(batches): nodes_batch = train_nodes[index*b_sz:(index+1)*b_sz]# extend nodes batch for unspervised learning # no conflicts with supervised learning nodes_batch = np.asarray(list(unsupervised_loss.extend_nodes(nodes_batch, num_neg=num_neg))) visited_nodes |= set(nodes_batch)# get ground-truth for the nodes batch labels_batch = labels[nodes_batch]# feed nodes batch to the graphSAGE # returning the nodes embeddings embs_batch = graphSage(nodes_batch)if learn_method == 'sup': # superivsed learning logists = classification(embs_batch) loss_sup = -torch.sum(logists[range(logists.size(0)), labels_batch], 0) loss_sup /= len(nodes_batch) loss = loss_sup elif learn_method == 'plus_unsup': # superivsed learning logists = classification(embs_batch) loss_sup = -torch.sum(logists[range(logists.size(0)), labels_batch], 0) loss_sup /= len(nodes_batch) # unsuperivsed learning if unsup_loss == 'margin': loss_net = unsupervised_loss.get_loss_margin(embs_batch, nodes_batch) elif unsup_loss == 'normal': loss_net = unsupervised_loss.get_loss_sage(embs_batch, nodes_batch) loss = loss_sup + loss_net else: if unsup_loss == 'margin': loss_net = unsupervised_loss.get_loss_margin(embs_batch, nodes_batch) elif unsup_loss == 'normal': loss_net = unsupervised_loss.get_loss_sage(embs_batch, nodes_batch) loss = loss_netprint('Step [{}/{}], Loss: {:.4f}, Dealed Nodes [{}/{}] '.format(index+1, batches, loss.item(), len(visited_nodes), len(train_nodes))) loss.backward() for model in models: nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 5) optimizer.step()optimizer.zero_grad() for model in models: model.zero_grad() return graphSage, classification

2.5 Main
file_paths = {'cora_content':'./cora.content','cora_cite':'./cora.cites'} datacenter= DataCenter(file_paths) datacenter.load_Dataset() feature_data = https://www.it610.com/article/torch.FloatTensor(getattr(datacenter,'cora'+'_feats')) label_data = https://www.it610.com/article/torch.from_numpy(getattr(datacenter,'cora'+'_labels')).long() adj_lists = getattr(datacenter,'cora'+'_adj_lists') random.seed(824) np.random.seed(824) torch.manual_seed(824) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(824) learn_method = 'sup' ds = 'cora' epochs = 50 max_vali_f1=0 device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") graphSage = GraphSage(2, feature_data.size(1), 128, feature_data, getattr(datacenter, ds+'_adj_lists'), device, gcn='store_true', agg_func='MEAN') num_labels = len(set(getattr(datacenter, ds+'_labels'))) classification = Classification(128, num_labels) unsupervised_loss = UnsupervisedLoss(getattr(datacenter, ds+'_adj_lists'), getattr(datacenter, ds+'_train'), device) if learn_method == 'sup': print('GraphSage with Supervised Learning') elif learn_method == 'plus_unsup': print('GraphSage with Supervised Learning plus Net Unsupervised Learning') else: print('GraphSage with Net Unsupervised Learning')for epoch in range(epochs): print('----------------------EPOCH %d-----------------------' % epoch) graphSage, classification = apply_model(datacenter, ds, graphSage, classification, unsupervised_loss, 20, 'normal', device, learn_method) if (epoch+1) % 2 == 0 and learn_method == 'unsup': classification, max_vali_f1 = train_classification(datacenter, graphSage, classification, ds, device,max_vali_f1, 'debug') if learn_method != 'unsup': max_vali_f1 = evaluate(datacenter, ds, graphSage, classification, device, max_vali_f1 , 'debug', epoch)

  • 输出结果如下:
[1] Hamilton W L, Ying R, Leskovec J. Inductive representation learning on large graphs[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.02216, 2017.
[2] https://github.com/twjiang/graphSAGE-pytorch
