
因此, 我为自己构建了一个入队的样式表连接器, 当它起作用时, 我发现” 依赖项” 似乎混乱了……在这种情况下, 我注销并退出了我的” 自定义” 样式表, 注册并排队我的串联样式表, 然后使用串联句柄作为其依赖项” 重新” 注册并” 重新” 排队我的自定义样式表… 它始终在串联样式表之前加载。
任何想法为什么会发生这种情况?在我的孩子主题中, 我以默认优先级将” 自定义” 放入父级主题中, 在该父级中, 我正在执行连接, 并且我的操作具有最高优先级。

protected function concatenate_css( $_cache_time ) { add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function( ) use ( $_cache_time ) { // need our global global $wp_styles; // our css string holder $_css_string = ''; // path to the theme $_theme_path = get_stylesheet_directory( ); // uri to the theme $_theme_uri = get_stylesheet_directory_uri( ); // new file path $_new_css = $_theme_path . '/style.concat.css'; // force the order based on the dependencies $wp_styles -> all_deps( $wp_styles -> queue ); // setup our exclusions $_exclude = array( 'custom', 'concatcss', ); // loop through everything in our global foreach( $wp_styles -> queue as $_hndl ) {// get the source from the hanlde $_path = $wp_styles -> registered[$_hndl]-> src; // if we have a "custom" handle, we do not want to process it, so ... skip it // we also do want to process any source that is not set if( ! in_array( $_hndl, $_exclude ) & & $_path ) {// we also only want to do this for local stylehseets if ( strpos( $_path, site_url( ) ) !== false ) {$_path = ABSPATH . str_replace( site_url( ), '', $_path ); // now that we have everything we need, let's hold the contents of the file in a string variable, while concatenating $_css_string .= file_get_contents( $_path ) . PHP_EOL; // now remove the css from queue wp_dequeue_style( $_hndl ); // and deregister it wp_deregister_style( $_hndl ); } } }// dequeue and deregsiter any "custom" style wp_dequeue_style( 'custom' ); wp_deregister_style( 'custom' ); // now write out the new stylesheet to the theme, and enqueue it // check the timestamp on it, versus the number of seconds we are specifying to see if we need to write a new file if( file_exists( $_new_css ) ) { $_ftime = filemtime( $_new_css ) + ( $_cache_time ); $_ctime = time( ); if( ( $_ftime < = $_ctime ) ) { file_put_contents( $_new_css, $_css_string ); } } else { file_put_contents( $_new_css, $_css_string ); }wp_register_style( 'concatcss', $_theme_uri . '/style.concat.css', array( ), null ); wp_enqueue_style( 'concatcss' ); // requeue and reregister our custom stylesheet, using this concatenated stylesheet as it's dependency wp_register_style( 'custom', $_theme_uri . '/css/custom.css?_=' . time( ), array( 'concatcss' ), null ); wp_enqueue_style( 'custom' ); }, PHP_INT_MAX ); }


#1 【WordPress排队样式依赖项加载不正常】只需注册你的串联脚本, 但不要使其入队。
wp_register_style( 'concatcss', $_theme_uri . '/style.concat.css', array( ), null ); // requeue and reregister our custom stylesheet, using this concatenated stylesheet as it's dependency wp_enqueue_style( 'custom', $_theme_uri . '/css/custom.css?_=' . time( ), array( 'concatcss' ), null );
