
要计算函数花费的时间, 我们可以使用clock()可用函数时间。我们可以在测量时间的代码的开头和结尾处调用Clock函数, 然后减去这些值, 然后除以CLOCKS_PER_SEC(每秒的时钟滴答数)来获取处理器时间, 如下所示。

#include < time.h> clock_t start, end; double cpu_time_used; start = clock(); ... /* Do the work. */ end = clock(); cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

【如何测量C函数执行所花费的时间()】以下是一个示例C程序, 我们在其中测量fun()花费的时间。函数fun()等待输入键终止。
/* Program to demonstrate time taken by function fun() */ #include < stdio.h> #include < time.h> // A function that terminates when enter key is pressed void fun() { printf ( "fun() starts \n" ); printf ( "Press enter to stop fun \n" ); while (1) { if ( getchar ()) break ; } printf ( "fun() ends \n" ); }// The main program calls fun() and measures time taken by fun() int main() { // Calculate the time taken by fun() clock_t t; t = clock (); fun(); t = clock () - t; double time_taken = (( double )t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // in secondsprintf ( "fun() took %f seconds to execute \n" , time_taken); return 0; }

输出:等待约4秒钟, 然后按Enter键, 将获得以下输出。
fun() starts Press enter to stop funfun() ends fun() took 4.017000 seconds to execute

如何查找Linux Shell上的命令/程序所花费的时间?
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