
很多时候需要将数据以XML格式存储到数据库或文件中, 以备后用。为了满足此要求, 需要将数据转换为XML并保存XML文件。

< ?php // Code to convert php array to xml document// Define a function that converts array to xml. function arrayToXml( $array , $rootElement = null, $xml = null) { $_xml = $xml ; // If there is no Root Element then insert root if ( $_xml === null) { $_xml = new SimpleXMLElement( $rootElement !== null ? $rootElement : '< root/> ' ); }// Visit all key value pair foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {// If there is nested array then if ( is_array ( $v )) { // Call function for nested array arrayToXml( $v , $k , $_xml -> addChild( $k )); }else {// Simply add child element. $_xml -> addChild( $k , $v ); } }return $_xml -> asXML(); }// Creating an array for demo $my_array = array ( 'name' => 'GFG' , 'subject' => 'CS' , // Creating nested array. 'contact_info' => array ( 'city' => 'Noida' , 'state' => 'UP' , 'email' => 'feedback@srcmini.org' ), ); // Calling arrayToxml Function and printing the result echo arrayToXml( $my_array ); ?>

< ?xml version="1.0"?> < root> < name> GFG < /name> < subject> CS < /subject> < contact_info> < city> Noida < /city> < state> UP < /state> < email> feedback@srcmini.org < /email> < contact_info> < root>

可以使用array_walk_recursive()函数解决上述问题。此函数将数组转换为xml文档, 其中将数组键转换为值, 并将数组值转换为xml元素。
< ?php // Code to convert php array to xml document// Creating an array $my_array = array ( 'a' => 'x' , 'b' => 'y' , // creating nested array 'another_array' => array ( 'c' => 'z' , ), ); // This function create a xml object with element root. $xml = new SimpleXMLElement( '< root/> ' ); // This function resursively added element // of array to xml document array_walk_recursive ( $my_array , array ( $xml , 'addChild' )); // This function prints xml document. print $xml -> asXML(); ?>

< ?xml version="1.0"?> < root> < x> a < /x> < y> b < /y> < z> c < /z> < /root>

注意:如果系统生成类型为:PHP的错误致命错误:未捕获的错误:在/home/6bc5567266b35ae3e76d84307e5bdc78.php:24中找不到类” SimpleXMLElement” , 则只需安装php-xml, php-simplexml包。
