在Go语言中,字符串不同于其他语言,如Java, c++, Python等。它是一个变宽字符序列,其中每个字符都使用UTF-8编码由一个或多个字节表示。
在Go string中,您可以在count()函数的帮助下计算字符串中某些特定的Unicode代码点或costr(重复字符)的非重叠实例的数量。这个函数返回一个值,该值表示字符串中给定的字符串或Unicode代码点的总数。它是在strings包下定义的,因此,您必须在程序中导入strings包以访问Count函数。
func Count(str, costr string) int
这里, str是原始字符串, 并且成本者是我们要计算的字符串。如果值成本者如果为空, 则此函数返回1 + str中Unicode代码点的数量。
// Go program to illustrate how to
// count the elements of the string
package mainimport (
)// Main function
func main() {// Creating and initializing the strings
str1 := "Welcome to the online portal of srcmini"
str2 := "My dog name is Dollar"
str3 := "I like to play Ludo"// Displaying strings
fmt.Println( "String 1: " , str1)
fmt.Println( "String 2: " , str2)
fmt.Println( "String 3: " , str3)// Counting the elements of the strings
// Using Count() function
res1 := strings.Count(str1, "o" )
res2 := strings.Count(str2, "do" )// Here, it also counts white spaces
res3 := strings.Count(str3, "" )
res4 := strings.Count( "srcmini, geeks" , "as" )// Displaying the result
fmt.Println( "\nResult 1: " , res1)
fmt.Println( "Result 2: " , res2)
fmt.Println( "Result 3: " , res3)
fmt.Println( "Result 4: " , res4)}
String 1:Welcome to the online portal of srcmini
String 2:My dog name is Dollar
String 3:I like to play LudoResult 1:6
Result 2:1
Result 3:20
Result 4:0
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