参考 Documentation - PHP | CloudMQTTHosted message broker for the Internet of Things. Perfectly configured and optimized message queues for IoT, ready in seconds.https://www.cloudmqtt.com/docs-php.html
下载 GitHub - bluerhinos/phpMQTT: a simple php class to connect/publish/subscribe to a MQTT brokera simple php class to connect/publish/subscribe to a MQTT broker - GitHub - bluerhinos/phpMQTT: a simple php class to connect/publish/subscribe to a MQTT broker
CloudMQTT 概述 Documentation | CloudMQTTHosted message broker for the Internet of Things. Perfectly configured and optimized message queues for IoT, ready in seconds.https://www.cloudmqtt.com/docs.html
* Created by PhpStorm.
* Time: 16:47
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Mqtt\v1;
use App\Common\Common;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\until\phpMQTT;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use App\Events\Handle;
class Subscript extends Controller
手动执行监听 MQTT 订阅;
* php artisan Mqtt
//所有配置放在 配置文件config中
public function subscript(){
$server = config('mqtt.host');
// change if necessary 服务器IP
$port = config('mqtt.port');
// change if necessary端口 一般是1883
$username = config('mqtt.username');
// set your username mosquitto设置的用户名
$password = config('mqtt.password');
// set your password mosquitto设置的密码
$client_id = config('mqtt.clientId');
$keepAlive = config('mqtt.keepAlive');
$mqtt = new phpMQTT($server, $port, $client_id,'',$keepAlive);
//cleanSession 设为false,客户端掉线后 服务器端不会清除session,当重连后可以接收之前订阅主题的消息。
if(!$mqtt->connect(true, NULL, $username, $password)) {
} else {
echo "success";
//订阅信息 Qos为信息登记,需要和发送的等级一致
$topics["SERVER/#"] = array("qos" => 0, "function" =>array($this,"onMessage"));
$topics["IM/#"] = array("qos" => 0, "function" =>array($this,"onImMessage"));
$mqtt->subscribe($topics, 0);
* 在此处接MQtt的信息 进行业务处理
* @param $topic
* @param $msg
* 设备订阅主题
* device/xxxxx/硬件号
* 设备发布的主题
* server/xxxxx/硬件号
* 设备遗嘱主题
* will/xxxxx/硬件号
* 处理逻辑写到handle文件中
* 处理逻辑写到handle文件中
* 处理逻辑写到handle文件中
function onMessage($topic,$msg){
echo $topic;
echo "Msg Recieved: ".$msg;
* 消息处理
function onImMessage($topic,$msg){
//echo $msg;
echo $topic;
echo "Msg Recieved: ".$msg;
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Mqtt\v1;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\until\phpMQTT;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class Publish extends Controller
* @return bool
* 发送信息第三个参数为Qos服务质量等级
* Qos0发送者只发送一次消息,不进行重试,Broker不会返回确认消息。在Qos0情况下,Broker可能没有接受到消息
* Qos1发送者最少发送一次消息,确保消息到达Broker,Broker需要返回确认消息PUBACK。在Qos1情况下,Broker可能接受到重复消息
* Qos2Qos2使用两阶段确认来保证消息的不丢失和不重复。在Qos2情况下,Broker肯定会收到消息,且只收到一次
public static function push($topic, $message, $QOS = 0, $will = null)
if (!$topic || !$message) {
return false;
$host = config('mqtt.host');
$port = config('mqtt.port');
$username = config('mqtt.username');
$password = config('mqtt.password');
//phpMQTT 有四个参数:主机,端口,客户端id,证书。官网这里的案例没写证书,请参考phpMQTT类
$mqtt = new phpMQTT($host, $port, "SERVER" . rand());
if ($mqtt->connect(true, $will, $username, $password)) {
$mqtt->publish($topic, $message, $QOS);
} else {
echo "Fail or time out
HandleController::logMqtt($topic, json_decode($message, true));
public function publish(Request $request)
$topic = $request->input('theme');
$message = $request->input('content');
$QOS = $request->input('qos', 0);
//$willTopic = input('willTopic');
//$willMessage = input('willMessage');
//$willQos = input('willQos',0);
//$willRetain = input('willRetain',false);
if (!$topic) {
return returnJson(50000, "主题不能为空");
if (!$message) {
return returnJson(50000, "消息不能为空");
$will = null;
//if($willMessage && $willTopic){
//$will['topic'] = $willTopic;
//$will['content'] = $willMessage;
//$will['qos'] = $willQos;
//$will['retain'] = $willRetain;
self::push($topic, $message, $QOS, $will);
Publish::push($theme, json_encode($pushDate,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), Common::QOS());
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