
Cryptocurrency uses blockchain to record transactions between entities.When users send and receive a given number of cryptocurrencies,these transactions will be V+(cc13422088639) broadcast on P2P networks.Other entities monitor these transactions,combine them into a"block"at regular intervals,and then broadcast the new block to the network after calculating the workload proof.
"hello".hashCode(); // 0x5e918d2
"hello, java".hashCode(); // 0x7a9d88e8
"hello, bob".hashCode(); // 0xa0dbae2f
"AaAaAa".hashCode(); // 0x7460e8c0
"BBAaBB".hashCode(); // 0x7460e8c0
The most important feature of hash algorithm is:
The same input must be get the same output;
Different input large probability to get different output.
Hash algorithm is the purpose of to test whether the raw data been tampered with, hash game development V hkkf5566 docking, the rules of the game can be customized.
hashA("java001") = "123456"
hashA("java002") = "123457"
hashA("java003") = "123458"
hashB("java001") = "123456"
hashB("java002") = "580271"
hashB("java003") = ???
There are children's shoes will ask: collision can avoid? The answer is not. Collision will occur, because of the output byte length is fixed, the String of hashCode () output is 4 bytes integer, only up to 4294967296 kinds of output, but the input data length is not fixed, there are numerous kinds of input. So hash algorithm is an infinite input set mapped to a limited output set, will inevitably produce collision.
Collision is not terrible, we worry about is not the collision, but the probability of collision, because of the discretion of the collision probability is related to the security of hashing algorithm. A secure hash algorithm must be satisfied:
