
The extended family is less important than it was in the past
图片发自App 【甘比英文拓展写作Day27】I am totally agree with the opinion that the extended family (grandparents, uncle and untie etc.) is now less important than it was in the past. there maybe several reasons.
First of all, with the development of China and exploration of information era, people, especially young people are accessible to any information they need. Young generations will not need to rely on senior people who is regarded as the more knowledgeable and experienced rank in big families. Thus, the communications become less. Our current society is a study one, that means you needed to always keep learning for not lag behind while the senior person, mentally or physically have not this condition. So usually rare common words can be shared.
Second, the implementation of "one-child policy"in 80s render shato decreasing of family members. My parents, each of them have several sisters and brothers,(my mom has 3; my dad has 5). But I was the only child in my family. It objectively caused the small family.
Third, with the opening policy of China, most of us are influenced by the thought of developed western countries that emphasize importance of individualism. It is just opposit of collectism of our tradition. We tend to live more like westerners: small family , more equality among family members. It is the subjective reason.
So, in my opinion, these three points are the main reasons that marking extended family less important than in the past. It is the natural course of our social development. It means we choose our own ways to survive in the society.
