- Play Store应用更新:换主题不需要再到系统设置了
- 新证据表明谷歌Fuchsia系统已进入“狗粮”阶段 即将邀请用户测试
- 谷歌I/O 2020 开发者大会如期举行 MWC、F8开发者大会相继取消
- 谷歌Pixel 4a定于4月量产:越南制造、5月I/O大会期间发布
- Android-x86 9.0-r1 发布 PC上的安卓系统
- 豌豆荚PC版关闭 我的搞机时代也结束了
- Fuchsia 编程语言策略:前端用 Dart,Go 要退出
- Android 10 适配攻略
- Say no to BaseActivity and BaseFragment
- 抖音BoostMultiDex优化实践:Android低版本上APP首次启动时间减少80%(一)
- [[译]Android Studio 3.6 新特性概览](
- android-remote-debuggerA library for remote logging, database debugging, shared preferences and network requests
- DslTabLayout?? Android界最万能的TabLayout(不仅仅是TabLayout)
- ByRecyclerViewRecyclerView 下拉刷新、加载更多、item点击/长按、头布局/尾布局/状态布局、万能分割线、粘性Header、极简adapter(RV/ListView)等
- SmoothRefreshLayout一款支持上下拉刷新、越界回弹、二级刷新、横向刷新、拉伸回弹、平滑滚动、嵌套滚动的多功能刷新控件
- appbarlayout-spring-behaviorOne Behavior help AppBarLayout to scroll spring
- SlideBack一个可以让你页面支持 滑动返回 的小东西
- TransformationLayout Transform into a different view or activity using morphing animations.
- unearthedA library for Android that notifies you when your app was restored after a process death.
- RuntimePermissionSimpliest way to ask runtime permissions on Android, no need to extend class or override permissionResult method, choose your way : Kotlin / Coroutines / RxJava / Java7 / Java8
- QR-Code-generatorHigh-quality QR Code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, C++, C, Rust.
- ReadResolveCheckA lint check for Kotlin Serializable objects which lack a readResolve() method
- FRIDA-DEXDumpA simple script to search & dump dex file on memory.
- proguard-dictionary-generatorAndroid 混淆字典生成器
- FrenziedProguard丧心病狂的Android混淆文件生成器
- wormholeA time-traveling bytecode rewriter which adds future APIs to android.jar which can be desugared to all API levels by D8 and R8.
- gradle-dockera Gradle plugin for orchestrating docker builds and pushes.
- fat-aar-pluginA gradle plugin that helps to output fat aar from android library
- havenHaven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
- DraftXRDesign in 2D like you always do. Test instantly in WebVR & share with developers & stakeholders.
- LottieFiles for Adobe After Effects【Android 开发技术周报 Issue#270】Preview your Lottie animations instantly across web and mobile devices right within After Effects.
- 5 课时让你掌握 Lottie 动画
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公众号: Android开发技术周刊
- 高仿京东Android App,集成React-Native热更功能
- 【原创】Magisk+Shamiko过APP ROOT检测
- 极客日报|字节跳动正大量招聘芯片工程师或准备自研芯片;Google放缓招聘;Android 13 Beta 4发布|极客头条
- 【原创】Magisk Root隐藏模块 Shamiko安装
- 线程开的越多就越好吗|趣谈线程池
- android|android studio 布局嵌套,Android Studio实战 - 设计布局之嵌套布局
- Android|第67篇 Android Studio实现聊天记录界面-ListView多形式界面
- Android-基础|Android基础教程之-----布局
- 【华为游戏多媒体】调用获取Token接口得到的Token值是null