目标检测|yolov5 提速多GPU训练显存低的问题

修改前: 按照配置,在train.py配置如下:
目标检测|yolov5 提速多GPU训练显存低的问题

运行 python train.py 后nvidia-smi 显示显存占用如下:
目标检测|yolov5 提速多GPU训练显存低的问题

修改后 参考yolov5 官方中的issue中,有人提到的分布式多进程的方法:
在yolov5运行的虚拟环境下,找到torch的distributed 的环境:比如我的在conda3/envs/rcnn/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/distributed/;

import sys import subprocess import os from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDERdef parse_args(): """ Helper function parsing the command line options @retval ArgumentParser """ parser = ArgumentParser(description="PyTorch distributed training launch " "helper utility that will spawn up " "multiple distributed processes")# Optional arguments for the launch helper parser.add_argument("--nnodes", type=int, default=1, help="The number of nodes to use for distributed " "training") parser.add_argument("--node_rank", type=int, default=0, help="The rank of the node for multi-node distributed " "training") parser.add_argument("--nproc_per_node", type=int, default=2, help="The number of processes to launch on each node, " "for GPU training, this is recommended to be set " "to the number of GPUs in your system so that " "each process can be bound to a single GPU.")#修改成你对应GPU的个数 parser.add_argument("--master_addr", default="", type=str, help="Master node (rank 0)'s address, should be either " "the IP address or the hostname of node 0, for " "single node multi-proc training, the " "--master_addr can simply be") parser.add_argument("--master_port", default=29528, type=int, help="Master node (rank 0)'s free port that needs to " "be used for communication during distributed " "training") parser.add_argument("--use_env", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use environment variable to pass " "'local rank'. For legacy reasons, the default value is False. " "If set to True, the script will not pass " "--local_rank as argument, and will instead set LOCAL_RANK.") parser.add_argument("-m", "--module", default=False, action="store_true", help="Changes each process to interpret the launch script " "as a python module, executing with the same behavior as" "'python -m'.") parser.add_argument("--no_python", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not prepend the training script with \"python\" - just exec " "it directly. Useful when the script is not a Python script.")# # positional # parser.add_argument("training_script", type=str,default=r"train,py" #help="The full path to the single GPU training " #"program/script to be launched in parallel, " #"followed by all the arguments for the " #"training script")# # rest from the training program # parser.add_argument('training_script_args', nargs=REMAINDER) return parser.parse_args()def main(): args = parse_args() args.training_script = r"yolov5-master/train.py"#修改成你要训练的train.py的绝对路径 # world size in terms of number of processes dist_world_size = args.nproc_per_node * args.nnodes# set PyTorch distributed related environmental variables current_env = os.environ.copy() current_env["MASTER_ADDR"] = args.master_addr current_env["MASTER_PORT"] = str(args.master_port) current_env["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(dist_world_size)processes = []if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' not in os.environ and args.nproc_per_node > 1: current_env["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(1) print("*****************************************\n" "Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process " "to be {} in default, to avoid your system being overloaded, " "please further tune the variable for optimal performance in " "your application as needed. \n" "*****************************************".format(current_env["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]))for local_rank in range(0, args.nproc_per_node): # each process's rank dist_rank = args.nproc_per_node * args.node_rank + local_rank current_env["RANK"] = str(dist_rank) current_env["LOCAL_RANK"] = str(local_rank)# spawn the processes with_python = not args.no_python cmd = [] if with_python: cmd = [sys.executable, "-u"] if args.module: cmd.append("-m") else: if not args.use_env: raise ValueError("When using the '--no_python' flag, you must also set the '--use_env' flag.") if args.module: raise ValueError("Don't use both the '--no_python' flag and the '--module' flag at the same time.")cmd.append(args.training_script)if not args.use_env: cmd.append("--local_rank={}".format(local_rank))# cmd.extend(args.training_script_args)process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=current_env) processes.append(process)for process in processes: process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=process.returncode, cmd=cmd)if __name__ == "__main__": # import os # os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = "0,1" main()

运行上述脚本: python yolov5_launch.py
目标检测|yolov5 提速多GPU训练显存低的问题

显存占用超过80%,注意这里可以将train.py 配置里面的batch_size 调大;
另外一种方法 在网上看到另外一种方法,是不用在distributed文件夹下面新建文件这样麻烦,在
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 2 train.py --batch-size 64 --data data/Allcls_one.yaml --weights weights/yolov5l.pt --cfg models/yolov5l_1cls.yaml --epochs 1 --device 0,1

训练时,在python后面加上-m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node (修改成你的gpu的个数)再运行train.py 再后面加上各种配置文件
【目标检测|yolov5 提速多GPU训练显存低的问题】这个方法亲测可行,比第一种方法简单有效!
