The research that produced these insights showed that the brain is necessary for thought, but it has not shown that the brain is sufficient for thought.
They argue that the mind and the brain are demonstrably different.Whereas the brain is a physical entity composed of matter and therefore subject to decay, the mind is a metaphysical entity.
history is, fundamentally, the adventure of human consciousness and the fundamental history of humankind is the history of mind.
In his view, one of the supreme ironies of modern history is the fact that science, which owes its very existence to the human mind, has had the audacity to deny the reality of the mind. As he put it, the offspring denies the parent.
One especially important issue is whether the mind is passive, a blank slate on which experience writes, as John Locke held, or active, a vehicle by which we take the initiative and exercise our free will, as G.W.Leibnitz argued. This book is based on the latter view.
【老张做笔记——DAY11】I feel and I think are sometimes used interchangeably, but that practice causes confusion.
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