


语法: 字典名 = {'键':'值','键':'值',....} 例如:test = {'color':'pink','points':7} print(test['color']) print(test['points'])

new_points = test['points'] print("You just earned " + str(new_points) + "points !")

#例3、给字典添加新的键值对,键为 x_position,值为0;键为 y_position,值为25
test = {'color':'pink','points': 7 } print(test)test['x_position'] = 0#给字典添加新的键值对,键为 x_position,值为0 test['y_position'] = 25 #给字典添加新的键值对,键为 y_position,值为25 print(test)

test1 = { } #分行添加新的键值对 test1['color'] = 'blue' test1['points'] = 5print(test1)

test2 = {'color':'red'} print('The color is ' + test2['color'] + '.') #将red修改为pink test2['color'] = 'yellow' print("The test2 new color is " + test2['color'] + '.')

test3 = {'x_position':0,'y_position':25,'speed':'medium'} print('Original x-position:' + str(test3['x_position'])) #向右移动test #据外星人当前速度决定将其移动多远 if test3['speed'] == 'slow': x_increment = 1 elif test3['speed'] = 'medium': x_increment = 2 else: # test3 速度过快 x_increment = 3 test3['x_position'] = test3['x_position'] + x_increment print('New x-position:' + str(test3['x_position']))

test4{'color':'white','points':9} print(test4)del test4['points']#del语句是彻底删除 print(test4)

test5 = { 'name':'test5', 'number':5, 'power':'88W', } print('The user is:' + test5['name'].title() + '.') #此处title()是将test5以标题形式展出

test6 = { 'username':'test6', 'first':'t', 'last':6, } #用for循环遍历字典,声明2个变量用来存储键和值, #接下来的for循环中,python将每个键值储存在key,value2个变量中for k,v in test6.items(): print("\nKey:" + k) print("Value:" + v)

favorite_languages = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', 'edward':'ruby', 'phil':'python', }#用for循环遍历字典,声明2个变量用来存储键和值, #将键存储在变量name中,值存储在变量languages中 for name,language in favorite_languages.items(): print(name.title() + "'s favorite language is " + language.title() + ".")

favorite_languages = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', 'edward':'ruby', 'phil':'python', } #使用方法key()提取字典中所有的键,并把键存储到变量name中 for name in favorite_languages.key(): print(name.title())

#例12:if 测试,判断键值对,如果名字在列表friends中,就打印一句问候语
favorite_languages = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', 'edward':'ruby', 'phil':'python', } friends = ['phil','sarah'] for name in favorite_language.keys(): print(name.title()) if name in friends: #if 测试,如果名字在列表friends中,就打印一句问候语 print('Hi' + name.title() + ', I see your favorite language is' + favorite_languages[name].title() + '!')

#例13:判断下列字典中的key中是否包含 erin,如果不存在即打印’Erin,Please take our poll !’
favorite_languages = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', 'edward':'ruby', 'phil':'python', } if 'erin' not in favorite_languages.keys(): print('Erin,Please take our poll !')

favorite_languages = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', 'edward':'ruby', 'phil':'python', } #使用函数sorted对列表临时排序。让python列出所有键,在遍历前进行排序 for name in sorted(favorite_languages.keys()): print(name.title() + ', thank you for taking the poll .')

#例15:注意上行代码中的 set 用集合set可以剔除重复项python,此处用values()方法提取字典的值
favorite_languages = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', 'edward':'ruby', 'phil':'python', } print('The follwing language have been memtioned :') for language in set favorite_languages.values(): #注意上行代码中的 set用集合set可以剔除重复项python #此处用values()方法提取字典的值 print(language.title())

test_1 = {'color':'white','point':5} test_2 = {'color':'pink','point':6} test_3 = {'color':'blue','point':8} #将3个字典放入列表tests中 tests = [test_1,test_2,test_3] #使用for循环遍历列表 for test in tests: print(test)

#使用函数 range()生成30个test
tests = []#创建30个红色的test #使用函数 range()生成30个test for test_number in range(30): #创建new_test字典,包含3对键值 new_test = {'color':'red','points':5,'speed':'slow'} tests.append(new_test) #显示前5个test for test in tests[:5]: print(test) print('...') #显示创建多少个test print('Total number of tests:' + str(len(aliens)))

tests = []#创建30个红色的test #使用函数range()打印0-29 for test_number in range(0,30): #创建new_test字典,包含3对键值 new_test = {'color':'red','points':5,'speed':'slow'} tests.append(new_test) #for循环,指定索引0-3,也就是元素01 2 for test in tests[0:3]: #使用if进行测试,检查键是否等于red,如果通过,执行if测试后面缩进的代码 if test['color'] == 'red': test['color'] = 'yellow' test['speed'] = 'medium' test['points'] = 10 #显示前5个test for test in tests[:5]: print(test) print('...')

pizza = { 'crust':'thick', 'toppings':['mushrooms','extra cheese'],#此处在字典中嵌套列表 } #概述所点的披萨 print('You ordered a ' + pizza['crust'] + '-crust pizza' + 'with the following toppings:')for topping in pizza['toppings']: print('\t' + topping)

#例20:声明一个favorite_language字典,然后使用name,language 分别在循环中获取字典的键值对,并通过字符拼接方式重新获取新的字符串,打印出来
favorite_language = { 'jen':['python','ruby'], 'sarah':['c'], 'edward':['ruby','go'], 'phil':['python','haskell'], }for name,language in favorite_languages.items(): print('\n'+ name.title() + "'s favorite languages are:") for language in languages: print('\t' + language.title())

#例21:声明一个users字典,然后使用username,user_info 分别在循环中获取字典的键值对,并通过字符拼接方式重新获取新的字符串,打印出来
users = {'aeinstein':{'first':'albert', 'last':'einstein', 'location':'princeton'}, 'mcurie':{'first':'marie', 'last':'curie', 'location':'paris',}, } for username,user_info in users.items(): print("\nUsername:" + username) full_name = user_info['first'] + " " + user_info['last'] location= user_info['location']print("\tFull name:" + full_name.title()) print("\tLocation:" + location.title())
