

import UIKitclass GHTimer: NSObject { private var _timer:Timer! /** 运行中的状态值 **/ private var _running = false public var running:Bool { get{ return _running } } /** 暂停或停止的状态值 **/ private var _isPause = true public var isPause:Bool{ get{ return _isPause } } /** 执行的间隔时间(默认3秒) 重新设置这个值之后需要重新启动timer **/ public var intervalTime:Double = 3 { willSet{ if intervalTime != newValue && _timer != nil { if _running { close() } _timer = Timer(timeInterval: TimeInterval(newValue), repeats: repeats, block: run) } } } /** 一直重复执行(true)or执行一次(false,默认) 重新设置这个值之后需要重新启动timer **/ public var repeats:Bool = false { willSet{ if repeats != newValue && _timer != nil { if _running { close() } _timer = Timer(timeInterval: TimeInterval(intervalTime), repeats: newValue, block: run) } } } /** 需要重复执行的功能 **/ public var repeatRun:(()->Void)?init(interval:Double, repeats:Bool, repeatRun: @escaping (()->Void)) { self.intervalTime = interval self.repeats = repeats self.repeatRun = repeatRun } /** 启动timer **/ public func start() { if !_running { _timer = Timer(timeInterval: TimeInterval(intervalTime), repeats: repeats, block: run) RunLoop.current.add(_timer, forMode: .commonModes) _running = true _isPause = false } } /** 关闭timer **/ public func close() { if _running { _isPause = true _running = false _timer.invalidate() _timer = nil } } /** 停止或暂停timer **/ public func stop() { if _running && !_isPause { _timer.fireDate = Date.distantFuture _isPause = true } } /** 从停止或暂停中恢复timer **/ public func resume() { if _running && _isPause { _timer.fireDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: intervalTime) _isPause = false } } private func run(timer:Timer) { repeatRun?() } }

import UIKitclass ViewController: UIViewController {var timer:GHTimer! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.let timeTimer = GHTimer(interval: 1, repeats: true, repeatRun: countTime) timeTimer.start() timer = GHTimer(interval: 2, repeats: true, repeatRun: run) timer.start() } var count = 1 func countTime() { print(count) count = 1 + count % 5 } func run() { print("repeat: ", timer.intervalTime) } @IBAction func onClose(_ sender: UIButton) { if timer.running{ print("close") timer.close() }else{ print("start") timer.start() } } @IBAction func onPause(_ sender: UIButton) { if !timer.isPause { print("pause") timer.stop() }else { print("resume") timer.resume() } } @IBAction func onChangeInterval(_ sender: UIButton) { print("change interval") timer.intervalTime = 5 timer.start() }override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. }}

