
fabric二进制工具 我们在跑demo的时候,会用到fabric的二进制工具,比如:

  • configtxgen
  • configtxlator
  • cryptogen
    ... 等等
  • 官方描述:
curl -sSL http://bit.ly/2ysbOFE | bash -s 1.2.0

  • 百度出来的前辈资料:
curl -sSL https://goo.gl/eYdRbX | bash

curl -sSL http://oui195df4.bkt.clouddn.com/download-bin.sh | bash

git clone https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric.git

make release

那为什么我们执行make release就可以生成了呢,那是因为在Makefile文件中,已经给我们标注出来了,当参数是release时候,会生成自身平台对应的二进制工具。
release - builds release packages for the host platform
#- all (default) - builds all targets and runs all non-integration tests/checks #- checks - runs all non-integration tests/checks #- desk-check - runs linters and verify to test changed packages #- configtxgen - builds a native configtxgen binary #- configtxlator - builds a native configtxlator binary #- cryptogen-builds a native cryptogen binary #- idemixgen-builds a native idemixgen binary #- peer - builds a native fabric peer binary #- orderer - builds a native fabric orderer binary #- release - builds release packages for the host platform #- release-all - builds release packages for all target platforms #- unit-test - runs the go-test based unit tests #- verify - runs unit tests for only the changed package tree #- profile - runs unit tests for all packages in coverprofile mode (slow) #- test-cmd - generates a "go test" string suitable for manual customization #- gotools - installs go tools like golint #- linter - runs all code checks #- check-deps - check for vendored dependencies that are no longer used #- license - checks go source files for Apache license header #- native - ensures all native binaries are available #- docker[-clean] - ensures all docker images are available[/cleaned] #- docker-list - generates a list of docker images that 'make docker' produces #- peer-docker[-clean] - ensures the peer container is available[/cleaned] #- orderer-docker[-clean] - ensures the orderer container is available[/cleaned] #- tools-docker[-clean] - ensures the tools container is available[/cleaned] #- protos - generate all protobuf artifacts based on .proto files #- clean - cleans the build area #- clean-all - superset of 'clean' that also removes persistent state #- dist-clean - clean release packages for all target platforms #- unit-test-clean - cleans unit test state (particularly from docker) #- basic-checks - performs basic checks like license, spelling and linter #- enable_ci_only_tests - triggers unit-tests in downstream jobs. Applicable only for CI not to use in the local machine. #- docker-thirdparty - pulls thirdparty images (kafka,zookeeper,couchdb) #- docker-tag-latest - re-tags the images made by 'make docker' with the :latest tag #- help-docs - generate the command reference docs

熟悉make的小伙伴肯定对这些不会陌生了,对于不熟悉的只需要记住make release就可以解决二进制不用墙的问题就好了。
