

export const createApp = ((...args) => { const app = ensureRenderer().createApp(...args) // ...return app }) as CreateAppFunction

function ensureRenderer() { return ( renderer || (renderer = createRenderer(rendererOptions)) ) }

export function createRenderer< HostNode = RendererNode, HostElement = RendererElement >(options: RendererOptions) { return baseCreateRenderer(options) }

return { render, hydrate, createApp: createAppAPI(render, hydrate) }

export const createApp = ((...args) => { const app = ensureRenderer().createApp(...args) // ...return app }) as CreateAppFunction

export function createAppAPI( render: RootRenderFunction, hydrate?: RootHydrateFunction ): CreateAppFunction { return function createApp(rootComponent, rootProps = null) { // ... } }


function createApp(rootComponent, rootProps = null) { if (!isFunction(rootComponent)) { rootComponent = { ...rootComponent } }if (rootProps != null && !isObject(rootProps)) { __DEV__ && warn(`root props passed to app.mount() must be an object.`) rootProps = null }const context = createAppContext() const installedPlugins = new Set()let isMounted = falseconst app: App = (context.app = { _uid: uid++, _component: rootComponent as ConcreteComponent, _props: rootProps, _container: null, _context: context, _instance: null,version,get config() { return context.config },set config(v) { if (__DEV__) { warn( `app.config cannot be replaced. Modify individual options instead.` ) } },use(plugin: Plugin, ...options: any[]) { if (installedPlugins.has(plugin)) { __DEV__ && warn(`Plugin has already been applied to target app.`) } else if (plugin && isFunction(plugin.install)) { installedPlugins.add(plugin) plugin.install(app, ...options) } else if (isFunction(plugin)) { installedPlugins.add(plugin) plugin(app, ...options) } else if (__DEV__) { warn( `A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "install" ` + `function.` ) } return app },mixin(mixin: ComponentOptions) { if (__FEATURE_OPTIONS_API__) { if (!context.mixins.includes(mixin)) { context.mixins.push(mixin) } else if (__DEV__) { warn( 'Mixin has already been applied to target app' + (mixin.name ? `: ${mixin.name}` : '') ) } } else if (__DEV__) { warn('Mixins are only available in builds supporting Options API') } return app },component(name: string, component?: Component): any { if (__DEV__) { validateComponentName(name, context.config) } if (!component) { return context.components[name] } if (__DEV__ && context.components[name]) { warn(`Component "${name}" has already been registered in target app.`) } context.components[name] = component return app },directive(name: string, directive?: Directive) { if (__DEV__) { validateDirectiveName(name) }if (!directive) { return context.directives[name] as any } if (__DEV__ && context.directives[name]) { warn(`Directive "${name}" has already been registered in target app.`) } context.directives[name] = directive return app },mount( rootContainer: HostElement, isHydrate?: boolean, isSVG?: boolean ): any { if (!isMounted) { // #5571 if (__DEV__ && (rootContainer as any).__vue_app__) { warn( `There is already an app instance mounted on the host container.\n` + ` If you want to mount another app on the same host container,` + ` you need to unmount the previous app by calling \`app.unmount()\` first.` ) } const vnode = createVNode( rootComponent as ConcreteComponent, rootProps ) // store app context on the root VNode. // this will be set on the root instance on initial mount. vnode.appContext = context// HMR root reload if (__DEV__) { context.reload = () => { render(cloneVNode(vnode), rootContainer, isSVG) } }if (isHydrate && hydrate) { hydrate(vnode as VNode, rootContainer as any) } else { render(vnode, rootContainer, isSVG) } isMounted = true app._container = rootContainer // for devtools and telemetry ; (rootContainer as any).__vue_app__ = appif (__DEV__ || __FEATURE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) { app._instance = vnode.component devtoolsInitApp(app, version) }return getExposeProxy(vnode.component!) || vnode.component!.proxy } else if (__DEV__) { warn( `App has already been mounted.\n` + `If you want to remount the same app, move your app creation logic ` + `into a factory function and create fresh app instances for each ` + `mount - e.g. \`const createMyApp = () => createApp(App)\`` ) } },unmount() { if (isMounted) { render(null, app._container) if (__DEV__ || __FEATURE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) { app._instance = null devtoolsUnmountApp(app) } delete app._container.__vue_app__ } else if (__DEV__) { warn(`Cannot unmount an app that is not mounted.`) } },provide(key, value) { if (__DEV__ && (key as string | symbol) in context.provides) { warn( `App already provides property with key "${String(key)}". ` + `It will be overwritten with the new value.` ) }context.provides[key as string | symbol] = valuereturn app } })if (__COMPAT__) { installAppCompatProperties(app, context, render) }return app }

if (!isFunction(rootComponent)) { rootComponent = { ...rootComponent } }if (rootProps != null && !isObject(rootProps)) { __DEV__ && warn(`root props passed to app.mount() must be an object.`) rootProps = null }

export function createAppContext(): AppContext { return { app: null as any, config: { // 一个判断是否为原生标签的函数 isNativeTag: NO, performance: false, globalProperties: {}, // 自定义options的合并策略 optionMergeStrategies: {}, errorHandler: undefined, warnHandler: undefined, // 组件模板的运行时编译器选项 compilerOptions: {} }, // 存储全局混入的mixin mixins: [], // 保存全局注册的组件 components: {}, // 保存注册的全局指令 directives: {}, // 保存全局provide的值 provides: Object.create(null), // 缓存组件被解析过的options(合并了全局mixins、extends、局部mixins) optionsCache: new WeakMap(), // 缓存每个组件经过标准化的的props options propsCache: new WeakMap(), // 缓存每个组件经过标准化的的emits options emitsCache: new WeakMap() } }

const installedPlugins = new Set() let isMounted = false

const app: APP = (context.app = { //... })

if (__COMPAT__) { installAppCompatProperties(app, context, render) }

const app: App = (context.app = { _uid: uid++, _component: rootComponent as ConcreteComponent, _props: rootProps, _container: null, _context: context, _instance: null,version,get config() { // ... },set config(v) { // ... },use(plugin: Plugin, ...options: any[]) { //... },mixin(mixin: ComponentOptions) { //... },component(name: string, component?: Component): any { //... },directive(name: string, directive?: Directive) { //... },mount( rootContainer: HostElement, isHydrate?: boolean, isSVG?: boolean ): any { //... },unmount() { //... },provide(key, value) { //... } })

  • _uidapp的唯一标识,每次都会使用uid为新app的唯一标识,在赋值后,uid会进行自增,以便下一个app使用
  • _component:根组件
  • _props:根组件所需的props
  • _container:需要将根组件渲染到的容器
  • _contextapp的上下文
  • _instance:根组件的实例
  • versionvue的版本
  • get config:获取上下文中的config
    get config() { return context.config }

  • set config:拦截app.configset操作,防止app.config被修改
    set config(v) { if (__DEV__) { warn( `app.config cannot be replaced. Modify individual options instead.` ) } }

app.use() 使用app.use方法安装plugin。对于重复安装多次的plugin,只会进行安装一次,这都依靠installedPlugins,每次安装新的plugin后,都会将plugin存入installedPlugins,这样如果再次安装同样的plugin,就会避免多次安装。
use(plugin: Plugin, ...options: any[]) { // 如果已经安装过plugin,则不需要再次安装 if (installedPlugins.has(plugin)) { __DEV__ && warn(`Plugin has already been applied to target app.`) } else if (plugin && isFunction(plugin.install)) { // 如果存在plugin,并且plugin.install是个方法 // 将plugin添加到installedPlugins installedPlugins.add(plugin) // 调用plugin.install plugin.install(app, ...options) } else if (isFunction(plugin)) { 如果plugin是方法 // 将plugin添加到installedPlugins installedPlugins.add(plugin) // 调plugin plugin(app, ...options) } else if (__DEV__) { warn( `A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "install" ` + `function.` ) } // 最后返回app,以便可以链式调用app的方法 return app }

app.mixin() 使用app.mixin进行全局混入,被混入的对象会被存在上下文中的mixins中。注意mixin只会在支持options api的版本中才能使用,在mixin中会通过__FEATURE_OPTIONS_API__进行判断,这个变量会在打包过程中借助@rollup/plugin-replace进行替换。
mixin(mixin: ComponentOptions) { if (__FEATURE_OPTIONS_API__) { if (!context.mixins.includes(mixin)) { context.mixins.push(mixin) } else if (__DEV__) { warn( 'Mixin has already been applied to target app' + (mixin.name ? `: ${mixin.name}` : '') ) } } else if (__DEV__) { warn('Mixins are only available in builds supporting Options API') } return app }

app.component() 使用app.compoent全局注册组件,也可用来获取name对应的组件。被注册的组件会被存在上下文中的components中。
component(name: string, component?: Component): any { // 验证组件名是否符合要求 if (__DEV__) { validateComponentName(name, context.config) } // 如果不存在component,那么会返回name对应的组件 if (!component) { return context.components[name] } if (__DEV__ && context.components[name]) { warn(`Component "${name}" has already been registered in target app.`) } context.components[name] = component return app }

app.directive() 注册全局指令,也可用来获取name对应的指令对象。注册的全局指令会被存入上下文中的directives中。
directive(name: string, directive?: Directive) { // 验证指令名称 if (__DEV__) { validateDirectiveName(name) } // 如果不存在directive,则返回name对应的指令对象 if (!directive) { return context.directives[name] as any } if (__DEV__ && context.directives[name]) { warn(`Directive "${name}" has already been registered in target app.`) } context.directives[name] = directive return app }

app.mount() 此处的app.mount并不是我们平时使用到的mount。创建完渲染器,执行完渲染器的createApp后,会重写mount方法,我们使用的mount方法是被重写的mount方法。
mount( rootContainer: HostElement, isHydrate?: boolean, isSVG?: boolean ): any { // 如果未挂载,开始挂载 if (!isMounted) { // 如果存在rootContainer.__vue_app__,说明容器中已经存在一个app实例了,需要先使用unmount进行卸载 if (__DEV__ && (rootContainer as any).__vue_app__) { warn( `There is already an app instance mounted on the host container.\n` + ` If you want to mount another app on the same host container,` + ` you need to unmount the previous app by calling \`app.unmount()\` first.` ) } // 创建根组件的虚拟DOM const vnode = createVNode( rootComponent as ConcreteComponent, rootProps ) // 将上下文添加到根组件虚拟dom的appContext属性中 vnode.appContext = context// HMR root reload if (__DEV__) { context.reload = () => { render(cloneVNode(vnode), rootContainer, isSVG) } }// 同构渲染 if (isHydrate && hydrate) { hydrate(vnode as VNode, rootContainer as any) } else { // 客户端渲染 render(vnode, rootContainer, isSVG) } // 渲染完成后将isMounted置为true isMounted = true // 将容器添加到app的_container属性中 app._container = rootContainer // 将rootContainer.__vue_app__指向app实例 ; (rootContainer as any).__vue_app__ = appif (__DEV__ || __FEATURE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) { // 将根组件实例赋给app._instance app._instance = vnode.component devtoolsInitApp(app, version) }// 返回根组件expose的属性 return getExposeProxy(vnode.component!) || vnode.component!.proxy } else if (__DEV__) { // 已经挂载了 warn( `App has already been mounted.\n` + `If you want to remount the same app, move your app creation logic ` + `into a factory function and create fresh app instances for each ` + `mount - e.g. \`const createMyApp = () => createApp(App)\`` ) } }

app.unmount() 卸载应用实例。
unmount() { // 如果已经挂载才能进行卸载 if (isMounted) { // 调用redner函数,此时虚拟节点为null,代表会清空容器中的内容 render(null, app._container) if (__DEV__ || __FEATURE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) { // 将app._instance置空 app._instance = null devtoolsUnmountApp(app) } // 删除容器中的__vue_app__ delete app._container.__vue_app__ } else if (__DEV__) { warn(`Cannot unmount an app that is not mounted.`) } }

app.provide() 全局注入一些数据。这些数据会被存入上下文对象的provides中。
provide(key, value) { if (__DEV__ && (key as string | symbol) in context.provides) { warn( `App already provides property with key "${String(key)}". ` + `It will be overwritten with the new value.` ) }context.provides[key as string | symbol] = valuereturn app }

