英语流利说Level4|英语流利说Level4 Unit2 Part4-A Video Project 1&2

A Video Project 1
Congratulations Lisa!恭喜Lisa!
【英语流利说Level4|英语流利说Level4 Unit2 Part4-A Video Project 1&2】Congratulations for what?恭喜你为了什么?
We just heard the news.我们刚听到这个消息
What news! Don't keep me insuspense.什么新闻!别吊我胃口。
QuickServe has accepted your video proposal.QuickServe已经接受了你的视频提案。
Already? I just submitted it a week ago.已经确定吗?我一周前才提交的。
Maybe so, but they like it so much that they made a quick decision.也许是这样,但是他们太喜欢了,所以很快就做出了决定。
They wanted you to get started on it as soon as possible.他们希望你尽快开始。
That's a great news, but I'm still working on some other projects.这是个好消息,但我还在做其他的项目。
They need to be finished first.他们需要优先完成。
Can't you delay some ofourother project?你不能推迟一下我们的其他项目吗?
I'm not sure. How important is this project?我不确定。这个项目有多重要?
They're putting a lot of pressure on us now, especially since they read your proposal.他们现在对我们施加了很大的压力,特别是自从他们读了你的建议之后。
They really like it.他们真的很喜欢。
It's a very creative way of presenting their company.这是展示他们公司的一种很有创意的方式。
It had everybody laughing.它让每个人都笑了(这让大家都感到满意)
Yes, that was the idea.是的,就是这个意思。
It was fun to do and our whole team thought it was funny.这很有趣,我们整个团队都觉得很有趣
Well, great job.哦,不错的工作
I think it's the best work your team has ever done.我认为这是你们团队做过的最好的工作。
A Video Project 2 When can you get started on the project?你什么时候可以开始这个项目?
Are they going to pay extra?他们会付额外的钱吗?
In my proposal, I said the earliest start date would be one month after signing the contract.在我的建议书中,我说最早的开工日期是签订合同后一个月。
Was that in the proposal?提案里有吗?
Yes, it was.是的,它有。
Have they signed the contract yet?他们签合同了吗?
No, they haven't.不,他们没有。
But I'm sure that they will right away.但是我相信他们马上就会的。
They'll also need to make an advance payment.他们还需要提前付款。
That was in the proposal, too.提案中也提到了这一点。
We can't stop everything else just because they're excited.我们不能因为他们兴奋就停止一切。
OK, I'll get back to them and let them know.好的,我会再联系他们,让他们知道的。
Yes, please do.是的,请这样做。
I've been through this kind of thing before.我以前经历过这种事。
