Opening|Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 August 2

Opening|Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 August 2
【作者】Eileen Caddy

LEARN to act spontaneously, to act by intuition, and to do what your heart prompts you to do, not just what your mind tells you is reasonable or sensible. Some acts of pure love may appear to be very unreasonable, even foolish, in the eyes of others but it matters not. When you are prompted to act, do so and do not stop to weigh it up or even wonder why you are doing it. That small act of love may have some very far-reaching effect. It may not even reveal itself to begin with. Do not waste time looking for results; simply do what you know you must do, and then leave the rest to Me. Sometimes it may take a long time for that seed of love to germinate in a hard, cold heart, but once it has been planted, sooner or later it will show itself. All you have to do is to do your part in faith, and know that all is very, very well.

【Opening|Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 August 2】那小小的爱的举动,可能有非常长远的影响。它可能在最开始都不会展露自己。不要浪费时间在寻求结果上面;仅仅只是做我知道需要去做的,然后将剩下的留给上天。有些时候,可能会需要很长的时间让那爱的种籽在一颗坚硬、冰冷的心中发芽,但是一旦它被种下,迟早它会展露它自己。我所需要做的,只是在信念中完成我的部分,然后要知道一切都非常非常好。
