Opening|Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 June 8

Opening|Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 June 8
【作者】Eileen Caddy
What is your first thought on waking? Is it one of pure joy for another wonderful day, or do you dread what today might bright? Is it an effort to get into tune and into rhythm with this day? Can you wake up with a song of praise and thanksgiving in your heart? What a difference it will make for you when you can do it, when you can start the day by putting on rose-tinted spectacles and seeing everything through them throughout the day. Start out on the right foot. Be not concerned about tomorrow; the only thing that matters is today, what you do today and what you make of it. Simply know that you can and will make a real success of today and that everything you do will be done perfectly. Know that everything you say will be said with love, that everything you think will be of the highest, and that nothing but the very best will be yours today.

【Opening|Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 June 8】从正确的地方开始。不要担心明天;今天才是唯一重要的,我在今天做些什么,我在这一天创造什么。仅仅只需知道,我可以并将会在今天创造真正的成功,并且我所做的一切都会完美地完成。要知道,我所说出口的每一句话,都会带着爱;我所思索的每一件事都是从最高的角度出发;并且除了最好的不会有任何其他事在我的今天发生。
